Sticky Medical Marijuana for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

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Feb 13, 2006
Naples, Florida
After a lot of debate, the staff here at has decided to allow public discussion of medical marijuana as a supplemental treatment option within this thread. If you would like to discuss medical marijuana in a manner that is not indexed by search engines due to the potential privacy and legal implications, we have such a forum here. Please note that if you discuss medical marijuana in this thread, what you say will be found by the search engines. Before we get started, a few rules:

1. Please keep medical marijuana related discussion confined to this thread or the private forum.

2. Yes, medical marijuana is illegal in many jurisdictions. However, as research below indicates, medical marijuana has been shown to be an effective treatment option for some people with IBD. As such, it will be treated as a MEDICINE on this forum and we will give people choosing to explore its use the same respect as we would give someone choosing a medicine such as Prednisone or Remicade. If you oppose medical marijuana, that's fine and we respect that. But this thread is not a place for such debate.

3. There will be no offers to buy or sell medical marijuana in this thread, in the private forum, or via PM.

4. If you choose to explore the use of medical marijuana, we strongly suggest you discuss it with your medical team.

5. Feel free to post your personal experiences with medical marijuana whether positive or negative.

Ongoing Research

For the science behind Medical Marijuana, see our wiki entry.

There is a lot of ongoing research into the effectiveness of medical marijuana for the treatment of Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and other forms of IBD. A couple articles:

Cannabis for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease treatment
17. December 2009 04:15

Chemicals found in cannabis could prove an effective treatment for the inflammatory bowel diseases Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease, say scientists.

Laboratory tests have shown that two compounds found in the cannabis plant - the cannabinoids THC and cannabidiol - interact with the body's system that controls gut function.
Read the full article

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease affects over a million people in the United States1, with an estimated indirect cost from work loss of $3.6 billion annually2. Many of these individuals suffer from pain, diarrhea and poor ability to digest their food, and in up to half of those with IBD, the disease is so severe that it ultimately requires surgery to remove the affected bowel segment.
Despite recent therapeutic advances and improved understanding of the underlying pathologies, patients with IBD are often resistant to treatment, justifying the continued search for new therapeutic approaches. Although the mechanisms underlying ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are different, they share one pathological feature: chronic inflammation. In a recent issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation, Massa et al. provide evidence that stimulation of cannabinoid receptors protects against colonic inflammation3.
Read the full article

Cannabis use is associated with a reduction in Crohn's disease (CD) activity and disease-related surgeries, according to the results of a retrospective observational study published in the August issue of the Journal of the Israeli Medical Association.

Investigators at the Meir Medical Center, Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology assessed 'disease activity, use of medication, need for surgery, and hospitalization' before and after cannabis use in 30 patients with CD.

Authors reported, "All patients stated that consuming cannabis had a positive effect on their disease activity" and documented "significant improvement" in 21 subjects.

Specifically, researchers found that subjects who consumed cannabis "significantly reduced" their need for other medications. Participants in the trial also reported requiring fewer surgeries following their use of cannabis.

"Fifteen of the patients had 19 surgeries during an average period of nine years before cannabis use, but only two required surgery during an average period of three years of cannabis use," authors reported.
Read the full article

Potential Negatives

One must take into account that ALL drugs have potential side effects. If you're thinking of using medical marijuana to treat your Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, or other form of IBD, you should discuss it at length with your medical team as well as your family. Some of the potential negatives include but are certainly not limited to:

1. Marijuana, like any drug, can have potential physical or psychological side effects. These range from paranoia to increased risks of cancer.

2. Marijuana (even the medical kind) is still illegal in many states in the USA (and is illegal at the federal level) and various countries around the world.

3. Even if you have a prescription for medical marijuana, there is still a stigma and prejudice regarding it. If some people such as employers or potential employers find out you're using it, there could be repercussions.

Methods of Administration

There are various methods of administration of medical marijuana. These include but are not limited to:

1. Smoking - Smoking is done via joint, bong, pipe, or other means. Positives include ease of specific dosing whereas negatives include highest ingestion of potentially cancer causing compounds.

2. Vaporization - Vaporization is a method of taking medical marijuana where you are able to avoid many of the respiratory toxins present in the smoke by heating the marijuana to a temperature where the beneficial ingredients are evaporated and able to be breathed in while avoiding actual combustion. This study shows the benefits.

3. Ingestion - Medical marijuana can be ingested. Common methods include cooking the marijuana with butter to form "cannabutter" which can then be baked into any food that requires butter as an ingredient. Benefits include avoiding the toxins present in the smoke whereas negatives include more difficulty with specific dosing.

State by State Laws

For a list of states that have medical marijuana laws and the specifics, visit for more information.

If anyone here has information regarding the legality of medical marijuana in other countries, please let me know.

