I'm a 16 year old male and the past few months have been absolute hell for me. In around August, I started experiencing softer stools and increased flatulence, but I simply put it down to the stress of results day which was coming up. The symptoms continued, but since I was still going once a day, I just ignored it.
However, gradually I started to need to go more and more and the stools became increasingly more runny, and often quite violent. This wasn't persistent so I once again ignored the symptoms. A few weeks later, I started to notice bleeding because of an anal fissure (which I have had problems with since I was 13). I put all of this blood down to the fissure initially, although because of the amount, it did cross my mind that blood could also be coming from my bowel. At this point, I went to see my GP and was told that the fissure would be treated with cream and that the bowel issues are simply down to stress and worry.
At the start of November, the symptoms took another turn for the worse. I started to get desperate urges to go to the toilet, and school had become 8 hours of complete worry. I'd often be sitting there, and I'd then feel my stomach 'clunking' and I'd feel a sudden urge to go. Since I really disliked the school toilets, I had to hold in several of these urges per day, until it finally got too much and I had to miss a week of school. I went for another appointment, and I was then given blood tests to determine whether I had IBS or IBD.
I was hoping it'd be IBS since it runs in my family anyway, and I heard it can be easily treatable. However, I got my results and was told that they show inflammation is present. I was told I'd need a colonoscopy to determine whether it's Crohn's or UC. I burst out crying because it sounded all too scary and I still have the fear in my mind that I could have cancer.
School starts again on Monday, and although I have been given some Loperamide, I still get unpredictable urges, just with less frequency. I don't feel comfortable going out with friends and I have tickets booked to travel half way down the country to meet with some friends in late January. It feels like my whole year is going to be ruined, and above all, the worry of cancer is stressing me out to the extent where I get random panic attacks. Does anyone have any advice on how to relax, relieve symptoms or help prevent urges? Also, is cancer likely for my age group? Could this still be IBS?
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
I'm a 16 year old male and the past few months have been absolute hell for me. In around August, I started experiencing softer stools and increased flatulence, but I simply put it down to the stress of results day which was coming up. The symptoms continued, but since I was still going once a day, I just ignored it.
However, gradually I started to need to go more and more and the stools became increasingly more runny, and often quite violent. This wasn't persistent so I once again ignored the symptoms. A few weeks later, I started to notice bleeding because of an anal fissure (which I have had problems with since I was 13). I put all of this blood down to the fissure initially, although because of the amount, it did cross my mind that blood could also be coming from my bowel. At this point, I went to see my GP and was told that the fissure would be treated with cream and that the bowel issues are simply down to stress and worry.
At the start of November, the symptoms took another turn for the worse. I started to get desperate urges to go to the toilet, and school had become 8 hours of complete worry. I'd often be sitting there, and I'd then feel my stomach 'clunking' and I'd feel a sudden urge to go. Since I really disliked the school toilets, I had to hold in several of these urges per day, until it finally got too much and I had to miss a week of school. I went for another appointment, and I was then given blood tests to determine whether I had IBS or IBD.
I was hoping it'd be IBS since it runs in my family anyway, and I heard it can be easily treatable. However, I got my results and was told that they show inflammation is present. I was told I'd need a colonoscopy to determine whether it's Crohn's or UC. I burst out crying because it sounded all too scary and I still have the fear in my mind that I could have cancer.
School starts again on Monday, and although I have been given some Loperamide, I still get unpredictable urges, just with less frequency. I don't feel comfortable going out with friends and I have tickets booked to travel half way down the country to meet with some friends in late January. It feels like my whole year is going to be ruined, and above all, the worry of cancer is stressing me out to the extent where I get random panic attacks. Does anyone have any advice on how to relax, relieve symptoms or help prevent urges? Also, is cancer likely for my age group? Could this still be IBS?
Thanks for taking the time to read this.