Worried about possible surgery-really need advice

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Oct 11, 2009
Here is what has happened so far: I hadn't pooped in 10 days but wasn't in much pain. I didn't want to do anything about it, but people on this forum convinced me to call my Drs office (thanks guys!). I had been taking lots of laxatives with no effect. The nurse told me to go to the ER right away, which I did. They did X-rays, which confirmed that I was full of poo, but they couldn't figure out why so they sent me home. The next day, my Drs office called and the nurse said that I had a narrowing of the intestines and a twist causing a blockage. The nurse told me that I could see my Dr on the 10th, and that I should do a liquid diet until then.

I have called a few times since then trying to get a strait answer as to what will be the next step. It has been about 13 days now, and although I have had a tiny bit of bowel movement, I am taking a ton of Laxatives, and really nothing is happening still.

The nurse told me that she can not tell me if I will be getting surgery or not and that my Dr wants to talk to me about my options when I see him.

Frankly, I am freaking out. I am not in much pain, I am mostly just uncomfortable, but I do have stabbing pains off and on that scare me. I have been trying to make it to work, but I am throwing up a lot, and don't like rushing down the hall to do so.

What do you all think? Does it sound like I need surgery? What other out come could their be? Is it okay for me to wait on something like this? It doesn't seem good for the body to go this long without eliminating.

I have never had major surgery before, although I have had minor surgery on fistulas. I don't know what to expect, and I am not able to get any answers. The not knowing is scaring the heck out of me.

Any advice would be really appreciated. I feel really alone right now and I don't know where to turn. I'm scared that I might have a rupture if I wait too long.

I have had a small bowel movement, but it was very small and with the amount of laxatives I have been taking for the past week, pretty disappointing.

Thanks for listening. If you have any ideas, please respond.
The best advice I can give you is go make a joke about it with who ever is around and go watch a movie or something. Get your mind off this.

The stress from worrying over it only compounds the issue. Relax and do some breathing exercises. Think about something fun. Try and let any tension in your stomach mussels wash away.

I have done the liquid diet thing For 2 months preceding a surgery and I am quite happy and healthy now. It will be ok and it will go even better if you can hang out with your hubby and do some laughing and smiling while you wait :)
I'm with kenny on this one. If your doctor thinks that you're ok to wait till the 10th, they can't be that concerned about rupture. Try and relax, drink lots of fluids...try and get your mind off of things. Good luck!
Don't be afraid of surgery. Many of us have been through it and I don't think any of us knew how much they would be taking out before we went under or what are scars would look like or how many. Surgery is and will always be a last resort and isn't as scary as it was back when I had mine in 1999.

For me I see surgery as a chance to finally get some sleep. Sure I felt terrible after my surgery but that's only temporary. We're tough and you will be just fine if they decide that that's the best option for you. You'll be put to sleep, wake up to some pain and good news.

I think if you come to terms with possible surgery, you'll feel much better and can begin to relax.
It is so surprising with a twisted bowel that you are not in agony, and the spasms in the stabbing pains from the twisting and therefore nothing passes and you throw it up. It is tough to wait that long, and if the pains do get bad I would go to ER. Are you feverish in any way? Relaxing is good advice, heat is good too. AS they say keep fluids down, right now that is more important so you dont dehydrate. Hang in there ok. Keep us posted.
Why can't you see your doctor til the 10th? That makes me upset to hear, seeing as what you are going through sounds very serious. If your dr's office told you to go on a liquid diet until then, they obviously recognize something is wrong. I feel like you should be seeing your doctor immediately :( I really hope you start to feel better soon and get the problems sorted out. I know what it's like to go WEEKS without pooping. that was my life story all throughout childhood. i was diagnosed with crohn's through a catscan at age 9 showing that "i had enough poop in me to fill an elephant." i had a major obstruction that went totally unseen/ignored by doctors for months
Also, I would STRONGLY suggest an enema. that will definitely get things moving in there, because it really is not good to let stool sit around for so long, and taking laxatives isn't gonna help if you're all blocked up
Kenny and Nyx, I will try to relax. You are right that stress can't be helping.

Kasper87, I have been wanting to get a heating pad, but i haven't gotten one yet. It sounds like it would feel good.

CrabbyRelish, thanks for the reassurance. There is a part of me that is hoping for surgery, I just really hate not knowing if that is where this is leading.

Jettalady, I have been having a bit more pain today, but I agree that it seems like it should be more. I have been taking pain meds that they prescribed me at the ER so that is helping. If I start to have worse pain, I will go to the ER.

Mharvey, I did an enema two days ago and nothing. It seems weird to me too that they are making me wait until the 10th to see my Dr, but I guess that means that they don't think it is that serious.

Thanks everyone for your good advice and for taking the time to respond! I'll keep you all posted on how I am doing.
Good luck Jer's Girl hope it all works out.. keeping my fingers and toes cross for you :)
Tan, thanks for your support.

Good news everybody! I finally pooped! The bad news is that with 2 full weeks of laxatives finally kicking in, my body feels pretty terrible. I am in quite a bit of pain. Hopefully this wont last all day, although I would be glad to get as much stuff out as possible.
Jer's girl, I am so happy to hear that you finally had a BM. I have suffered from not having one before for over 10 days. I also had very little pain and when I finally pooped it was like pooping little rabbit poop.
Still need to see your Dr and get this straightened out coz it is still a problem that needs corrected.
I will be thinking of you till you find out what's going on and what your options are.

Thanks guys! I still will see my Dr for sure. It had been a full two weeks. I can't believe it but I swear I just dropped 5 pounds in one day!!! No lie! Gross! My jeans sure feel a lot better though! Tee hee!
Jer's Girl said:
Thanks guys! I still will see my Dr for sure. It had been a full two weeks. I can't believe it but I swear I just dropped 5 pounds in one day!!! No lie! Gross! My jeans sure feel a lot better though! Tee hee!
lol I know that feeling all too well! Every other day for this guy and I eat a LOT! :poo:
So Jer's when is the plumber due to come fix your toilet. Did it cause one of those big splashes that soaks your butt? How much toilet paper have you gone through today? Oh, I have a million questions and so little time to ask. lol

I'm am glad you feel so much better.
It wasn't as messy as you might think. It just kind of happened and was done.

My boyfriend is sooo happy for me LOL! The things that stop bothering you when you are with someone long enough and you really love them. :)

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