Wow! I get to prep tomorrow!! Fun! NOT

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Dynastic Overlord
Sep 22, 2012
Well, I get to prep tomorrow and scoped Wednesday morning. I'm dreading this scope I think more then any off the countless ones before it. It may sound strange, but I sure hope I get to be scoped many more times in the future.

Hopefully what they called "indefinite for dysplasia" in June was helped with these past several months of Humira.

Don't think I have ever been so anxious about being scoped before. Just the time of the years this is being done make me uneasy. I usually have my yearly scopes in the summer. There is all kind of stuff going through my head even though I've been through this so many time I can't count. Like what if this is time they perforate my colon with the scope and then I'll have to have surgery. Then I think what if that happens and something terrible happens doing surgery and I bite the big one, then my wife & kids have that memory right before Christmas.

I know I'm most likely over thinking this whole thing and this will most likely go as smooth as any of the ones I had done before, but for some reason I just can't stop worrying.
You'll be fine Dukeis. :D My mind wanders too far pretty often as well. Like you I've had countless scopes and never had any complications. Sounds like this one will be pretty routine and they want to get it done before all your doctors go off somewhere for the holidays. All of mine like to skip town. :p "What ifs" just cause unneeded stress so do your best to relax and get that prep down first. One step at a time. ;) Let us know how it goes. :)

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