I found this forum while looking for information on my symptoms. I don’t know what is wrong with me yet and I have my first appointment with the gastroenterologist on April 21st. I have read a lot about different causes of colitis but my symptoms don’t seem to fit into any one category. I would appreciate any feedback people could give me. I apologize in advance about the length of this post and the description of my symptoms but I don’t know how else to explain what I have experienced.
I’m a 42 y.o. female with no known family history of IBD (don’t know much about my father and his side of the family). First bout of colitis occurred in May 2010. It was a normal evening at home but all of a sudden I got terrible abdominal pains like I needed to have a BM. Along with the pain was gurgling noises. Even though I tried, I could not have a BM for about 2 hours. When I finally did it started out looking normal and quickly turned into explosive diarrhea. I had about 3 diarrhea episodes over the next hour and then it turned into bloody diarrhea. I was passing blood and pus (not sure what it was but it looked white) about once every hour for another 10 hours along with severe gurgling noises and abdominal pain. Finally went to urgent care at this point. They took a stool sample and blood samples. Put me on an antibiotic because the doc suspected an infection of some sort. When the stool test came back it was positive for C. Diff. After being on the antibiotics for 24 hours my symptoms went away and I thought it was the end of it.
In January 2011 was out to dinner with my husband and started feeling the same type of symptoms I had in May, gurgling and abdominal pain. Went home, wanted to have a BM but couldn’t. Eventually passed stool which turned into diarrhea then bloody diarrhea. This went on all night, again passing blood and what I think was pus about every hour. Went to urgent care in the morning. I told them about the bout in May so they suspected C. Diff again. Took blood samples and stool sample and put me on antibiotic again. Within 24 hours of starting antibiotic my symptoms went away. This time the stool sample came back negative for C. Diff. My doctor said that I had an infection of some sort they just didn’t know what it was. She said having this happen twice in less than a year could be a coincidence but if it happened again she would send me to GI doc.
About 8 weeks later I had another bout. Same onset and symptoms as both times before. Went to urgent care yet again, told them my history. They took blood and wanted a stool sample but I couldn’t give one because my bm’s just stopped – nothing for 4 days. The urgent care doc had put me on antibiotics again so they said forget the stool sample, it wouldn’t be useful since I was on antibiotics for 4 days before I could provide one. At this point my regular doc said she didn’t think this was a coincidence anymore and put in a referral for the GI specialist and a colonoscopy.
Now that I have done some research on colitis I can see I have other symptoms over the past few months that may or may not be related. The others are:
-change in bowel habits – went from normal bm’s without straining to feeling of constipation, straining, and passing hard round stool when I finally do go.
-feeling of fullness/bloat in abdomen on the right side and sometimes lower center of abdomen near rectum
-feeling like I need to have a bm but can’t
-mucus when having a bm
-hip and knee pain
I’m stressed about this because I don’t know what is wrong with me and I’m really afraid of having another bout while we are out of state for my son’s college graduation in mid-May. I am hoping for some answers before then but after reading the posts here I suspect it may take much longer to get a diagnosis.
It seems like my symptoms are somewhat similar to UC but is it possible this is a recurring bacterial infection? How/why would I keep getting an infection like this?
Thanks for your time reading this.
I’m a 42 y.o. female with no known family history of IBD (don’t know much about my father and his side of the family). First bout of colitis occurred in May 2010. It was a normal evening at home but all of a sudden I got terrible abdominal pains like I needed to have a BM. Along with the pain was gurgling noises. Even though I tried, I could not have a BM for about 2 hours. When I finally did it started out looking normal and quickly turned into explosive diarrhea. I had about 3 diarrhea episodes over the next hour and then it turned into bloody diarrhea. I was passing blood and pus (not sure what it was but it looked white) about once every hour for another 10 hours along with severe gurgling noises and abdominal pain. Finally went to urgent care at this point. They took a stool sample and blood samples. Put me on an antibiotic because the doc suspected an infection of some sort. When the stool test came back it was positive for C. Diff. After being on the antibiotics for 24 hours my symptoms went away and I thought it was the end of it.
In January 2011 was out to dinner with my husband and started feeling the same type of symptoms I had in May, gurgling and abdominal pain. Went home, wanted to have a BM but couldn’t. Eventually passed stool which turned into diarrhea then bloody diarrhea. This went on all night, again passing blood and what I think was pus about every hour. Went to urgent care in the morning. I told them about the bout in May so they suspected C. Diff again. Took blood samples and stool sample and put me on antibiotic again. Within 24 hours of starting antibiotic my symptoms went away. This time the stool sample came back negative for C. Diff. My doctor said that I had an infection of some sort they just didn’t know what it was. She said having this happen twice in less than a year could be a coincidence but if it happened again she would send me to GI doc.
About 8 weeks later I had another bout. Same onset and symptoms as both times before. Went to urgent care yet again, told them my history. They took blood and wanted a stool sample but I couldn’t give one because my bm’s just stopped – nothing for 4 days. The urgent care doc had put me on antibiotics again so they said forget the stool sample, it wouldn’t be useful since I was on antibiotics for 4 days before I could provide one. At this point my regular doc said she didn’t think this was a coincidence anymore and put in a referral for the GI specialist and a colonoscopy.
Now that I have done some research on colitis I can see I have other symptoms over the past few months that may or may not be related. The others are:
-change in bowel habits – went from normal bm’s without straining to feeling of constipation, straining, and passing hard round stool when I finally do go.
-feeling of fullness/bloat in abdomen on the right side and sometimes lower center of abdomen near rectum
-feeling like I need to have a bm but can’t
-mucus when having a bm
-hip and knee pain
I’m stressed about this because I don’t know what is wrong with me and I’m really afraid of having another bout while we are out of state for my son’s college graduation in mid-May. I am hoping for some answers before then but after reading the posts here I suspect it may take much longer to get a diagnosis.
It seems like my symptoms are somewhat similar to UC but is it possible this is a recurring bacterial infection? How/why would I keep getting an infection like this?
Thanks for your time reading this.