WoW playing Crohnies

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My hubby used to be addicted to WoW. I used to play with him some, but haven't played in months now. My daughter was on there the other day messing around though lol
I love, love, love WoW!!! I haven't played since last year, but plan to get back into it once my computer makes it back from Calgary. I wanna play right now!! lol
Cool ... I got a buncha RL friends playing on HellScream (Alliance). It's a nice escape, specially during a flair. Recliner w/heat, heating pad, laptop and wow. Fortunately since my resection and cimzia i haven't had to deal with flairs (yet). hehehehe
I've just had surgery and haven't had to deal with flares yet either :) I'll let everyone know when I get my old computer back and can play....
It's nice not being in agony all the time. My only problem now is i'm eating everything in site because i can and it doesn't hurt. For the first time in probably two years i'm starting to get a gut on me LMAO.

Absolutely! Would be cool to run some five mans with a fellow Crohny. I don't get into raiding much because of family and bio's, although i'm with a great raiding guild on HS.
I used to play, it was a great way to escape when I was too sick to do much. Playing with friends while using skype to talk to them was a nice way to socialize when I couldn't leave the house. But when I started feeling better I found the time commitment to be too much.
so are they going to blow up Azeroth with this new xpack? Will people still be able to play the old wow even?

I was out after the first three months. I went back to Shadowbane and then on to Darkfall. I liked the old school mmos better. I have no current subscriptions now. These things suck too much time and I start to kick my own butt thinking of all the constructive RL things I should be doing instead.
I dunno .. i hope there is some way to go play old world content. I'm not sure how that may be possible though.

Ya I try to keep my wow time in balance. I'm not hardcore by any means, but it's easy to get sucked in if you're not careful. It's definitely nice though during a flair.
The thing I hate about WoW is when people PM me and I have no idea what they're saying! I"m a new player and have no idea what all the acryonyms
Come play on hellscream when you can get back on. We have a great group of pps that just like to have fun. And don't feel bad. I still have to ask what there talking about.
Guess i never posted my toon.

Lvl. 80 Human pally
Protection / Retribution

also working on

57/58 Night Elf warrior
@pewpew hey .. we can't all be horde otherwise you guys would have no butts to kick in battle grounds 8P

As far as not having a life .. i am SOOOO ready for winter to be over. I think i'm getting the winter blahs...
shawne said:
@pewpew hey .. we can't all be horde otherwise you guys would have no butts to kick in battle grounds 8P

As far as not having a life .. i am SOOOO ready for winter to be over. I think i'm getting the winter blahs...

Got that right! :p
I went to Blizzcon last year and it was such a blast. Hoping we can get tickets this year so we can go again.

I am sooooo not ready for winter to be over here. It's already getting warm. It's in the high 70's now but in the summer it gets to 117!
Ummm ... wow .. i don't blame you for not wanting winter to end LMAO. Being from central PA, we seem to be right in the crosshairs for winter weather. Hopefully it's done dumping on us now for the rest of the season.
My hubby and I are on Killrogg.
I have a level 80 Disc Priest and an 80 FrostFire Mage

Hubby has a level 80 Warrior and an 80 Shaman

We had our own guild with some RL friends and some WoW friends, but we haven't played in awhile..just got burnt out I guess.

Could be a LONG 5 man with a bunch of Chronies, if they aren't all in remission :)
How do you get to level 80 btw? I've been playing for over a year and I'm still only level 50-something Night Elf. Mind you, I haven't played since last November....I'm jonesin' for now though! Damn
Nyx said:
How do you get to level 80 btw?

Time. That's it really. It's a game that is designed to be time consuming. ;)

Before my operation I had plenty of time on my hands. I think I have two level 70s on Durotan. I haven't played for over two years, but all this talk is tempting me...
Lots of questing with "rested expierence". Basically when you log off, make sure your character is at an inn or city where you can see the "Zzz" on your characters portrait.

I do best just by doing the quests..Do you have any of the expansions yet? The first one was "The burning crusade" which raised the level cap from 60 to 70. Then "Wrath of the Lich King" raised it from 70 to 80. There is another expansion coming out "Cataclysm" which will raise the cap again from 80 to 85.

In order to "make it to 80" you would need both Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King... and patience 8)
Thanks Shawn...I don't have Wrath of the Lich King....guess I'll have to be buying that! Oh, and get my computer shipped back from

@Wiles, I'm feeling the same!!! lol
Nic said:
Could be a LONG 5 man with a bunch of Chronies, if they aren't all in remission :)

THUS the reason i do not raid! :ylol2: I have a couple local friends one a healer another dps, i tank and we all just deal LMAO.
shawne said:
THUS the reason i do not raid! :ylol2: I have a couple local friends one a healer another dps, i tank and we all just deal LMAO.
Haha! Luckily our raiding group was all close friends because I actually left a raid once. Right around the time of my diagnosis, I suddenly got really sick and spent the rest of the raid laying in my bathroom floor, throwing up periodically!! Thank goodness they were all very understanding...also helped that my hubby was the raid leader so he could let them know that I didn't just bail!!
I play a dwarf priest named dorfy on Tichondrius. We're probably a week or two away from killing Lich King on 25 man and are working on 10 man hardmodes with about half of them done.
I guess I need to break down and buy the Lich King thing eh? My life is soooo
I played for a few months, but lost interest pretty quick. Only MMO I am currently playing is City of Heroes, but had played most that have come out the last year.

Waiting to sell my soul for the SW: KOTOR MMO next year.
I haven't played WoW in many many months. My computer doesn't work anymore (using my bf's now) and I can't afford to pay fo it each month at the moment. I didn't even get the chance to get to lvl 80. I play a Druid, Horde, lvl 72 (I think).

For the Horde!
After a year and a half hiatus I am going to start playing again. I used to be horde but I am going to start over again as an alliance. I hear they made the 0-60 grind super easy.
I would wait for cataclysm to come out if you are going to level 1-60 unless you want to do the 1-60 grind a few times. The entire area of the game from the original release is going to be drastically changed and 2 new races and a bunch of new race/class combinations are going to come out. The only downside to waiting is that it will likely be 4-6 months before the release. So I guess the best option if you want to play now is to level up a new character to 80 then when cataclysm comes out I highly recommend doing a new character with all the changes.
I'd say level to 80 now so once you hit Northrend with another character at lvl 70 you can fly around instantly which really helps in doing quests. I was hoofing it everywhere in Northrend will I hit lvl 77 finally. Only people with a character at lvl 80 can have other characters fly in Northrend who are under lvl 77. Everyone else has to wait until they are at least lvl 77 to fly in Northrend.

I'm lvl 80 now btw. :D
Full addict here....

Nodrassil - Horde
several 80's.. My main is a leet hunter, pewpew.

During all hospital visits I make sure i get a wifi pass. I can stay up late and play with the west coasties, raid all night if i want.

Currently I have a beta key for cataclysm....can't wait til Nov!!

Very cool thread. Glad to see I'm not the only crohnie that plays :)

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