I will continue to improve this first post over time. If you have suggestions for improvements or corrections, please let me know.
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I am interested in what jack96 said, is that true? People with Crohn's tend to have more cannabis receptors? Does anyone have a link that would support that statement, I am intrigued??
It's not that people with IBD have more receptors(CBD1 ad CBD2), it would be extremely had to prove and verify that.
There was a study done a few year back in the UK the Universities of Bristol and Bath that was studying the effects of cannabis on IBD patients, the managed to find CBD2 receptors in the gut which explains why cannabis can be very beneficial to those with gut issues. The CBD receptors are found in many place in the body, research into marijuana as a medicine is very limited due to the legal issues with it.
I find that cannabis helps me greatly! It helps me eat and gain weight. It also reduces my stress and depression while stopping me from using the bathroom for hours (which is a great relief to us all).
Thanks for the information, I do not live in a state that has legal medical use and I'm sure I would be busted the first time I tried to purchase it.
I'm the same, Eric. I'm too paranoid of getting caught. I'm all for medical legalization, though! I hear it helps with nausea, which would be nice.
With so many states either approving the use of or considering approving the use of Medical Marijuana, you would think the Fed's would seriously consider allowing this on a national level. I do not take this nut have a friend who does. He has Crohns/ Colitis and he does seem to be better on it. Weight gain has slowed significantly or stopped altogether due to have an appetite. I wish everyone the best no matter what treatment form they choose. Those without IBD or other auto-immune diseases have no conception on how this effects our lives and those around us. God speed everyone.
I suggest voting for congressman who support legalizing and sign petitions and vote for it when there is a a movement in your area for legalization!
I get extremely paranoid when using cannabis. But I do feel a great deal of relief in regards to the gut. Is there a way of using it that would cause LESS paranoia? Is ingesting or vaporizing different then smoking it? I wish I could benefit from it, it would be so easy! LOL
I get extremely paranoid when using cannabis. But I do feel a great deal of relief in regards to the gut. Is there a way of using it that would cause LESS paranoia? Is ingesting or vaporizing different then smoking it? I wish I could benefit from it, it would be so easy! LOL
I would suggest trying different strains. There are strain discussions in the private forum.

The benefits of ingesting/vaporizing over smoking are discussed in the original post of this thread but I don't feel one method would result in significant differences in anxiety levels, but everyone is different :)
I've been researching foods and other substances that help promote mucosal lining regeneration since that seems to be an incredibly important part of not only achieving remission, but staying there. It's also part of the reason some researchers are advocating a "top down" approach to Crohn's treatments as biologicals can help improve the mucosal layer of the intestines. Anyway, I found this study today:

Cannabinoids Promote Epithelial Wound Healing
Hi Kacey, When you smoke you are causing combustion which releases a lot of chemicals that you will not encounter when you vaporize or eat. When you vaporize, you are not getting the full range of cannabinoids that you do when you smoke. It's possible that's where your paranoia lies, but I agree with David that you should try different strains. eating it is different because its going through the digestive process to get into your blood stream so the effect is usually somewhat different.
I get extremely paranoid when using cannabis.

a) Use less. I don't notice much increase in the benefits over "3 puffs" - I just get more paranoid. 3 puffs relaxes me and my gut, chills out my pain, and keeps me chatty.

b) If you go to a compassion club/dispensary, stick to indicas. Sativas are a more mental/cerebral high which can make you overthink things ("Are my fridge magnets really government tracking tools?!").

c) Set and setting contribute a lot. Use it in a comfortable space where you feel safe. At home, listening to music. At the beach. Not at a hotel where they're also hosting the DEA of Southern Florida gathering and you're going to be staring at a drug dog in the elevator).

A lot of paranoia has to do with being brought up in surroundings where using the medicine is "bad behavior". Chill out. Throw on Dark Side of the Moon. S'all good :)
Study: Crohn's Patients Who Use Cannabis Report Fewer Surgeries, Are Less Likely To Use Prescription Drugs

September 22, 2011 - Tel Aviv, Israel

"All patients stated that consuming cannabis had a positive effect on their disease activity"

Tel Aviv, Israel: Cannabis use is associated with a reduction in Crohn's disease (CD) activity and disease-related surgeries, according to the results of a retrospective observational study published in the August issue of the Journal of the Israeli Medical Association.

Investigators at the Meir Medical Center, Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology assessed 'disease activity, use of medication, need for surgery, and hospitalization' before and after cannabis use in 30 patients with CD.

Authors reported, "All patients stated that consuming cannabis had a positive effect on their disease activity" and documented "significant improvement" in 21 subjects.

Specifically, researchers found that subjects who consumed cannabis "significantly reduced" their need for other medications. Participants in the trial also reported requiring fewer surgeries following their use of cannabis.

"Fifteen of the patients had 19 surgeries during an average period of nine years before cannabis use, but only two required surgery during an average period of three years of cannabis use," authors reported.

They concluded: "The results indicate that cannabis may have a positive effect on disease activity, as reflected by a reduction in disease activity index and in the need for other drugs and surgery. Prospective placebo-controlled studies are warranted to fully evaluate the efficacy and side effects of cannabis in CD."

Researchers at the Meir Medical Center are presently evaluating the safety and efficacy of inhaled cannabis for patients with CD and Ulcerative Colitis in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.

Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis are inflammatory bowel diseases. According to survey data published earlier this year in the European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, an estimated one-third of patients with colitis and one-half of subjects with CD acknowledge having used cannabis to mitigate their disease symptoms.

For more information, please contact Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director, at: [email protected]. Full text of the study, "Treatment of Crohn's disease with cannabis: an observational study," appears in the Journal of the Israeli Medical Association. The study also appears online here:
Hi Kacey, When you smoke you are causing combustion which releases a lot of chemicals that you will not encounter when you vaporize or eat. When you vaporize, you are not getting the full range of cannabinoids that you do when you smoke. It's possible that's where your paranoia lies, but I agree with David that you should try different strains. eating it is different because its going through the digestive process to get into your blood stream so the effect is usually somewhat different.

