Sticky Medical Marijuana for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

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Hey Francis, what strains do you like?

I prefer sativas or sativa-indica hybrids over indicas or indica-sativas simply because I don't relish the couch lock effect at all. I prefer the upbeat, energizing effects of strains like Kali Mist over commercial strains like White Widow.
I prefer sativas or sativa-indica hybrids over indicas or indica-sativas simply because I don't relish the couch lock effect at all. I prefer the upbeat, energizing effects of strains like Kali Mist over commercial strains like White Widow.

My last batch was bubba kush i think, but unlike what i would expect from an indica it feels like a motivator. Having said that I wonder if the upbeat feeling is more an absence of pain...:ybiggrin:
Having said that I wonder if the upbeat feeling is more an absence of pain...:ybiggrin:

Sativas produce cannabinoids in different ratios than indicas due to their genetics, since they evolved over millions of years in different climates and conditions. It's been clinically demonstrated that the presence of a certain cannabinoid can enhance or reduce the effects of another, so it is expected that sativas will react differently with the brain than indica variants. :)
The dispensaries are easy to find in BC's lower mainland. I know at least one that also offers mail order service in province - just search online. Average price I see in the two dispensaries I frequent is $10/gram. Between the two places, I have pretty consistent access to about a 12-24 strains (the selection varies at some places more than others).

You can designate a grower but if you don't know them personally, you won't know if they actually follow the guidelines for quantities, if they grow safely or organically, or whom they sell to (possibly using the surplus from your license to sell on the black market). These loopholes are what gov't wants to close with the new rules because of demand from municipalities chasing down all the semi-legal designated growers (who routinely exceed their allowance). The feds figure, why not help a new commercial industry (of potential political donors) by simply taking rights away from currently licensed small fry growers and patients - at least that's how many see it.

BTW, the RCMP don't get the locations of designated growers and patients with a license to grow from Health Canada. The cops asked for it but Health Canada can't do that without signed permission from the license holder - your privacy laws at work. That's why the authorities sometimes raid people but charges have been dropped because they hold grow license.

All told, if you live within driving distance of BC's lower mainland, you have more options for supply than almost anywhere else in the country. Dispensaries abound, some even have docs on site to prescribe. If you just want to know if it will work for you, just get the license to possess and try either the Health Canada supply ($5/gram for lower quality, meaning you'd use more of it, and possibly not like the flavour) or something from dispensary. Then you'll know if it is even worth all the trouble ;)
I prefer sativas or sativa-indica hybrids over indicas or indica-sativas simply because I don't relish the couch lock effect at all. I prefer the upbeat, energizing effects of strains like Kali Mist over commercial strains like White Widow.

that's what im talking about.
up of the couch as long as its not in the kitchen looking for something to munch! not a fan of couch lock either. zombie!!!

This is a great discussion i must say as i have continuially argued with my mother about this subject , When i take cannibus it greatly releives me of pain and the sickiness i get alot and as mentioned above it greatly reduces toilet trips yet she still will argue with me that it does me no good and that i shouldn't have it i know she just worrying about me and that another reason she doesn't want me having it is because she has always been greatly opposed to it , Any suggestions as too how i could get it across to her that it does help and that it stops alot of discomfort and pain im in????
COMPLETELY understanding, i've done nothing but associated cannabis smoking with "stoner" kids for a long time. As i've grown older I have educated myself by research, other people in the medical cannabis community, and overall maturing to come to understand that there is a difference between a "stoner" kid, with no enthusiasm to get up and do anything with their lives other than smoke. Than someone like me, or even you, who benefit from this completely natural plant.

Unfortunately as far as jobs go, every medical cannabis state law varies. Here in California it is at the Employer's discretion weather or not to drug test. As we become stronger as a community and become recognized that issue will hopefully be addressed. I know if you have a medical cannabis license in Rhode Island an employer may not discriminate.
--i know because i'm originally from there.

As far as how much you should medicate, try a little at a time and see how you react and feel. Remember, this plant is extremely diverse. If i've had more cramps than usual... I will get an indica. It really helps in my stomach body area. I am extremely busy so I usually medicate in the morning with my coffee, as I read or do homework (which is a very small amount)--it helps the nausea... then I don't usually medicate until dinner time--which also helps me have a full evening meal (because I usually don't eat during the day).

You brought up that your doctor has never mentioned it to you which
unfortunatly is the reality at the moment--hopefully that will change..
As I brought it up to my local Gastro doctor he was glad to talk about it. thankfully he is leval headed doctor and went ahead with
assuring me that though he doesnt "perscribe" it (of course in fear of
his license) he does believe that if I feel the benefits of it, then
there is no reason to question it. We proceeded to chat about how it became illegal and how there has never been any studies of negative side effects. It was interesting stuff.

There is an unfortunate backstory about how cannabis was outlawed... well.. it technically wasen't. Just taxed. When I get the name of a great documentary I will post it!! :)
If you have some spare time, do some research, it is a very interesting
I can imagine you are worried what your parents or others
think of you. Let me just say from first hand experiences. I am not
a waste of life, nor do I sit around all day smoking cannabis doing nothing. I am working 40 hours a week, and take 11 credits in college. Pay rent, and utilities. Think what you want, I feel great and live a healthy productive life. I think you deserve one to.

Any chance you have found the name of the documentry would like to watch it ????
This is a great discussion i must say as i have continuially argued with my mother about this subject , When i take cannibus it greatly releives me of pain and the sickiness i get alot and as mentioned above it greatly reduces toilet trips yet she still will argue with me that it does me no good and that i shouldn't have it i know she just worrying about me and that another reason she doesn't want me having it is because she has always been greatly opposed to it , Any suggestions as too how i could get it across to her that it does help and that it stops alot of discomfort and pain im in????

Is your mother a doctor?
Is your mother a healthcare professional?
Is your mother knowledgeable in biochemistry?

My guess is no, to all three questions. The only thing you can do is try to educate her. This will only work if:

A) Your mother is intellectually capable of understanding the articles you would give her
B) Your mother has an open mind and is receptive to new information

You'll find a list of scientific articles that have explored the mechanisms of cannabis, how it works, and it's efficacy in treating IBD here:

You may wish to print them out, and make her read the conclusions of each study. Conclusions are usually simply worded so they can be understood by anyone who can read. The actual articles will be filled with medical terms likely to mix her up, but if she rejects the articles because she cannot understand them, you might point out that ignorance is not an excuse for rejection.

Cannabis has decades of propaganda, stereotypes, prejudices and bias playing against its public image. Even worse, the experimental science has only started delivering answers since 2008, and an alarming amount of healthcare professionals are not even keeping up to date with the literature and still circulate wrong information. I've experienced this myself.

