shawne said:@pewpew hey .. we can't all be horde otherwise you guys would have no butts to kick in battle grounds 8P
As far as not having a life .. i am SOOOO ready for winter to be over. I think i'm getting the winter blahs...
Nyx said:How do you get to level 80 btw?
Nic said:Could be a LONG 5 man with a bunch of Chronies, if they aren't all in remission
Haha! Luckily our raiding group was all close friends because I actually left a raid once. Right around the time of my diagnosis, I suddenly got really sick and spent the rest of the raid laying in my bathroom floor, throwing up periodically!! Thank goodness they were all very understanding...also helped that my hubby was the raid leader so he could let them know that I didn't just bail!!shawne said:THUS the reason i do not raid! :ylol2: I have a couple local friends one a healer another dps, i tank and we all just deal LMAO.
80 Holy Pally
80 Destro Lock