This is actually false. Smoking is NOT the preferred method. The best method of using all available cannabinoids is eating an extract of whole cannabis plant. This can be done by making butter properly with the whole plant or a tincture using Co2 or 170 proof or higher Alcohol. Google Rick Simpson Cancer cure for his method.

Vaporizing is the next best thing. You can control the temperature of most vaporizers, and while THC does burn at a lower temperature, most vaporizers easily get to the point of vaporizing the CBD. Also, smoking, although my preferred method as of ease, wastes much of the medicine up in the air and from much too high heat. High heat destroys THC and CBD also.
When one considers that there are at least 60 pharmacologically-active compounds in cannabis and that the aromatic terpenoids begin to vaporize at 126°C, but the more bio-active cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabinol (CBN), and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) do not vaporize until near their respective flash points: CBD 206.3°C, CBN 212.7°C, THC 149.3°C

Cannabis edibles and vaporizing or smoking gives me the analgesic equivelant of a vicodin without the cloudiness and dopiness of vicodin. It also greatly helps with nausea and stimulates my appetite. It also makes me laugh more and relax more which is important when you have a miserable "incurable" illness.
I get extremely paranoid when using cannabis. But I do feel a great deal of relief in regards to the gut. Is there a way of using it that would cause LESS paranoia? Is ingesting or vaporizing different then smoking it? I wish I could benefit from it, it would be so easy! LOL

use a pure indica strain, take after a meal to help you not get as paranoid and spacey, eating is more of a body effect than mental. the paranoia goes away with time.

don't forget that many of the FDA approved drugs we use have Carcinogen labels on them and cause far worse side effects. No one has ever died from cannabis and not one case of cancer has ever been attributed to Cannabis.
I wasn't advocating smoking, sorry if that's how it sounded. I vaporize. eating doesn't work for me, it passes through too fast. sublingual and candy helps.
This is actually false. Smoking is NOT the preferred method. The best method of using all available cannabinoids is eating an extract of whole cannabis plant. This can be done by making butter properly with the whole plant or a tincture using Co2 or 170 proof or higher Alcohol. Google Rick Simpson Cancer cure for his method.

Vaporizing is the next best thing. You can control the temperature of most vaporizers, and while THC does burn at a lower temperature, most vaporizers easily get to the point of vaporizing the CBD. Also, smoking, although my preferred method as of ease, wastes much of the medicine up in the air and from much too high heat. High heat destroys THC and CBD also.
When one considers that there are at least 60 pharmacologically-active compounds in cannabis and that the aromatic terpenoids begin to vaporize at 126°C, but the more bio-active cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabinol (CBN), and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) do not vaporize until near their respective flash points: CBD 206.3°C, CBN 212.7°C, THC 149.3°C

Cannabis edibles and vaporizing or smoking gives me the analgesic equivelant of a vicodin without the cloudiness and dopiness of vicodin. It also greatly helps with nausea and stimulates my appetite. It also makes me laugh more and relax more which is important when you have a miserable "incurable" illness.

Yeah, my daughter just did a paper on this and got a 90% but will post it when I get it. A friend of mine from CA is on it and now she is out and about and living life. NO pain, and she is on Indica. I am thinking about it myself.:ycool:
I previously had read the article David linked too, sigh, why are the US still in denial about how wonderful this medicine is??? I also don't get why some cultures believe it is alright to outlaw what someone can or cannot do with their own person if it does not impact their neighbor, and then there are other cultures who more or less see the light that a person can do whatever they please to their own self. :(
I used it last year before and after my surgery. It did what the pain pills didn't. I could hold food down, I could finally sleep and I was able to move around after using it. Cannibis is really a great tool when used properly.
Having been a pot smoker for about 10 years before being diagonsed with crohns i found it to be a great help in the early days. It was great for reducing the pain of the intestinal swelling before surgery (and the only way i could get more than an hours sleep was to smoke before bed).

I stopped smoking it with tobacco after surgery, and found it helped me get my appetite back. I continued to smoke it for about another 3 years before stopping when we were trying for our first child.

I wouldn't hesitate to use it again for pain relief, however now that I'm a parent it raises other concerns (as it's not legal over here in the UK)
I started using marijuana as a teen. The main thing that kept me using it was the fact that it made my stomach stop hurting. I hadn't been diagnosed yet. I thought I just had anxiety problems or an ulcer.

I stopped using it when I was 29. In the four years that I was not using marijuana, I had painful, crampy diarrhea that lasted nearly a year. I also developed a perianal fistula (had surgery) then later ended up in the hospital with my first flare. I was completely blocked due to the inflammation.