Of all the diseases and conditions cannabis can help, patients with IBD are the most desirable of candidates for its use because the bulk of protein receptors our body has that enables cannabis to affect us are in the brain and more importantly, our gut.

There is no more room for speculation or "maybes" when it comes to cannabis. It's been clinically demonstrated to regulate transit in the gut and treat inflammation locally, on top of all the other benefits and the symptoms it treats, like pain, nausea, etc.

For IBD specifically, cannabis can both treat the disease AND the symptoms. However, this doesn't mean it should be taken on its own. I cringe every time someone waves his fist int he air, cursing modern pharmacology to embrace cannabis as the ultimate savior.
Cannabis on its own is not enough. Its anti-inflammatory properties exist but they're nowhere near potent enough to handle chronic inflammation caused by a systemic problem.

You could also make her watch a documentary called The Botany of Desire, which was adapted from a book of the same name, written by Micheal Pollan. It was produced by PBS.

It's available online, and the cannabis segment starts at 55:50

It's an exploration of what cannabis does, its history, the science behind it, etc.

Good luck!
I am a senior in high school with pancolitis, and I have been in severe pain. the doctors have me percocet, but that only helps with the pain aspect, not the part of constantly feeling sick. I bought a portable vape, and it helps so much, but I talked to my parents and they don't want me using marijuana because of the legality and stimgas that come with it, especially when I'm trying to get into college.... any advice?
I am a senior in high school with pancolitis, and I have been in severe pain. the doctors have me percocet, but that only helps with the pain aspect, not the part of constantly feeling sick. I bought a portable vape, and it helps so much, but I talked to my parents and they don't want me using marijuana because of the legality and stimgas that come with it, especially when I'm trying to get into college.... any advice?

I would give you the same advice I gave above your post. All you can do is educate your parents on what cannabis does and is, but that itself requires that certain conditions be met.

However, I am concerned because of your age. Until you are about 25, your neurons have not fully developed and they're not all hardwired yet. Cannabis has been shown, at high dosage and with chronic use, to interfere with neurocerebral developement. It doesn't mean you cannot use it, but you could do it sparingly (less than a gram a day, according to the literature, should be safe).

A vaporizer is literally the best way to consume it, and allows you to consume smaller doses as well, so you may explain the advantages of vaporizing to your parents as well.

What state do you live in?
I'm in new York, so the bill is currently up in both senate and general assembly to legalize medical mj, and along with vaporizing I also get brownies which actually seem to help more.

also is taking percocet along with using marijuana bad in any way?
Edibles will treat your IBD much better than inhaling will, but it's not as effective for pain since the effects are not immediate. The best of both worlds, as you appear to already know, is to use both edibles and inhalation on demand when the pain demands immediate relief. Otherwise, I too stick to edibles because the effects are much more long lasting.

There is no reason not to use cannabis along side percocet, medically speaking. They each act via different pathways.
I can easily get both edibles and inhalation and I'm still trying to convince my parents... I get high in my room all the time and they think its just the percocet, but it would just be easier if they knew and accepted that its what I need right now.

thanks for all the advice it was really helpful :)
Frankie, After reading your posts I am impressed that you know so much about medicinal marijuana. I have been sick for 18 years, and it has been extremely difficult for me. I have been through hell. If I can email you directly, that would be helpful. if you don't mind, please lmk how to reach you. we are in the same city, that can be helpful too.
eddieswood, being sick for 18 years, having an extremely difficult time with a lot of challenges, and being a mom myself, I understand exactly what you are going through. I feel for you. I really think you need to discuss MM with your doctor first in private. then if the doctor agrees, have a discussion with your parents and the doctor. sometimes when parents hear advice from doctors themselves, they understand and accept the advice from the doctor. From my personal experience, I can tell you this helped me. I am not using MM at the moment, but since being diagnosed at the age of 17 I have used it in the past a few times and it did help. I am willing to have a private conversation with you if you would like. I have 18 + years of experience dealing with this nasty disease, and I am a Mom too.
let me know, I'm here for you.
Eddie I don't want to be *that person* but please be careful with the percs! I "managed" my crohn's mostly with pain meds for two years and just recently landed myself in the hospital for a *very* unpleasant stay with a perforation and an abscess, which is going to make my surgery in the next few weeks that much more difficult. I'm not saying that this will happen to you and I don't know anything about how your disease has progressed, but I know that needing a percutaneous drain and bag plus not-entirely-elective surgery was not what I had in mind when I took percs to deal with a bad partial/total obstruction. Lots of support and hugs for ya! Hopefully your parents do come around.
US patents for medical applications of marijuana compounds:

As the medical benefits of marijuana are becoming more accepted in America, there is a rush to patent procedures and products that deal with cannabinoids. I for one don’t feel that getting a patent on a plant is right, but it is happening. Below is a great video that covers many of these patents. I had no idea there were so many. Below the video is a link to many of the patents in case you are curious what is being pursued, and what is already on the books:

Spain Study Confirms Hemp Oil Cures Cancer…
Federal Government Reports that Marijuana Kills Cancer Cells…

US Patent 4837228
Cannabichromene (CBC)

US Patent 4189491
Glaucoma Treatment

US Patent 5631297
Anandamide Compounds

US Patent 6132762
Pain, inflammation and arthritis

US Patent 6410588
Cannabidiol and inflammatory diseases

US Patent 6974568
Treatment for coughs

US Patent 6630507
Inflammatory and autoimmune diseases
Strokes, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

US Patent 7741365
Novel polycyclic cannabinoid analogs

US Patent 7597910
Prostate cancer and prostatitis

US Patent 7977107
Detecting traces of cannabinoids

US Patent 8071641
Diabetes and insulitis

US Patent 8242178
Cannabidiol and autoimmune hepatitis

US Patent 8034843
Nausea, vomiting and motion sickness

US Patent Application 20100292345
Cannabigerol (CBG)…

US Patent Application 20080181942
Multiple sclerosis and MS relapse…

US Patent Application 20090197941
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease…

US Patent Application 20100204312
Treating cell proliferation and cancers…

US Patent Application 20080262099
Inhibition of tumour cell migration…

US Patent Application 20100222437
Gastrointestinal inflammatory and cancers…
I'm a big supporter of MMJ but I would advise caution when reading stories like the one above. Cannabinoids are amazing molecules and scientifically speaking, his claims are possible. I just wouldn't wish people to approach their doctor and tell them a guy reversed his own ostomy by ingesting cannabinoids using oil as a delivery. Chances are, the doc will laugh, since many of them don't even recognize cannabis has medicinal properties in spite of the availability of the evidence for years now.

