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Jun 5, 2011
I have been having symptoms for two months now. Cramping and joint pain (migratory but intense) that have been my major symptoms. for the past month I have felt a pressure in my butt like I have to go to the bathroom but nothing comes out. This has turned into a sore kind of inflamed feeling arund and inside my butt. While all of this was going on I has a colonoscopy and nothing showed. I decided it was hemmerhoids but for the last few days I get sharp pains. Not anything extreme but I am really worried I am getting a fistula. I have looked all over these forums and it scares me that some say this is the beginning of a fistula. I am not yet diagnosed. I have had blood work colonoscopy/endoscopy and nothing comes of it. When all of this started I had a rectal exam and the doctor didnt see anything. The inflammation and pain is not from D because I dont have D. This is very overwhelming as I am battling joint pain and this has just pushed me over the edge. I already know my doc is going to attribute this to the hemmies but I ve had them before and they have never felt like this. My questions to you guys is

How do I get this checked out to rule out a fistula?
My doctor perscirbed steroid suppositories but I have read no where that it helps with these kind of things. She did not examine me.

I dont have any kind of lump or draining and I am wondering if my doc will be able to identify a fistula if thats the case without seeing a lump.

what should I ask for to avoid it becoming a full blow fistula or abscess?

Can a fistula take over a month to develop?

Thank you for reading and hopeful for some advice.
I am calling my doc tommorow but afraid they will not properly examine me or take me seriously since I dont have a dx of chrons.
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Hi Dayz! I'm sorry you having such horrible pains. I suffer from frequent joint pains with my CD, and the stabbing pressure in my butt. Yuck! I have never had a perianal abscess, but two people close to me have. My brother also has CD. He has had so many perianal abscesses that he's required surgical drainage and a seton. I will ask him about the duration.

If you are still having a lot of pressure and pain there, you may need to push the issue with your doctor. Hemmoriods are painful, but it sounds as if you may have something more brewing. I would error on the side of caution.
This link gives information on fistulas including diagnosing them by saying what tests can be done: Ever had a barium enema? Its not a fun test but it sounds like something your doc hasn't tried yet. That test, a barium swallow, a colonoscopy, endoscopy, CT scans, ultrasound, blood work and an MRI were all done before I got my diagnosis. It's sad that to diagnose these days all they do is blood work and a couple of scopes. Ridiculous.

Here's a link on perirectal and perianal abscesses including symptoms and how to check for one if its not in your face obvious such as x-ray, CT scan, MRI, and ultrasound (pretty much the same as checking for a fistula if its not obvious):

There's no doubt in my mind that a fistula can take over a month to develop.

What should you ask for? Proper treatment, which means more tests. List off the tests above in bold to the GI and ask to have them done because you simply can not live like this anymore. In the meantime search for another GI because its always good to have another opinion.
I have an appointment scheduled for July 29 with another GI doctor but for the meantime my doctor is treating me with steroids. She is the first of three doctors who actually believes me. I am on my second dose today and I feel better but not sure I can attribute this to the steroids.

I called my doctor today and will request a pelvic MRI to make sure.

Thank you ladies for the information. I really dont like to google these things anymore because it gets me into more trouble and more problems. I have extreme anxiety about this because it seems people really struggle when they hav fistulas and it looks like they are hard to treat. I really want some answers of some kind.

My doc has even mentioned putting me on asacol as soon as I am done with the steroids. Thank you so much for your responses I am going to talk to my doctor about this.
I think a pelvic MRI is a good start to investigate this rectal pressure.

I hope you get some answers soon!

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