Finally, when I got my diagnosis in 010, I purchased a vaporizer and started using marijuana again. I figured that if I'm going to use MM therapeutically, I'm going to do it right. I mainly use the vaporizer and I keep some edibles on hand. Since I live in a state where MM is not legal, I can't be too picky about which strains I get. As long as it's medical grade I'm a happy camper. I hope to move to a state that it is legal sometime soon.
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Vaporizing is the best way to get what you need, smoking it burns of most of the THC. I hate the smell of it ..ew.
Just fired up my iolite. Relaxed me and took most of my bowel pain away so I can enjoy my afternoon with my fiancé and friends. Such a safe medicinal herb. The side effects are so mild compared to alcohol or cigarettes. Last night my one friend spent an hour puking her brains out from drinking too much alcohol in one 4 hour period. We had to wait it out at a friends house who despite being a non cig smoker, had the worst smokers hack from living in a house with 4 other chain smoking Europeans and growing up in a house with a mom who smoked cigs. The worst thing the green weed has ever done to me is make me paranoid and antisocial for an hour or two. Not clinically paranoid but more like social anxiety of leaving my comfort zone. Other negative side effects have included falling asleep or over eating or laughing at everything and enjoying life.
Thanks for sharing your story ctrl z. Since going back on MM, has it helped, hindered, or no change in your symptoms?

It has helped my symptoms.

Stress really affects my bowel. I've had an extremely emotionally traumatic year. I believe that without it I would have had a severe flare. There were times when the stress was so bad that I couldn't eat because of pain and nausea. The MM helped me get the nourishment I needed without making things worse. It calmed me emotionally, physically, and it numbed the pain.

Obviously, it won't ease the pain of a full flare. The only thing that can touch that (for me) is morphine but I believe that treating myself with MM daily helps ameliorate the disease.
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It got rid of my addictive mentality that Religion gives you and replaced it with Euphoria.

I was so happy that I met the woman of my dreams, tapered down for several days, and now I'm more mature intellectually than she is. (Ying/Yang)

She's bipolar by the way.
I'm depressive.
Proponents of medical marijuana argue that it can be a safe and effective treatment for the symptoms of cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, pain, glaucoma, epilepsy, and other conditions. They cite dozens of peer-reviewed studies, prominent medical organizations, major government reports, and the use of marijuana as medicine throughout world history , Get a LIVESTONED wristband for your buds. "Down for the cause!"
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't smoking bad for crohns altogether. Doctors always say smoking makes it worse what with the fumes and that.
It's a common misconception that the only thing you can do with cannabis is smoke it. Nothing could be further from the truth :)

You can cook with cannabis and you can vaporize it which produces no smoke.
I vaporize with an ilolute portable vaporizer and make cannabutter using the long cook time low temp method from Northern California hippies recipe. It's amazingly strong.
I'm a newbie to this forum and also to Medical marijuana. I got my medical Cannabis card (I live in CA) just two months ago in October.

I've been trying to be medical and scientific about about my usage and dosage of my marijuana. The results have been POSITIVE thus far. I can report the following:

1. Since using Marijuana, my Daily bouts with diarrhea (2-5 movements a day) have subsided to ZERO. The only exceptions were the two days after Thanksgiving, to which I can thank overeating and alcohol consumption.

2. I have had a regular, daily, morning well-formed bowel movement since medicating with marijuana.

3. Edibles and tinctures work better for me with fewer side effects. Smoking makes me cough and sometimes gag. (I used to be one of those Nancy Reagan type anti-drug people, esp. Marijuana because of the gateway argument.)

4. Skipping my daily dose of marijuana has caused loose bowel movements but I haven't had multiple diarrhea attacks.

5. Returning to dosing with Marijuana immediately makes me regular.

6. The worst two side effects have been dry mouth and sluggishness (but hydrating and a nice nap are not so bad treatments!)

7. The other side effects like euphoria, slow motion time, heightened senses (most notably vivid visual coloration), pain reduction, bouts of exaggerated laughter, and "the munchies," are actually quite welcomed!

Smoking does work, but I am worried about long term effects (and the aforementioned coughing and gagging). I have yet to try vaporizing.

I have been researching the issue of medical marijuana use and observing my local scene. I still think at least 51% of the legal users just want to get high, but considering the political and social history of drugs and narcotics (including alcohol prohibition), classifying cannabis as a "schedule I" substance is ridiculous on many levels.

Anyway, I can only speak for myself, but medical marijuana has greatly improved my quality of life. I wish there could be more and larger studies done on the effects of Marijuana in the cases of IBD, but that is currently forbidden by federal law.

In the meantime, I will continue to self-medicate and observe the results.

PS- Has anyone tried acupuncture?
Hey, Delta-9!

I'm so glad you've had such positive results with the medical cannabis. You are fortunate to have access to such a great variety out there in CA. You can get strains that are higher in CBD's than in THC if the high ever becomes too much for you.

I fully recommend vaporizing instead of smoking. The vapors are safer and there is minimal irritation compared to combustion. You just vaporize the plant material until it turns a golden color and you can save that vaporized material and make your own edibles. Very effective edibles! It's really worth it.

I haven't tried acupuncture but I'm open to trying it.
I tried acupuncture a few times and will try it again. It's effects are subtle. Cannabis on the other hand has immediate noticeable results. I would recommend getting a Whispr by iolite or the generic knock off of The Volcanoe for more than half the cost. Yes the knock off doesn't come with a warranty like the amazingly engineered German Volcanoe but it's basically a hair dryer element with a bowl piece and bag. It's the best way to vaporize in my opinion unless you want a portable like the iolite (also a great company).

Thanks for the advice! Yes, I would like to vaporize. The hints on brands should come in handy on my vaporizer search. I did find a low THC strain with a super high (pun intended) CBD content. Super body feel, mellow headiness.

I would like to go back to acupuncture again but treatments are costly. I felt like my acupuncturist was trying to heal the WHOLE problem and wasn't just treating symptoms.

