Wow..alien-like mucus??

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Jan 3, 2010
Hi all....

Well..the countdown is GI appt is Friday. Anyways....since Sunday I've been having increased tummy pain and my stools just keep getting weirder...:eek2: . This is TMI...but I guess you all are probably used to TMI topics. mucus issue seems to be getting worse. Yesterday, my stool had major mucus attached to's like nothing I've ever seen...(and being a nurse, I've seen my share of odd things). I don't even know how to describe was like big blobs of stringy pink mucus...with an occasional streaking of bright red blood. It is almost scaring me because it is so odd looking! It was so almost looked like tissue or something??

Just wondering if you guys have anything similar?

Also...I've been noticing a change in my poo itself. I had been dealing with major constipation/hard it seems to be like mush and seems to be really gritty/grainy...and has lots of bits of undigested food.....ewwww...anyone get this?

Ok...sorry for all the questions from the


I've had that Olivia...scary the first time you see it!!! Keep an eye on the blood though, you can lose alot in a short period of time and not really even know it till you faint (that happened to me!). Good luck with your GI appointment, hopefully they'll get you on something to stop the alien poos!

The only time I had serious mucous in my stool and strange looking stools were when I had a C. diff infection.

Have you been on any antibiotics?
Yes Olivia, I get it frequently but never blood until just a few weeks ago and went to emerg because I was vomiting and had D. I usually lose the mucous lining a few days after my cycle. Like clock work. I am on 40mg of prednisone so I dont feel the pain but bloat for sure. Usually I get pain associated with it and last for about 4 days and back on antibiotics. Flagyl 2 doses of 250mg keeps it under wraps. A few weeks ago I was only on Entocort and Pentasa and wasnt working, obviously and first time blood was there, they did an immediate Sigmoid scope and biopsy. The GI says Colitis. I am assuming Crohn's Colitis because apparently it is said on here that you cannot or impossible to have UC and CD at the same time... My sister was dx with both so I have had the disease for years, and so has my sister who is a major bleeder.

I have my appt with my Gi next Monday and get all my tests revealed, I have no idea what is next because I have exhausted all drugs, none work or they cause too many bad side effects. Sorry for babbling.. if it ain't one thing it is another! :(
Yes, I've had that before, when I've had infection in addition to the flare-up. The doctor can test for both-sorry you're so sick!
yeah i get that weird mucous too only in a flare up, and yeah all i can pass sometimes is big bits of yellowy pinky mucous with big clots of blood, dont even need to have any stool there...just depends how the flare up is....the rest of the time when i am well its fine.
but yeah keep track of how much blood your losing, had a few close calls with transfusions cos i never realised how bad it was.
hope you get somewhere soon, looks like you are in a bit of a flare. keep us updated...
Thanks for all the comments and support everyone! I keep thinking that I'm not "sick" enough to have something like Crohn's....don't have the diarrhea, weight loss, nausea,etc.....but I guess the mucus thing is not right...and obviously..I have the chronic right sided we'll see. I am really finding out that crohn's comes in all colors. My appt. is today...I'm a little nervous..not really sure why?? I'll update everyone when I'm back. Thanks again!!


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