The more I read about MJ the more I feel like going back to university and do another MA in research.
I've had a MM card for several years and I can say that it helps me more than any other medicine I have ever taken.

I don't have Crohns, but marijuana cures what ails me: Low appetite, moderate, chronic, stomach pain, occasional nausea, and terrible insomnia. Ambien didn't work, but marijuana does. I often smoke after my work is done (it makes me LAZY) just before dinner and it makes the food, music, everything better. Then it knocks me out. It has greatly improved my quality of life. :Flower: :Flower: :Flower:
Cannabis helps me more than any pharmaceutical prescribed to me for crohns.

Even though I have been taking cannabis medicinally for six months, my flare did not begin to noticeably improve until I began taking Aza. I have a severe case of pancolitis. Cannabis was definitely helping to stabilize things, but what cannabis does so well is treat the symptoms.

It still took the aza to treat the flare, and I have a very good regimen with CBD shots in the morning and edibles throughout the day.
Even though I have been taking cannabis medicinally for six months, my flare did not begin to noticeably improve until I began taking Aza. I have a severe case of pancolitis. Cannabis was definitely helping to stabilize things, but what cannabis does so well is treat the symptoms.

It still took the aza to treat the flare, and I have a very good regimen with CBD shots in the morning and edibles throughout the day.

I agree. I don't expect canabis will help cure my CD but it definitely alleviates pain and cramps. It also makes me hungry which is a good thing. I probably wouldn't eat if I didn't us MM. BTW, I vape it.
Hi everyone,

I'm in Illinois and it looks like House Bill 1 (medical use of marijuana) might come to a vote this week. Crohn's is listed as a qualifying condition and I'm interested in getting a license, but how did you all start the conversation with your doctor(s)?

I feel like this is so taboo...
Hi everyone,

I'm in Illinois and it looks like House Bill 1 (medical use of marijuana) might come to a vote this week. Crohn's is listed as a qualifying condition and I'm interested in getting a license, but how did you all start the conversation with your doctor(s)?

I feel like this is so taboo...

You could go with something like this:

Hello Doctor,

I'd like to speak to you about a matter that makes me slightly uncomfortable because I feel it is taboo, but I feel it has the potential to help. I've found a great support group for people with IBD, and I was given a lot of scientific literature on medical cannabis. I learned it had multiple benefits for people with my condition.

I also happened to notice the House was about to vote for Bill 1, and was wondering if you would be open to prescribe it, as many other people with Chron have used it successfully, and I'd be interested in trying it.

I have photocopies of these studies with me, if you are interested?

See where it brings you.
Basically, as soon as a state passes a medical cannabis law, "pot docs" come out of the woodwork. Makes sense. They can make $500,000-$1,000,000 a year and work 10-4 with almost zero patient responsibility/liability. They just wrote letters all day after a 1 or 2 minute exam. At least that's te way it is in CA. My primary care physician knows and supports my cannabis use but we haven't discussed how I'm supposed to obtain it and I wouldn't want her to jeopardize her DEA license to prescribe controlled substances. So basically, a lot of regular doctors won't even go there because it's still against federal law and DEA can revoke their controlled substance license which would prevent them from properly treating many other patients. That's why it's imperative cannabis is rescheduled from Schedule 1 (no medical value). Don't worry, as soon as the state passes the law you will find doctors advertising. It will be expensive the first few years and then will become dirt cheap. A weed note used to cost $150 in 2006. Today you can get one for $30.
I live in Colorado and I called a dispensary and they gave the names of a few pot docs, made an appointment and just talked with the doc. I had my temporary mm card that day and went shopping! Occasionally, I will mention to another doc that I use mm, but I don't feel any obligation to do so. It's not like it reacts with anything else I take.

I usually buy it by the half oz which lasts about 2 months and costs $100. It would be nice if I only had to pay $7 like I do for other drugs, though...;)
It's great it's going the right way in the U.S ..... just wish the U.K would take note. So then me and others here could try different types to see which one works best. I really don't like the high. but a little bit before bed if it will make the night more comfortable and the morning less hectic, would be fantastic... as those two times i seem to be at my worst. I have UC by the way
It's great it's going the right way in the U.S ..... just wish the U.K would take note. So then me and others here could try different types to see which one works best. I really don't like the high. but a little bit before bed if it will make the night more comfortable and the morning less hectic, would be fantastic... as those two times i seem to be at my worst. I have UC by the way

Yes, I heard the UK was like the middle age when it comes to the cannabis movement.

Makes me sad for you. Technically your Queen is my Queen since her face is on our 20$ bills, but I'm happy we don't live in the same country.
thanks everyone - I really appreciate the input and advice. glad to hear I shouldn't have an issue getting access if the bill passes in IL. :)
Unfortunately this seems to work very differently in different states. Massachusetts legalized medical marijuana in the referendum during the federal election, but every town seems to have a very NIMBY attitude re: dispensaries. I haven't heard of any opening, not even in Boston, and the election was a while ago at this point! I have such a hard time understanding this stigma, or why mostly not-sick people think they know enough about chronic illness/discomfort to limit another's access to relief :/ (sorry for the rant; a word of warning :( )
I'm from Maine, where recently began allowing MM, and am beginning to connect the options of severe anxiety with my crohn's. But was wondering what others have experienced in the use of MM to treat the secondary symptom of anxiety while also treating the appetite and nausea with MM?? And does anyone see opposing effects towards the anxiety aspect, especially considering the side-effect of paranoia with MM?
All help and advice appreciated...
MM is a double-edged sword, just like...

I'm from Maine, where recently began allowing MM, and am beginning to connect the options of severe anxiety with my crohn's. But was wondering what others have experienced in the use of MM to treat the secondary symptom of anxiety while also treating the appetite and nausea with MM?? And does anyone see opposing effects towards the anxiety aspect, especially considering the side-effect of paranoia with MM?
All help and advice appreciated...

I can totally relate. Like any drug, cannabis is a double edged sword. In fact, I will say that if anything I write here now sounds crazy or delusional, it would be due to the marijuana. When I smoke pot, it kicks in creative mental spurts that I have, being high on weed. Ganga can be quite different, making me sleepy, tired, not wanting to do anything, sleep maybe, or do something mindless. When feeling guilty, the activity would be doing the dishes, cleaning, or work.

Fortunately I love my work, or at least I used to. Since I am smoking a rocket after I come home from work, the next morning I can sometimes still be feeling the after-effects.

If I don't get legal soon, it's likely that with some bad luck, the last joint I smoke could get me put in fricking jail! Now, who wants that?

I am a productive member of society, who also happens to have had the bad luck of genetics or natural selection or whatever.