I'm glad I found this forum and I hope to contribute more in the future. Thanks again for your responses. I appreciate them and it's nice to know I'm not alone.
I have a digital Volcano with the easy valve system. If you have the cash to spare, it is an excellent vaporizer. For portable use, I have the Magic Flight Launch Box (just got it for xmas). :)

I chose the MFLB over the iolite vaporizers because the MFLB does not use butane and I didn't want to mess around with it. I know of a lot of people that are really happy with their iolite vaporizers anyway so either one would be a good choice.

Welcome to the forum. :welcome:

I just got some tincture that is very mild in terms of 'high' and you just feel loose. Very little paranoia. If you do vape, just take a little. You don't need to get ripped if you want to just use it for it's benefits. Just use a small amount and build from there as pain, nasuea requires

I would suggest trying different strains. There are strain discussions in the private forum.

The benefits of ingesting/vaporizing over smoking are discussed in the original post of this thread but I don't feel one method would result in significant differences in anxiety levels, but everyone is different :)
medical options

hey everyone,

well, i've been on antibiotics and all sorts of steroid/asocal regiments but my symptoms keep coming up. i've gotten to a point were i am bored of eating because its just going to hurt my stomach and cause me to have 4-5 bowel movements in a day.

up to this point only 2 things have worked. 1, i take steroids (predinsone) which makes me feel like garbage or 2, i take a pain med like hydro-codeine.

i've thought about medical marijuana but my doctor has never mentioned it as an options.

so my question is, which of the 3 is best? keep taking steroids? try to take pain meds? or try medical cannibus?

thanks for the help...
I can't tell you which is best. Only you and your Dr can decide that BUT I would stick with the treatment the doctor prescribed, omit the pain pills, and use medical cannabis instead to see if it works for you.

I'm guessing that if you are going 4-5 times a day that it is mostly diarrhea. Medical cannabis may reduce diarrhea.

For me, it helps ease stomach pain and makes it easier to eat.
Ok so I am new to this all too. I have always suffered with stomach problems but it wasnt until my brother commited suicide 2 years ago that I was diagnosed with Crohns. I though I was having a heart attack and went to the ER. My hemoglobin was 3.8 so I had my first ever blood transfusion (6 units). Since then my daughters step sister was killed in the Joplin MO tornado and my father and his girlfriend lost their business in it as well. I ended up in the ER blacking out and they shoved an NG tube down my throat and then I had my forst bowel resection. I have tried several meds and am currently on Imuran and it causes me to get a yeast infection and thrush commonly. I had to quit my job because I worked with special ed in the school district but I had to spend half the day in the bathroom. I know I am rambling on but it feels good to talk to people that understand:( My question on this forum is, if you live in a state that does not legalize it what do you do about the bloodwork that we have to do monthly? I am all for relief but I also have 3 kids at home and 2 step kids ages 17,16,15,14,11. Just not sure what is right and what is not:(
They shouldn't be checking for drugs , plus the doctors are on your side and there is doctor patient confidentiality they can't turn u into the police unless you are putting someone else in clear and imminent danger. Just don't let your kids find your stash and take it to school and you should be ok. Don't drive under the influence or have it anywhere in your vehicle except trunk. Use a turkey bag from grocery to store it so it doesn't smell. Google "NORML" and educate yourself on your rights and never admit anything or incriminate yourself or give up your rights.
tmw27, You have really lived through a lot of tragedy! I am so sorry all those things happend to you and, around you. About your blood-work. It has never been an issue for me in Texas.
In Canada one can applie for a MMAR Medical marijuanna card if they have the aproval of both their GP and Gastrointerologist. I have had my card for several years and I have found the use of both sativa's and indica's most beneficial for pain reduction, nervous conditions, insomnia and so forth. Medical marijuanna is like any drug, when used properly it can be a benefit but when abused can turn the user into an adict or worse mental case.
In Canada one can applie for a MMAR Medical marijuanna card if they have the aproval of both their GP and Gastrointerologist. I have had my card for several years and I have found the use of both sativa's and indica's most beneficial for pain reduction, nervous conditions, insomnia and so forth. Medical marijuanna is like any drug, when used properly it can be a benefit but when abused can turn the user into an adict or worse mental case.

Thank you for sharing this. I do know of a young crohnie who is using this in CA and she has saved herself from surgery. But vapourizing is the most beneficial proven.

Do you have IBD yourself? Would be great to hear your story. Welcome.
ekay03 Thanks, I have learned not to ask what else could happen. It is nice to know that I havent been crazy my whole life. With both my pregnancies I was sick and lost weight and had to have my gall bladder and appendix removed and then a total hysterectomy at 27. If only I knew I had Crohns I could have saved a few steps. Anyway I LOVE this forum. I can say things like anal leakage and not feel like Im crazy. Its just nice to know Im not alone. I am looking in to getting a vaporizer. I just would like to cut out some of my meds. I take nausea meds wvertime I eat and then all I want to do is sleep. I have to take some meds to treat side effects of other meds. Again its so nice to be able to say stuff to people that understand.
ekay03 Thanks, I have learned not to ask what else could happen. It is nice to know that I havent been crazy my whole life. With both my pregnancies I was sick and lost weight and had to have my gall bladder and appendix removed and then a total hysterectomy at 27. If only I knew I had Crohns I could have saved a few steps. Anyway I LOVE this forum. I can say things like anal leakage and not feel like Im crazy. Its just nice to know Im not alone. I am looking in to getting a vaporizer. I just would like to cut out some of my meds. I take nausea meds wvertime I eat and then all I want to do is sleep. I have to take some meds to treat side effects of other meds. Again its so nice to be able to say stuff to people that understand.

