I have been having symptoms for two months now. Cramping and joint pain (migratory but intense) that have been my major symptoms. for the past month I have felt a pressure in my butt like I have to go to the bathroom but nothing comes out. This has turned into a sore kind of inflamed feeling arund and inside my butt. While all of this was going on I has a colonoscopy and nothing showed. I decided it was hemmerhoids but for the last few days I get sharp pains. Not anything extreme but I am really worried I am getting a fistula. I have looked all over these forums and it scares me that some say this is the beginning of a fistula. I am not yet diagnosed. I have had blood work colonoscopy/endoscopy and nothing comes of it. When all of this started I had a rectal exam and the doctor didnt see anything. The inflammation and pain is not from D because I dont have D. This is very overwhelming as I am battling joint pain and this has just pushed me over the edge. I already know my doc is going to attribute this to the hemmies but I ve had them before and they have never felt like this. My questions to you guys is
How do I get this checked out to rule out a fistula?
My doctor perscirbed steroid suppositories but I have read no where that it helps with these kind of things. She did not examine me.
I dont have any kind of lump or draining and I am wondering if my doc will be able to identify a fistula if thats the case without seeing a lump.
what should I ask for to avoid it becoming a full blow fistula or abscess?
Can a fistula take over a month to develop?
Thank you for reading and hopeful for some advice.
I am calling my doc tommorow but afraid they will not properly examine me or take me seriously since I dont have a dx of chrons.
How do I get this checked out to rule out a fistula?
My doctor perscirbed steroid suppositories but I have read no where that it helps with these kind of things. She did not examine me.
I dont have any kind of lump or draining and I am wondering if my doc will be able to identify a fistula if thats the case without seeing a lump.
what should I ask for to avoid it becoming a full blow fistula or abscess?
Can a fistula take over a month to develop?
Thank you for reading and hopeful for some advice.
I am calling my doc tommorow but afraid they will not properly examine me or take me seriously since I dont have a dx of chrons.
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