I also have to deal with side effects, from drugs or just from living with the 'disease', or whatever it is you want to call what I've got.


Being accused of being 'addicted'. Being called stupid, a pothead. Having to choose between it and a partner.

Definitely I wouldn't do it if I didn't like to feel this way. Call it 'being high', or stoned. I'll dispense with the quotation marks. Fact is, I function not too badly, and even though I don't imbibe before going to work, on the weekends it is a real nice way to start the day! By the way, I use a vaporizer as a means of medication delivery to my body.
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Yes, I heard the UK was like the middle age when it comes to the cannabis movement.

Makes me sad for you. Technically your Queen is my Queen since her face is on our 20$ bills, but I'm happy we don't live in the same country.

Ha ha ... yer very behind! I'd love to be able to grow enough to just have the smallest amount.. just to ease it.... but to do that would be breaking the law and really isn't worth it here. They come down pretty hard. but i will keep reading others experience as I am very interested. I'd heard it was very good for lots of things... but not IBD's .... so am glad i found this thread. very interesting!
I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 1970! At that time my doctor told me there was no treatment and to use marijuana to help control this. Yes, it was a free clinic in Oakland, Ca so I was lucky. When I moved to northern California recently I told my new GP I'd had Crohn's since 1970. He laughed and told me if I'd had it since then I'd be dead. Needless to say he's not my doctor anymore. I've used MM since it became MM and before that it was recreational to control my Crohn's. I have smoked for most of that time. I use a glass pipe so I just take a couple of hits. I have vaporizers but it's too wasteful and noisy. My wife makes a wonderful tea that I drink as needed. My current GP, Gastroenterologist, Nuerologist (recently started having seizures) and cancer doctors (had a tumor on my kidney removed a few years ago) all have told me to NOT stop using MM! I have been a heavy user since the '60's and there is no problem with my lungs. Have them tested regularly.

That said, in my opinion, I wouldn't be able to live without MM to control my Crohn's and other diseases. I have been able to go years between flares. When I first started having seizures I had a couple due to the stress but I don't live in fear of them anymore. For me having MM available to me in many forms has made my life livable.
Glad to hear that!

I have been smoking for years and it has saved my life to many times to even count. I think that anyone should live a happy and healthy life, unfortunately we didn't exactly get the luck of the draw when it comes to insides.

That said ... i've never let anyone judge me or even sway my decisions in life. Medical cannabis has helped me and given me the ability to live more comfortably with these issues that IBD's give us, and thats nothing, anyone can ever do for me!!

I'm sure most are with me when I say it blows my mind that someone who is not experiencing the pain / blood / aches / stress / anxiety ... (oh i can go on for days. ) that we do and tell us we cannot medicate / grow our own herbal medication that helps relieve the pains and issues that make our lives sometimes not bearable ...

I just had surgery for not 1 but 2 fistulas, which now both have setons in them. I'm sure i'm not alone when I say it has not been a fun year .. But i'll say this, I have been growing my own medicine for a few years now and I never have to worry about being without and that really means the world to me.

My plan is to be apart of the growing field of MM research and CBD discovery for all of my fellow sufferers for not just IBD's but other chronic illnesses out there. As long as we stick together, we can shape our future rather than being help by the grips of large companies who bleed us dry of our money and lives ...

sorry if i messed up a litte .. i'm medicating ;p
oh and i forgot to add my thoughts about the "munchies"

Through experience i will say that the urge to munch on things after medicating can vary from plant to plant. For the most part I don't believe we know exactly why its triggered but our taste buds are definitely stimulated

honestly just try a little bit of different ones and find one that fits you.. I know most people who haven't experienced dispensaries and the years of legal MM can get overwhelmed with the "names" and "strains" and everything else..

Few rules of thumb ..

Names are not necessarily accurate. Some areas may have for example " OG KUSH " and another area will have " OG KUSH " yet they smell and look completely different. Remember while plants are cloned and cross bread growers will name them usually correctly but sometimes dispensaries like to change names due to "not looking right" or " the feeling doesn't match the name " --- so in reality just look at smells, colors, feel. Once you get to appreciate the flower than you can really understand what benefits you and your body.

-Higher THC % = higher "head high" as i like to say it. I don't like using the word Psychoactive because it gives people the wrong idea, but i guess by definition anything that changes your state of mind is "psychoactive" ... anyways.

-High CBD = " Less head high " look for high CBD as we mentioned before. Personally i've had much luck with Indica dominate strains. or Indica dominate hybrids.

as Rebelution would say " Right between the lows and the highs, yes i'm feeling all right "

:) well .. thats enough out of me

Medicate safe everyone! and enjoy the little things
Stress is the primary trigger for me. I am trying Prozac now but am not comfortable with the feeling it gives me. MM is now on my radar....
MM is really good for helping me with stress/anxiety. It relaxes my gut, which is where I feel most of the anxiety.
i have UC or ulcertive colitis and have been trying everything including severe diet change, a doctor at emergency recently suggested i try eating marijuana in cookies or butter or something and i dont smoke it or anything and i dont want to get high but the natural medicines and the chemical medicines are not working so is this really a good option for me? i have been in flare and pain for 3 years with no sign of relief and i want to eat...someone tell me if this works please
i have UC or ulcertive colitis and have been trying everything including severe diet change, a doctor at emergency recently suggested i try eating marijuana in cookies or butter or something and i dont smoke it or anything and i dont want to get high but the natural medicines and the chemical medicines are not working so is this really a good option for me? i have been in flare and pain for 3 years with no sign of relief and i want to eat...someone tell me if this works please

You're in BC, so you have access to a lot of great dispensaries.

You should get a a form signed by your doctor so a dispensary will be able to sell to you.