Well you haven't lost your sense of humor and that is good. It makes the suffering a little easier i think. I agree with you. It is really wonderful that we have a place to say anal leakage! Keep me posted on how you are doing. I don't have a vaporizer either. They are quite expensive, but I do check ebay. And one day I hope do get one. If you do get one, let me know. I would love a review. Take care
Erin :D
I get extremely paranoid when using cannabis. But I do feel a great deal of relief in regards to the gut. Is there a way of using it that would cause LESS paranoia? Is ingesting or vaporizing different then smoking it? I wish I could benefit from it, it would be so easy! LOL

Its not the pot that causes the paranoia, its the cops.

Suggest you get legal, do some research, crohns makes you elig for a growers license under Health Canada rules. Net is your friend, the permit is free and the doctors endorsing it are mounding up.

Marinol is a pill formed, legal subscription for the active ingred in pot, imho its not nearly as effective but completely legal and very expensive.
In Canada one can applie for a MMAR Medical marijuanna card if they have the aproval of both their GP and Gastrointerologist. I have had my card for several years and I have found the use of both sativa's and indica's most beneficial for pain reduction, nervous conditions, insomnia and so forth. Medical marijuanna is like any drug, when used properly it can be a benefit but when abused can turn the user into an adict or worse mental case.

Specialist has nothing to do with the process. The family physician is all that is needed and no fee is charged by health canada. Need not even be your family doctor, just a pot freindly doctor.
Nowhere in the entire process is the signature of a specialist required or indicated.
Proponents of medical marijuana argue that it can be a safe and effective treatment for the symptoms of cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, pain, glaucoma, epilepsy, and other conditions. They cite dozens of peer-reviewed studies, prominent medical organizations, major government reports, and the use of marijuana as medicine throughout world history , Get a LIVESTONED wristband for your buds. "Down for the cause!"

The gov't consent to allow you to grow 76 plants and harvest huge amounts of bud is easy to obtain and the gov't fees are zero.

My med card is more of a statement than a hemp band, n'est pas?
To those of you having trouble accessing the MM forum with tapatalk, use the password of "autoaccept" (no quotes) when prompted.
I found this forum by searching 'medical marihuana for crohn's' on Google and decided to join in.

I have had a flare-up again since a few days, because I had a lot of stress, yesterday someone suggested me to use marihuana to ease the pain, and since I live in the Netherlands, where the usage of marihuana is legal, it is not such a problem. I tried to smoke pot yesterday evening, and it totally helped me out. I felt less pain going to the toilet and was less anxious about what to do. It calmed me down, and made me handle my pain in a good way.

Having had agressive medicine (accutane) before I got diagnosed with Ulcerative colitis, which I feel is caused by this medicine (I did some research), I am now very sceptic towards such strong medicine, my doctor eventually wants me to go on prednisone, which I think is terrible.

Marihuana is a good option to endure a flare-up for me, in a country where marihuana is legal.
Stardust, I am so glad that the marijuana helped you! And living in Amsterdam gives you the option to experiment w/ different strains. Yes I agree that prednisone is terrible, but many of us have had to use it to get our disease under control.
Another new member for you guys to throw your information at!
I recently decided to take a more active approach to my disease and thought I'd start looking for different treaments. Ive gone through a couple since my diagnosis 3 years ago. None of them, I found, were helpful. In fact, the side-effects were often worse than the disease itself at the time. So for the past... year? Or close to it, I've decided to just leave it as is. I haven't seen my doctor in 5 or 6 months and for the first while I was coping just fine. But for the past 3 months my symptoms have been quite severe. I have had a lot of trouble sleeping due to pain and that has caused me more stress which in turn, of course, causes more pain. and there is the obvious... washroom issues... I had tried pot when I was in high school once but decided I'd leave it at that. I often carry the same attitude as my mother when it comes to the disease in that I won't let it ruin my life. I usually choose to try to ignore symptoms and go on with my day. I've found lately that this has been getting quite difficult. Going out with friends in the evenings usually means staying up later, getting less sleep and causing more pain in the mornings. I am often the driver in outings that include drinking as that also causes worse symptoms. I've been told by several people that marijuana may be something I could use to help with the worsening pain and other symptoms. I went to do further research and here you all are. More positive stories of how MM has helped you. If anyone has any advice it would all be greatly appreciated. MM is not something I'm super interested in but the only other truely beneficial treament I've heard of is Remicade and that is not even close to an option for me right now.

