Worst experience EVER!

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Jul 7, 2010
worst experience EVER!

So this morning I had upper gi and small bowel. They wouldn't give me a thing for nausea so the test usually takes people 2 to 4 hours and it took me 30 mins. Not to mention I was puking on everyone and had to go "potty" and they wouldn't let me so it came anyways! Very embarrassinggg! And the last thing the radiologist said was "life is so lovely with crohns" ....RIGHT ;)
That sucks, but I can do you one better.

When I was admitted to the hospital for the first time I had ulcers in every part of my GI tract from my mouth to my anus. I hadn't eaten for over a week so my GP admitted me because of dehydration and malnutrition. He at first thought I had AIDS which I told him was very improbable since I'm still a virgin. Well the first night of admission I started to poop massive amounts of blood so they transferred me to the ICU. In the ICU I had to get blood transfusions and diaper changes every 10 minutes because of the blood loss.

First they brought in an Infectious Disease doctor who said it wasn't AIDS, then they brought in an Oncologist who said it wasn't cancer, after that they brought in a poison specialist who said it wasn't poisoning, and finally they brought in a GI who couldn't figure out what the hell was going on and couldn't do a colonoscopy because of the blood loss. Of course during all this I was still pooping blood and having to get diaper changes. In the middle of the fiasco one of the nurses walked in and asked me how I was doing and I told her, "I feel like I'm in an episode of HOUSE."

Finally they said that I had to get a resection because of the blood loss and weren't sure what part of the colon was affected, so they had to go in blindly. They even told me that there was a 50/50 chance I could live or die. But luckily they did get the affected part and after 4 days that the tissue was with the pathologist I got a diagnosis.

Isn't the health system just perfect? *rolleyes*
One of my best friends is a nurse. She's so used to being pooped and puked on, it's really no big deal to them. Now that she has a desk job, she actually misses being with patients, even the gross stuff!!!
Yeesh, here I am feeling sorry for myself due to a bit of nausea and D.

I'm sorry you both had to go through this.
I think pretty much all of us with hospital experience/long term illness have puked on and/or lost bowel control, or bled, or lost bladder control on plenty of people-For me, let's see, best friend, former best friend, maid of honor, husband, Grandma, aunt, various friends, complete strangers and an innumerable number of health care professionals. I know since it just happened today it might be to early, but in my case it's momentarily embarassing but makes for great stories later :ytongue:.

I had a nurse whose job was to watch me have diarrhea so I wouldn't pass out on the toliet from blood loss tell me (after I apologized for being so disgusting) "Honey if I minded smells and stuff like this I wouldn't be a nurse!" My best girlfriend is a nurse and said the same as ameslouise, she doesn't even pay attention to bodily fluids, nudity, or vomitting anymore. She does wound care, as says she mostly feels bad for the patients' suffering and wants to make them comfortable and make sure they heal.

So sorry your day was so miserable-here's to a better tomorrow and some answers so you can get on the road to recovery!:beerchug:
If I could remember the first week of my 3 week hospital stay during my first flare up I would probably have a story to share. But the entire thing is a blur.
thanks for everyone who responded! I guess now looking back on it it makes a good story and even gives me a good laugh. Good thing nurses/doctors are used to this or else it would add to the awkwardness! :)
1st time I had a lower GI scope it was not good, since I did not prep well enough. They could tell I had a bad case of colitis, but did not know how much was involved. So another night of prep and back in for the lower GI scope. Which they did not let me do, wonder why. I hear this wheel squeaking sound coming towards my room. Then a nice RN walks in and tells me she is going to do my prep. Nothing like a warm soup water prep. I swear it was like a 55 gallon water solution. I was pooping bubbles, by the time she was done. The next am they pre-medicated me and the dr ask, "mind if I have an intern in the room when I do this"? WELL, lets say I am sure it was the medication that let me say, "SURE" and was also the medication that affected my hearing. I hear him talking about the procedure as all the air going in to my colon, as he is doing the scope. Felt like was using enough air to launch a hot air balloon. As soon as he was done, I stated, "I need to release some of this air!, he simply stated, "sure, go head". I let the worst and longest fart go out my life, was feeling so good, then I turned on my back to greet the 10 or so interns that watched the whole procedure. THANKS DR, for the good memories. LMPO
LOL Semicolon-thanks for the good laugh! Yeah I let out such an epic fart after my first colonoscopy my husband still brags about it!

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