CBD rich strains can help you tremendously, but you must do your research first.
so i have had Crohn's for awhile took dr's around here forever to do any thing waited till things got worse with me and they put me on so many different treatments that have failed to work so they decided to start me on remicade just had my first treatment 2 days ago made me feel crappy all day i was just wanting to know any one else that is doing or has done remicade if they have had any success with the treatment and did it also make them feel drained / i had the worse headache that night and the next day any one else have this problem
I was on Remicade for 8 years with little or no side effects. It took a while to turn the tide but was great for reducing my symptoms. After about 6 years it started to lose it's effectiveness. I switched to Humire a year and a half ago. The only side effect I noticed immediately was terrible headaches. They have subsided but nausea took it's place. MM has helped tremendously with that as well as with the cramping I still experience.
Hi All, I have just joined the crohn's forum after being recently diagnosed after needing what I can only describe as life changing surgery. I have suffered for years with abdominal cramps and all the usual suspects. My doc and many others said I was suffering with IBS and for many years I put up with the pain, days off work and feeling dam right miserable. At the time ( in my youth I may add) I enjoyed a social puff on marijuana and was a steady user I guess. I found it to be the only thing that actually helped with the cramping etc. As years went by, my cramps kept happening but also I would get the odd fever and an arthritic type pain in my wrists. These would last 24 hours or so and knocked me off my feet every time. Still the docs did not really give me the time of day and almost made me feel like I was being a nuisance to them for going back time after time with the same problem. These pains and fevers would come and go and seemed to disappear for a few years at a time before another flare up happened. In the last couple of years it came back with a vengeance and unfortunately contributed to a break up in my marriage. I was in constant pain, suffered weight loss, couldn't sleep and basically felt like I was going insane. My marriage fell apart and I left home. At the same time I told myself it was time to get a grip and following a colonoscopy ( which turned out fine) I was prescribed mertazapine as an anti depressant and was led to believe my mind was causing all my pains etc etc. At this time I stopped smoking cannabis and started to rebuild my life or try to. In december of last year, my new girlfriend ( a rock in my life I might add) took me to A and E after a few days of severe pain during a flare up. I was X rayed and told I needed immediate surgery. 8 weeks later I left hospital after a bodged op to remove the bad bit and rejoin my small intestine followed by a week unconscious in intensive care and four more ops. 20kgs lighter I left that place with half of my small intestine missing and sporting an illeostomy bag. I was finally told it was crohns disease and the infected area had been removed. I hope one day to have reversal surgery as this whole situation has changed my life completely, although I am finally enjoying the knowledge of knowing what was giving me hell and the fact that these pains have now gone (hopefully forever) but I have found it very hard to take in what has happened to me. I am now reading about cannabis and its effects on crohn's after a friend mentioned it to me. I could immediately relate to this and I can honestly say I believe it kept my crohn's at bay for many years until I stopped using it. Since reading these articles I am going to ask my doc regarding medical marijuana and the possible benefits I may get from taking it. I have been told steroids are a common medicine to take, this doesn't please me in any way! In a way I am lucky to be alive but i do feel more tests definitely need to be done regarding medical cannabis in order to help those who could really benefit!!! Sorry if I have waffled on a bit, it feels good to be able to air my thoughts in the hope that someone may actually be interested lol!!
Welcome to CF grt73!

I know of at least two other people whose IBD symptoms started appearing after stopping regular recreational use of cannabis. If you count myself, it's three. About 18 months before, I was vaporizing every night before bed to help me sleep. I was experiencing concentration issues at one point and feared cannabis might be responsible, so I stopped for two months, and in the course of the second month, it all started.

Since cannabinoids are fat soluble they are stored in our fat. This accounts for the fact cannabis is non lethal, but also makes up reserves that are slowly released into the bloodstream over time (which is why people can test positive to THC in urine up to MONTHS after the last use) which must have treated your Crohn's without you knowing it.

The best way to use cannabis as a medical treatment is to prepare edibles or better, self-made caps with potent hash oil in them. If prepared properly, you will get massive doses of cannabinoids delivered into your gut.

If you intent to make oil, I suggest you use coconut oil. Not only is it good for you, but it's solid at 75F or less, making filling up capsules a lot easier.
Anyone recommend a good vaporizer?

For personal/medical use, I like the Arizer Solo for five reasons:
1- It's portable
2- It's an all-glass path, so no plastic or silicon to clean or to get dirty.
3- It's affordable. If you look around you can get it for around 175$
4- It's easily interfaced with glass or water filtering apparatus with special glass-on-glass (GonG) adapters that cost 20$
5- It has a modern look that doesn't betray its function, which means keeping it on a desk or in a drawer is discrete

Here's a picture of my solo interfaced with a "bubbler" and a can of Coca Cola beside it for scale:


I've tried many vaporizers and this is the one I recommend for beginners because it's so easy to use and Arizer is a competent company (in my experience).
Here's my story:
I am undiagnosed but have had Crohns symptoms for about six months. I will see a doctor this week, they haven't been too severe.
I started smoking/vaping cannabis around the beginning of April with friends for recreation. However, I noticed a drastic change, my appetite was back, I had no pains in my intestines, I didn't have diarrhea everything was perfect! So I waited a week and smoked again, and noticed the same changes. I started doing it twice a week and it helped a ton. If I did it once, it would clear me up for up to a week. (I wasn't high for a whole week but THC was in my system.
Just last night the police confiscated everything relating to cannabis that I own. That is why I'm going to the doctor. I've lost my only medicine (I don't plan on buying more weed soon because I don't have much money, and I don't want to get caught)
Hi! So I'm totally new to this whole forum and discussions things but I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease back in 2010, it runs in the family and my father has dealt with it since he was 12, now in his 50's... He recommened that I speak with my doctor in regards to medical marijuana because that's what had helped him in the past, was curious if anyone knew of any doctors in the Providence, RI area that were open to this because my doctor was not. I live in MA so I would be open to seeing a doctor ere as well if not too far a distance! Would appreciate anything anyone has to offer me as far as some information goes! Thanks :)
I don't have any pertinent information for you Janaexo, but I did want to welcome you to the community.

Feel free to share your story in our Your Story forum some time if you'd like us to properly welcome you.
Hi all: First post and all that. Being diagnosed 16 years back I've gone through 2 resections and numerous drugs including Prednisone , Metronidazole, and Mercaptopurine. The "rare" side effects listed with each drug seemed not so rare and I would quickly have to abandon using them. My symptoms were diarrhea, fatigue, inflammation, blockages. On a regular basis my gut would go dead for a day or two and I would just vomit even a drink of water. Soon after coming across Shona Banda on YouTube, I had an opportunity to try MM via a friend a few months ago. All symptoms... gone. So far I've just been vaporizing with an Extreme-Q just before bed 3 or 4 times per week and then recyling the vaped material into a tablespoon of coconut oil as an edible. I really like the idea of not bleeding to death and keeping the intestines I have left.
so i have had Crohn's for awhile took dr's around here forever to do any thing waited till things got worse with me and they put me on so many different treatments that have failed to work so they decided to start me on remicade just had my first treatment 2 days ago made me feel crappy all day i was just wanting to know any one else that is doing or has done remicade if they have had any success with the treatment and did it also make them feel drained / i had the worse headache that night and the next day any one else have this problem

I have been on Remicade for I believe 4-5 years, It was decided on when I developed a fistula. It actually healed it! ... Remicade definitely makes you feel like crap that day. Usually I just take the day off of work and use it as a day to myself! Take a nape, play some video games.. and of course some other leisure activities ;P. After a day or so you should be back to normal, maybe more energy even. Thats how I always got.