Please let me know. I'd love to be an active member of this forum. This thread and many others.
Hi InitialLoss, I am glad you found us :)
Since I live in Texas it is not legal for me to partake in mmj. But you have come to the right place for firsthand information. Enjoy the forum :)
Medical marijuana or Rat DNA infusion? Smoke a joint or eat a brownie. What have you got to lose? I find eating the marijuana most beneficial. Google "Rick Simpson Oil". I think that may be the holy grail.
MM is great for pain, stimulates appetite, helps relax me, doesn't whack me out like opiate pain pills, doesn't have the withdrawal or tolerance of opiates, helps me sleep etc.
MM isn't always appropriate to use on it's own. Sometimes a stronger medication is needed. In that circumstance, MM makes an excellent supplement and can greatly improve quality of life.
Every medication I've tried or have seen my mom try have had side-effects that, in my opinion, are worse in several cases than the disease itself. I haven't tried anything recently and when i was trying treaments my symptoms werent so bad. Now that its progessed I'm looking for something that can manage my symptoms at the worst of times with minimal side effects. With my experiences with marijuana it really hasnt been that bad. I've tried it again recently and I do find it great when I'm in pain and I could even eat with more comfort. First good sleep have in weeks too. But still need to bring it up with my doctor and find a safer way of obtaining the stuff.
A nice Sativa during the day and indica for the evening. One of the safest substances known to man and in use for 2000+ years. No anal leakage, no suicidal thoughts, no risk of liver infection, no lymphoma, etc.
On a side note I went to my dispensary yesterday where they had concentrates and one hit provided the analgesic equivelant of 2 Vicodin and I slept like a baby.
A nice Sativa during the day and indica for the evening. One of the safest substances known to man and in use for 2000+ years. No anal leakage, no suicidal thoughts, no risk of liver infection, no lymphoma, etc.

So nice that you live in Los Angeles. Here in Texas is is a crime!!! Stupid crime, but still a crime!
Yeah that sucks. I lived in SC for a year where more than a 1/4 ounce is a felony. That's a day supply for someone who is super sick, eats it, juices raw, or has no responsibilities. It's still illegal in Los Angeles. There are only 5 people allowed under federal law to use cannabis and it's dirt weed grown by the US govt at the U of Mississippi. Crazy eh?
Paying for it sucks though. Once u have grown a pound in your back yard in full sun in 4 months and spent maybe $200 for water and supplies not counting your time, it kills u to pay for it. It should be as cheap as chamomile tea, and can be ;).
I don't take part in marijuana, and I have some views about it that I'll leave out. (I guess it all depends on who's taking it, how much, and activities during) but if it helps and people don't use it to get high, more power to you.

What's consider expensive? Because I know in Ontario you can get a gram for 10 bucks.
Anyone on MJ for medicinal use only not recreational use? (IN Canada only) And a vaporizer? Not smoking it. Would be interested in your thoughts and how you are doing.
Well like I said above more than $300 a lb is expensive. Same price here at the store. $10-$20 per gram at the stores in Los Angeles.

Oh my!! Yes that is expensive! And no insurance coverage. I know this isn't a political page, but I just need to say it. Make it legal and tax it and america will have plenty of money!!
Its easily bought on the streets for 5-10 a gram around here but that isnt the point. What I would like to find and what anyone who uses it needs is a good safe way of getting it for a realistic price. If its something that could help me im going to give it a shot.
I definitely see the benefits for Crohn's patients and have used it a couple times myself (not enough to see a major difference, but in retrospect it did help quiet things down a bit). As someone who is always VERY sensitive to the side effects of medications and has already run down the list of a good majority of the medications used to treat the disease, it definitely can't be any worse. I used to live in Colorado where there were more MM dispensaries than Starbucks, but now I'm in New York, where unfortunately it's not legal for medical use (which to me is bizzare). I truly hope that will change soon. I've never been the type to seek it out, but will partake if it's available. I'm currently on no medication right now and it would be nice to have something to help out with some of the symptoms that doesn't give me terrible side effects. I especially noticed that it helps with the stress, which for me at least is a huge trigger for a flare.

C'est la vie. Maybe someday soon NY will join the ranks of legal medical marijuana states. Here's to hoping.
Its easily bought on the streets for 5-10 a gram around here but that isnt the point. What I would like to find and what anyone who uses it needs is a good safe way of getting it for a realistic price. If its something that could help me im going to give it a shot.

Grow yOur own is the best way. Is that an option for you? All u need is part of basement/cellar or garage or part of backyard. It's totally worth it if ur crohns symptoms affect the quality of life. I'll post the smoking granny video as soon as I can.
Now i'm off medical marihuana, because i have exams for my study tomorrow, and my flare up is almost gone so it is okay. Marihuana can be a motivation killer I have noticed.
This is something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I live in the UK so Cannabis is very much so Illegal, and I have no intentions of breaking the law. I have on about 3 occasions smoked a small amount whilst on a break in Amsterdam, and I have to say my symptoms did improve. For me stress seems to be the biggest problem in aggravating my crohn's so marijuana could possibly be a good thing for that. It's maybe not a perfect solution but it can't be any worse than being on 40mg of prednisolone. That stuff is the devil and turns me into a completely different person. so if medicinal marijuana was ever legalised in this country (theres no chance of it happening though imo...) It's something that would be worth a try.
im a 22 year old male who recently (within the past 6mths) found out that my unbearable stomach pains, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea was caused by crohn's disease. for over a year i suffered without knowing what the problem was and in one month i lost 38lbs which to date has been my worst attack to date. i was given pentasa, predisonome, and a few other drugs to deal with how severe my crohn's had become. the month i lost 38lbs ironically was also the month i was actually on the medication religously and never missed a meal, pill schedule or ate anything that would usually act up and was still the worst i've suffered. i was hospitalized twice in that same month as well for severe dehydration and loss of blood. a couple days after being released and doubled up on my medications i went to a friend's for a get together and was given "brownies" unknowingly... lol to my glee after about half hour or so the pain relief i got was incredible. i literally ate in that one go that night more than id eaten for both stays in the hospital. when i found out what was done i decided to try smoking when i would feel at my worst and to this date i have yet to take another pill. the meds prescribed did absolutely but made my pain worse but the 'herb' as its known where im from (lol) did everything my medication said it would plus much more! medical marijuana is a blessing and needs to be uplifted for its properties now as it was done many years ago when plantations of trees were a requirement of estates. sadly my country has not legalized in any way marijuana but i have belief this will soon change as it can only become more a necessity with each passing day to patients with sever pain issues etc... "Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction" Robert Marley
jah bless
Welcome to the forum joel and thank you for sharing your anecdote! That's absolutely wonderful that mmj has made such a positive difference for you. But PLEASE be sure to work closely with your doctor to monitor your inflammation. While you may not be experiencing debilitating symptoms anymore, you may have smoldering inflammation in your intestines that can lead to all kinds of problems in the future if it isn't controlled.
Hello all. I just spent the last half hour reading everything on here. I've seen this forum before, but never felt like I should get involved, mainly I think because I'm 17, and I think everyone else here is older.

