Xifaxan -It's working so what does that mean?

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Sep 4, 2013
After an upper GI ( doctor ruling out an ulcer and biopsies for Crohns ) my abdominal pain and flares continued despite all the results being normal. ( Well I have reflux so esphagitis found so I guess it's from that. )

Doc started me on Xifaxan and it's working!!! Does that automatically mean SIBO ? My initial Crohns diagnosis was at the terminal Ileum but he has been back and forth with this diagnosis. Does response to this drug confirm a Crohns diagnosis or SIBO ? Dr doesn't have a working pill cam machine so that has been the last test I have been unable to have.

Dont see my GI for a month. Anyone know does Xifaxan clear stuff up after one 2 week dose? Is a repeat treatment usually necessary?
It has worked for some with IBD and we aren't sure how much of a role bad bacteria play in IBD but it may very well be the case that it's beneficial in those with IBD and SIBO combined
Thanks. I am totally surprised how good I feel. I did not take any test for SIBO so I don't know if he was targeting that or Crohns. Not complaining though.

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