That being said Remicade has been amazing to me and i've had a relatively enjoyable past few years but since last year, i've developed another fistula .. well two of them but one is on its way healing, " can I get a round of applause " lol I can almost crap normal.. not. Not in this century. ha

I've also started to have an allergic reaction towards the end of my infusion, benedryll clears it up but it is definitely a sign my body is creating antibodies against it. So after a long 5ish years my next move is to monitor the crohns with the SCD diet (6 months and strong!) medical cannabis.. and I want to try to get my GI doc to prescribe me LDN.. Which I think seems like an impressive upcoming drug. (wish me luck...)

I'll add the link below to there website, interesting stuff! still in clinical trials and it's a very minimal side effect drug. Just a tiny dose of an endorphin blocker late at night. They are getting great results. If all fails.. Humira. Which I'm trying to avoid the rough stuff.

All in all I feel as if I could stand confident and say Remicade worked for me and i'm glad I made the decision to take it. Not everyone reacts positively from it but they do see good results, so I say hang in there. Take the day off and use the infusion appointment as a mini vaca lol.. I always pre medicate as well. Benadryll, tylanol. Whatever they will let me eat haha... than I nap it out after reading some book.

Oh and some side effects i've noticed including other people who are on it are like sore joints.. knees, wrist. my elbow has been acting up lately.. seems like the inside tendon. Anyway, you win some and ya loose some! i'll deal with the achy whatevers to gladly have no blood, semi soft normalish?? poops.. lol ( Normal for us atleast ) and not much stomach pains.

Stay positive, Love life! enjoy every day like its your last :) Easier said than done.. I know, but that's why we are all here

I need help. I have Crohn's and MJ helps me better than any other medication. Even though it is legal in my state(Maine), my GI will not prescribe me any because he says " The board recommends we don't prescribe it". All my friends have their cards for the stupidest reasons. Anxiety, muscle pain..etc. Why is it so hard for me to get a script?
I would save money and be legal. Can somebody help me? It would be the nicest thing anybody has ever done for me.
I need help. I have Crohn's and MJ helps me better than any other medication. Even though it is legal in my state(Maine), my GI will not prescribe me any because he says " The board recommends we don't prescribe it". All my friends have their cards for the stupidest reasons. Anxiety, muscle pain..etc. Why is it so hard for me to get a script?
I would save money and be legal. Can somebody help me? It would be the nicest thing anybody has ever done for me.

Can`t your friends refer them to their doctor?
Their doctors charge around $300 for the card. I shouldn't have to see these types of doctors for a legitimate illness. Of course I thought of asking their doctors already.
I get extremely paranoid when using cannabis. But I do feel a great deal of relief in regards to the gut. Is there a way of using it that would cause LESS paranoia? Is ingesting or vaporizing different then smoking it? I wish I could benefit from it, it would be so easy! LOL

I'm pretty sure that when you go to a dispensary where medical Marijuana is dispensed they have a lot of varieties that they know the effects of. Some for anxiety, some for pain, some that make you giggle, some that make you sleepy, etc. I'm sure they could tell you which are less likely to cause paranoia. Additionally the paranoia isnt so much the marijuana, i find, it is the person's hang up about the stigma of it. That was how it was with me when i was a teen (using it recreationally). Now, as an adult who mostly uses it in my own home, I don't have paranoia at all.
I just joined this group to get more info on using mm for my ulcerative colitis. I am like some others here and get paranoid when I smoke it (haven't smoked in over 10 years since high school though so hopefully that has changed). Has it actually helped put people into remission, or is it just something that helps with some of the symptoms? I do have anxiety, so maybe if that was making my uc worse, the mm could make it better?
Welcome jcarter :) I'm glad to hear you're doing well with MMJ. If you're interested, feel free to introduce yourself in our, "Your Story" forum so we can properly welcome you.
Hi guys,

Im new to Crohns.....

I have a medical marijuana card, but have not tried it yet. I am a bit nervous. Hopefully some of you could give me some advice. I was a police officer before my health ended my career. The last time I tried cannibis was at the age of 19, I'm 30 now.

The last time I had tried it, I had a bad experience. I had smoked bud before, but it was always a joint or pipe. The last time I did it, I was with some band mates, I sang in a band. I was talking crap when they were coughing around a bong. They puled a wad of cash out, and bet I couldn't clear it in one hit. Well...I took the bet, and I cleared.

However, I had never smoked from a bong before. I immediately got laid out, I took so much in I began to hallucinate. Of course, it didn't help that my friends through me in a room, locked the door, and put on pink floyd. I actually thought I was in a cartoon!

Then the panic krept in, I had a panic attack and thought I was going to die!

eventually, all was well, but the experience freaked me out. Now, I sit here with Crohns. I tried Mesalamine (Asacol) only to end up in th ehospital with a fever from a bad reaction.

I dont handle steroids well, and I may now have a fistula. I was diagnosed 3 months ago, and have been struggling These medication scare the crap out of me, but when I look at cannibis, the risk factors seem so much less.

I have NY diesel, Mr Nice Guy, and some green crack. I have not tried any yet. I have an Arizer extreme, and looking for some advice.

1. anyone here have experience with the best strains for crohns?
2. Any advice for someone like me, who is trying to try it again after years? I may as well be a first timer again....
I know my last experience was most likely due to an overload, but I really don't want to miss out on a safe treatment option that could really help me.

My advice is don't be nervous. I've been smoking regularly for 20 years. I've only had too much once and it just made me light headed and feel like lying down but it passed after 10 minutes. Knowing marijuana the way I do, I'm feeling that they either had an additive or you had something else going on to add to the effects.

I believe that the dispensary people can tell you the best strands they sell for the ailments you are trying to control. Please let me know how it goes if you dgo.o
Hi guys,

Im new to Crohns.....

I have a medical marijuana card, but have not tried it yet. I am a bit nervous. Hopefully some of you could give me some advice. I was a police officer before my health ended my career. The last time I tried cannibis was at the age of 19, I'm 30 now.

The last time I had tried it, I had a bad experience. I had smoked bud before, but it was always a joint or pipe. The last time I did it, I was with some band mates, I sang in a band. I was talking crap when they were coughing around a bong. They puled a wad of cash out, and bet I couldn't clear it in one hit. Well...I took the bet, and I cleared.

However, I had never smoked from a bong before. I immediately got laid out, I took so much in I began to hallucinate. Of course, it didn't help that my friends through me in a room, locked the door, and put on pink floyd. I actually thought I was in a cartoon!

