I am, yes! Have been since last October and hope to stay there as long as possible. 
Taking it out of the fridge about 20 minutes before helps with the injection pain. Good luckI'm back to my old weight. Finally. Start humira wed. Have it in my fridge. Im in medicinal remission. Which is good.
I'm in grad school too! Stress is awful but we can make itHey young adults, I've been around the forum for awhile, bummed I didn't see this earlier! I love knowing other young people with IBD, makes me feel like I belong. I'm a graduate student so I'm living the life I want, but socially IBD makes it hard, always being tired, I really don't drink and most 20-somethings don't understand the concept of not feeling well all the time.
Anyways this forum has helped me quite a bit- thanks![]()
It's so great to have found this thread. While I wish that none of you had IBD, it's really nice to know that I'm not alone in all of this.
I got diagnosed at age 20 and I am just about to have my 21st birthday in about 2 weeks! I am meant to be having surgery but my specialist (the absolute legend!) allowed me to hold out until after my trip to the USA.
Work is hard (I work in a very physically and mentally draining field) and the majority of days I'll come home and go straight to sleep.
When I was first diagnosed, my supervisor actually stopped giving me work for a couple of months because I had to turn down two shifts for medical appointments and she saw it as me not being thankful for having the job I have.. (It's also a very competitive field).
As for my family and partner, I am so blessed in every way to have them.
I really just want my energy back so I'm not a grandma, plus so that I don't feel annoying complaining about pain all the time!
Did you all feel that surgery was worth it?
Also sorry for the personal question but for a 20 year old, I'm not feeling very uhmm.. How do you put it nicely.. In the mood? Does anyone else feel the same? I feel so bad for my poor bf! Haha!
It's so great to have found this thread. While I wish that none of you had IBD, it's really nice to know that I'm not alone in all of this.
I got diagnosed at age 20 and I am just about to have my 21st birthday in about 2 weeks! I am meant to be having surgery but my specialist (the absolute legend!) allowed me to hold out until after my trip to the USA.
Work is hard (I work in a very physically and mentally draining field) and the majority of days I'll come home and go straight to sleep.
When I was first diagnosed, my supervisor actually stopped giving me work for a couple of months because I had to turn down two shifts for medical appointments and she saw it as me not being thankful for having the job I have.. (It's also a very competitive field).
As for my family and partner, I am so blessed in every way to have them.
I really just want my energy back so I'm not a grandma, plus so that I don't feel annoying complaining about pain all the time!
Did you all feel that surgery was worth it?
Also sorry for the personal question but for a 20 year old, I'm not feeling very uhmm.. How do you put it nicely.. In the mood? Does anyone else feel the same? I feel so bad for my poor bf! Haha!
This has been a very inspiring thread!
I'm currently 25 years old, never had a bf, never been on a date lol (I've always thought life is like teh movies...guy comes to girlNever cared about appearances,etc.) I was diagnosed 4 years ago, and even though I've been pretty benign with my illness, and felt great for 2 years off meds...NOW that I want to go out there and date and LIVE...things are somewhat feeling not right at the moment. I've seen so many GI's, and I'm sticking with one (Mayo Clinic) about 4 hours away..and I wonder, what would a guy think if he knew my doctor is that far away?! lol. Or that I would have to restart taking an immunosuppressant?!
And the kicker is...I felt fantastic before, and I have this thought that I need to feel that way again before I can accept to date. I don't have bathroom probs, just abdominal pains that this time around have sprung up in new places (2nd time in 4 years I've had symptoms...) I feel like I'm waiting to feel 100% before I can LIVE...but reading this, it's humbling to know that hey, life is not perfect like a movie lol....
I will be 17 in April. I was diagnosed June 6, 2014. I am fairly new to everything, but I know somethings.
I am currently taking Mercaptapour, Lialda, multivitamin, iron, and I was going to Remicade treatments, but it has caused my eyes to go very blurry and cause me to need glasses. So I am in need of a new treatment medication.
What symptoms?
Hello everyone!
I am taking a health professions writing course at UC Davis and one of our assignments is to write case study. Originally I was going to use myself as "the case", but it turns out I have to interview someone else. Would anyone be interested in being interviewed? I'm asking on Crohn's forum because I don't know anyone (other than myself) who has Crohn's.
Anyone goto crohns support groups? Why is everyone so old. I know a lot of us younger folks have it but do people our age just not wanting support. So frustrating!
I would see if your dr would allow you to switch to Humira. But also remember this, at 17 your eyes are still growing and changing. It could just be a coincidence that they happened at the same time.
One thing i want to know is, will i ever feel my age again? The fatigue, the always being sick, weak. I pushed myself to get a job, having been on bed rest for almost three months...but even that is so hard to physically do. But i cant very well put it off any longer..what if this is all the energy ill ever get? What if this is my normal now? I already-was pulled from my life at college and been cared for by my family, i cant stand to not be self sufficient any longer.
any tips on drinking? Im a hard cider fan...but i believe it works against me. Wine, i havnt tried since my recent flare.
All that I can say is that, It takes time and lot of will power to commit to the changes you make in your lifestyle. Once you make the changes at least you don't feel guilty while you go through a flare up because you know it's not your mistake, it's just the nature of crohn's.....
Welcome Cosmojo. It always makes me feel good to hear from grad students making it work. I'm starting an MFA program this Fall... I'm nervous, but at the same time having to fight a little harder made my goals and priorities that much clearer through the application process, so I also feel good about the path my life is taking.
any tips on "making it work"? I had to leave school for a year to get into remission and am scared i might have to pause my edu again in the future. Do you guys work part time or full time? Are you on any $$ aide?
being young, with a disease, really sucks. Over the past half a year ive been strong. But today i am not so much. Seeing all my friends on facebook living, experiencing, going out and just Doing what young people do. Seeing my siblings and my twin brother in school when ive had to be out a year now, seeing your crush move on because you cant commit to another person right now because you need all you have to give....remission is close, and i know i matter and believe you me ive said all these things over and over in my head over the past months....but none of it will take away the sadness that is laying on your back with withdrawls of your medication, on the 4th of july....remission cant come soon enough, i miss my life, my body, my joy.
can anyone comment saying they can relate?
you know what is pissing me off. Googling "how to lose prednisone weight" and the list being made up TOTALLY of foods i cant eat because of my crohns....that and these people are on 10mg or 5mg of pred...really? and your having issues? stfu.
im angry, every time i attempt a taper my pain comes back...sticking on 25mg till my Humira kicks in. I have all the side effects of pred, though. Moon face, swollen limbs, hump back, gut. My remission is #1 in my life currently, but im losing myself and feel just awful ='(
How many of you are over 21 and have yet to go on a date or be in a relationship?