Then the panic krept in, I had a panic attack and thought I was going to die!

eventually, all was well, but the experience freaked me out. Now, I sit here with Crohns. I tried Mesalamine (Asacol) only to end up in th ehospital with a fever from a bad reaction.

I dont handle steroids well, and I may now have a fistula. I was diagnosed 3 months ago, and have been struggling These medication scare the crap out of me, but when I look at cannibis, the risk factors seem so much less.

I have NY diesel, Mr Nice Guy, and some green crack. I have not tried any yet. I have an Arizer extreme, and looking for some advice.

1. anyone here have experience with the best strains for crohns?
2. Any advice for someone like me, who is trying to try it again after years? I may as well be a first timer again....
I know my last experience was most likely due to an overload, but I really don't want to miss out on a safe treatment option that could really help me.


A large part of the Panic was most likely from being locked in a room.
could have been. I have read that when you have no tolerance, and you take in too much, it can cause a panic attack.
Def ease into it slowly until you adjust to the effects. It shouldn't take too long. Also the strains have a huge impact on paranoia. Avoid most Sativas if you are worried about panic attacks and just go slow.
I've had my mm card since 09? Can't remember, exactly. Anyway, I had a bad experience with marijuana recently. I bought a pot brownie, and ate a quarter of it, as was recommended and felt nothing...the next day, I ate half and felt A LOT...too much! But, even though it wasn't a fun couple of hours, I knew I would be okay and I was and that's why I love pot. Even in the middle of a bad trip, you know you're going to be okay.

I do know someone who always got ultra paranoid when they smoked, to the point that they couldn't enjoy it at all and after a few attempts, never smoked again.
I am seeking all the info that I can get. My 17 year old son has experienced stomach issues for the past 2+ years. He has had both the upper and lower GI, a "pill cam", and x-rays. They have tried a few different meds, but to no avail. Finally, yesterday we went to see his pediatric GI and since he lost 15 pounds since February she was very concerned, and said that they are finding several people who present themselves like they have Crohn's, but they aren't seeing any "real signs", and they don't know what it is. It does seem to effect boys more then girls. They want to do an MRE and another "capsule cam" next week and then they want to start him on the IV meds as soon as possible. Apparently they are seeing really good results with this. We shall see.

My question is about marijuana use. He is under the impression that it can "Cure" his symptoms. His dad and I do not support his use of "pot", but I want to educate myself in every way I can. He has been smoking it since 9th grade, even though we have tried to get him to stop. I can't say that it really does any good for him. It really doesn't appear to increase his appetite. He lost 15 lbs. over the past 4 months. Unless of course the thought is that he has to smoke it all day long? Again I do not support pot smoking, especially in kids, but again I want to get all of the info I can.
helpingmom, have they performed a colonoscopy with biopsies on him?

Can medical marijuana help with Crohn's disease symptoms? Yes, in many people. It can even help reduce inflammation according to recent studies. Is it a cure? No. But the first step is to determine what's going on with your son.
Hello helping mom, welcome to the forum!

My question is about marijuana use. He is under the impression that it can "Cure" his symptoms.

Cannabinoids, the molecules found in cannabis that possess the medicinal properties, are quite powerful at mediating the various symptoms that accompany IBDs. Of the 40+ variants of cannabinoids found in the cannabis, only a few are well understood in their function. There is an increasing amount of scientific literature and experimental science done on cannabis, and it is now quite clear that certain cannabinoids have tremendous healing powers. Are cannabinoids powerful enough to cure Crohn's or Ulcerative colitis? The answer is no. Crohn's and UC are the result of an immune system that was deprogrammed, and cannabis will not fix or reverse this. So to say cannabis can cure IBD is a misnomer.


There is evidence that suggests massive doses of cannabinoids can induce remission by treating inflammation completely. A pseudo-cure, if you will.

The problem is the doses required to be effective on this level are quite massive. If you were to deliver such high doses on a daily basis by smoking, the damage done to the patient's lungs would be very severe. Smoking cannabis is the absolute worse delivery method for those who medicate on a daily basis. It might be the most practical, but in my personal opinion, it's not worth healing your bowel if you're going to destroy your lungs. Those anecdotal reports that claim to have induced remission involved a daily ingestion of highly potent cannabis oil. Eating the cannabis achieves two things:

1. It permits the delivery of bigger doses of cannabinoids
2. It delivers the cannabinoids directly into the gut, enhancing the anti-inflammatory properties even further

If what he seeks is remission, smoking it is the worse way to go at it.

There is also something else to consider. At 17 years old, your son's brain is not yet fully developed, and his neurons are not yet completely wired and won't be until his early twenties. Why does this matter?

Cannabinoids bind to special receptors in our body called CB1 and CB2. The bulk of those receptors are

A) In our brain
B) In our gut (this explains why cannabis is so good at relieving abdominal pain and why IBD patients are ideal candidates for cannabis use)

The brain involvement is a potential cause for concern in your son's case. Our body produces its own cannabinoids, that are different from those found in the cannabis plant, and each has a different role to play. Some regulate sleep, others digestion, inflammation, and some have a role to play in regulating development.

Some studies have suggested that chronic use of cannabis (the massive doses that would be needed to induce remission in your son certainly qualify as chronic use for the purpose of this discussion) in teenagers can cause developmental problems in the brain. I've read those studies and I remain unconvinced, but there is not enough proof to rule the risk out either.

In the end, it comes down to this:
1) Cannabis helps
2) Smoking is the absolute worse delivery method (vaporizing or eating it is much preferable) in terms of risks vs rewards
3) Your son's age puts him at risk of developing psychiatric diseases with chronic use. How big that risk is is very unclear.

My guess is your son likes to get high (he is 17 after all) and the disease is an excuse to do it. It's like having the cake and eating it too. It alters your consciousness, which is an innate desire in all humans and particularly in teenagers, and it helps with the disease. Win win. For this reason, he probably wouldn't stop using even if you asked. I wouldn't have at his age had I been in his shoes. You can still suggest some positive changes that will reduce risks and increase rewards though.

To begin with, he should really stop smoking it. If he is serious about using cannabis as a medicine and not a recreational drug, he should get himself a vaporizer and/or learn to prepare cannabis edibles.

I hope this helps.

There is evidence that suggests massive doses of cannabinoids can induce remission by treating inflammation completely. A pseudo-cure, if you will.

The problem is the doses required to be effective on this level are quite massive.

I am still confused by the Medical Marijuana application. I understanding that vaporizing and cooking via cannabutter is healthier and much more beneficial way of intaking MM for CD, but what I don't get is what would the perspriction instructions be so-to-speak?

How much would someone have to use cannabis a day and how long before benefits are found? And will it affect school and work?

I have never smoked weed in my life so I don't really know what it does to me personally, but I have been curious by this whole new wave of information about how it helps Crohn's (which I have). I know one test said subjects had 2 joints a day for 8 weeks....but is this really practical in normal life use? I just don't know about it.

I may very soon have to go back on some sort of medication, and I would rather exhaust all my organic and natural remedies first before I have to go back on 6MP and other steroids.
I was wondering how to approach my Dr once the bill passes here in IL. Is it up to him to decide? I dont want to be on Humira anymore its a scary drug .
I was wondering how to approach my Dr once the bill passes here in IL. Is it up to him to decide? I dont want to be on Humira anymore its a scary drug .

I just met my new GI on Monday and I asked him about it. Here in NY, it still isn't legal but the way I asked him was more or less like this: "I know it's kind of taboo, but I have done some research and a lot of testimonials from people say that medical marijuana can help inflammation in the GI tract. I didn't know if you have any more information on it, or think it would be a good idea to see if it would work."

He was actually surprisingly open minded about it and told me if it became legal, he would be willing to work with me to experiment with it along side a medicine and see if it works well for me.

I guess maybe ask in a way that is open ended and kind of ask your doctor about it, rather than "I want to go on it now!" approach. At least, that's what I kind of did!
I'm going to tell my GI the truth: I have been a regular pot smoker for 20 years and have generally been in remission. Any of the times I stopped for a month or two (various reasons) I would start to flare. It reduces my stress at the end of the day and helps me sleep also.
I'm going to tell my GI the truth: I have been a regular pot smoker for 20 years and have generally been in remission. Any of the times I stopped for a month or two (various reasons) I would start to flare. It reduces my stress at the end of the day and helps me sleep also.

The truth is good, too! I added that when I spoke to him. I have never touched pot ever, so I don't know how well it reacts with my body. I didn't want to add anything personal because everyone has different life experiences!

Also to Mary: Tell him you are concerned about your current medication! I wouldn't want to be on something yucky for too long either.
Wondering if anyone has tried medical cannibis oil for their crohns? It'd supposed to be a lot more effective than vaporizing.
Do you take the oil orally? In MA, MM has only become legal this year but no physicians are licensed for it so no dispensaries have openned yet. I assume this is where you could obtain the oil, right? I'm very excited at the prospect of being able to obtain oils and foodstuff rather than needing to always smoke it. Also they will be able to differentiate the different strains - ones for pain, ones for anxiety, ones for inflamation. I'll be able to get the type i need rather than the luck of the draw from the street.
So sorry for the belated answer, I forgot to come back to the thread.

I am still confused by the Medical Marijuana application. I understanding that vaporizing and cooking via cannabutter is healthier and much more beneficial way of intaking MM for CD, but what I don't get is what would the perspriction instructions be so-to-speak?

I don't know what the half life of cannabinoids are, but it's probably short, so the instructions would split the daily dosage in multiple smaller doses (2 or 3 times a day), with food.

How much would someone have to use cannabis a day and how long before benefits are found? And will it affect school and work?

There hasn't been enough human clinical trials done yet to make this determination (I've seen two studies so far). Studies usually refer to doses of actual cannabinoids (10mg of THC, 40mg of CBD, 5mg of CBN, etc.) so how much you'd have to use would depend of the potency of the cannabis you have and its cannabinoid makeup, your weight, age, etc.

Ballpark? At least 1 gram of potent cannabis daily, split in multiple doses.

I have never smoked weed in my life so I don't really know what it does to me personally, but I have been curious by this whole new wave of information about how it helps Crohn's (which I have). I know one test said subjects had 2 joints a day for 8 weeks....but is this really practical in normal life use? I just don't know about it.

I've been vaporizing extremely small amounts multiples times a day for close to a year now, and I am still a productive member of society. I manage two businesses and forty employees overall. Is it practical for normal life use? I wouldn't say it's practical, but it can be adapted or incorporated in a daily routine like any other medication.
Wondering if anyone has tried medical cannibis oil for their crohns? It'd supposed to be a lot more effective than vaporizing.

It's definitely more effective because

1) oils can be made to be much more potent than the cannabinoid content found in smoke or vapor can be
2) it delivers the cannabinoids directly into the gut

It's night and day in effect.

I like to see vaporizing/smoking as an acute, instant relief type of treatment. A short term band-aid, if you will.

Whereas cannaoil should be seen as a long term, daily regimen type of treatment.

ALL anecdotal reports of induced Crohn's remission with cannabis came from experienced cannabis users who prepared their own potent oil.
It mimics the delivery methods used in clinical trials the closest.
I came here for one reason, but I'm also replying to helpingmom!

I've been on medical leave for more than two weeks now because I'm so sick. I use(d) high quality hybrid strains that didn't make me feel high, but calmed my body down. I vaporized. I find it too difficult to swallow anything made with cannabis. It makes me retch for some reason. Anyway.. I can't spend the money for this treatment, I have to save it to pay the mortgage. As a result, my symptoms have skyrocketed over the last couple days. I agree that smoking it is terrible, vaping it is better, eating it even better. It absolutely has a positive affect on my ability to function, go to work, go to the store, etc. I'm at the point right now where I can barely eat a cup of mashed potatoes with zofran before and after. pretty ridiculous.. still, the pills are cheaper :(

so helpingmom, it probably does help your son, but he's too young! When I was a kid my parents taught me quite specifically that drugs are very bad for developing bodies. I knew they smoked, but I also knew it was wrong for me to do so. I yelled at my best friend for doing it when she was 17. She grew up perfectly fine despite smoking as a teen. I am able to hold down a full-time stressful job. My dose (shared with others - vaporizers sometimes keep making vapor way past what you expected) was 0.5 ounce a week.

He should stop smoking. He should stop partaking altogether, but it doesn't sound like that's likely to happen. If he's going to do it no matter what you say, try to steer him towards a healthier ingestion method. If he agrees to stop altogether make sure you have supportive medications around to pick up the slack as it leaves his system.
Do you take the oil orally? In MA, MM has only become legal this year but no physicians are licensed for it so no dispensaries have openned yet. I assume this is where you could obtain the oil, right? I'm very excited at the prospect of being able to obtain oils and foodstuff rather than needing to always smoke it. Also they will be able to differentiate the different strains - ones for pain, ones for anxiety, ones for inflamation. I'll be able to get the type i need rather than the luck of the draw from the street.

Bueller??? :ycool:
when I was young we could buy THC pills off the street. They were potent. I wonder if they still exist and if they would work??? Anyone know anything about them and if there is a script of them for sufferers of chronic diseases like Crohns?