But anyway, I have had Crohn's since I was 14 and also Auto-Immune Hepatitis since I was 15. I've been on and off with marijuana, mainly because of my parents and my girlfriends concern about it. I'm allowed to smoke it 4 times a year, which I don't like, but let me tell you... when I do, I couldn't possibly feel better. It's funny how you don't notice how uncomfortable you are or how much pain there is going on inside of you until you aren't feeling it anymore. When I smoke it, I smoke a lot, and the effects last about two days, since I have no tolerance to it anymore. It gets rid of my chronic headaches, I feel so relaxed, I can sleep, and it helps my bowel movements and gas.

I live in Mass, and at least marijuana has been decriminalized, but I think by the end of this year they will have medical marijuana available. Although I'm "underage" (won't be in a couple weeks), I want to ask and see what a couple people might think would be good methods to ease my girlfriend into allowing me to use marijuana more often, because the amount that it helps is so incredible compared to anything else.
Does she see the difference in you after you smoke and how it makes you feel better? Does she know about the medicinal properties? Those may be some starting points. My wife has never smoked and I smoke daily. We are older and wiser though and know how to pick our battles. Do whatever you have to do to take care of your health as long as you aren't hurting anyone else. It's your right granted to you by the constitution. I've been smoking (vaping nowadays) for 20 years. I know 70 year olds who have been smoking for 40 years. They are happy and healthy old men and women. Good luck :).
She sees a massive difference, a massive improvement. She notices my energy finally climb to something that isn't deadbeat, she notices I don't get so sidetracked and bored because I don't have to capacity to focus because I'm so tired, she notices my motivation skyrocket, she notices my trips to the bathroom for the day or two decrease to about 1 or 2, compared to the 5-7 usual trips.

She knows the medicinal properties, how it can help, but she's still unwilling. Mainly because her fear of it being a gateway. I'm proving to her with each time she lets me that I can be okay, in fact I can be GREAT with smoking weed. I've had issues in the past with heavy drugs, and I understand her concern, but things are different now and I want her to see that.

I just want to feel better but I don't want to ignore her concerns and wishes. It's so tempting to just go out and buy a few grams for the week just so I can have a few days of feeling great and not being interrupted constantly with gas or having to run to the bathroom or having pain.
Getting our medicine

Hello everyone,
I am 22 years old and was diagnosed with Crohn's at the age of 12. Over the years I have battled with stomach pains, cramps, and of course the occasional flare ups as a lot of my fellow patients have. As I've gotten older I have become more aware and educated in things that while growing up, was frowned upon. About a year and a half ago I moved from the smallest state in the country, Rhode Island, to Southern California. I have now been a medical cannabis patient for over a year and have never felt better. The stomach cramps have drastically decreased, and my attitude is a lot better now that i'm not walking around in pain. I have a great job, and am attending college for a degree in Biotech. I plan on bringing awareness and educating all walks of life through the community. I have created a Facebook page that is meant to bring people from not only the communities around us, but the Crohn's families the medical cannabis family. It is intended to bring people together and share our experiences and stories to educate anyone who does not know the amazing power this medicine has. Crohn's patients, and medical cannabis patients in general deserve this natural, affordable, non-manufactured medicine. Nature provided it for us, we deserve it. Like my page :) Lets be the movement!..
How do I go about getting a licence to but MM in CANADA

I am wanting to to ask my Dr. about getting MM prescribed just wondering how you go about it? I have had UC for 7 years now.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!:tongue:
Good afternoon,

I am not really aware of the laws in Canada but i've done a little research and it looks proimising!!. Talk to your Gastro Doctor first. My primary doctor did not practice with Cannabis but he was quick to refer me to one who did!! :D Try that way first. Then try to search cannabis doctors in your local area. Let them know how you benefit from cannabis, and your habits. Each plant is different :)

Good luck,
We are the future.
Sure!! I've actually got a plan to make two batches of Canna-Cookies myself tonight! for the premier of The Walking Dead. :ybiggrin:. I do feel more relaxed in my abdoman area when I eat edibles, I usually have them when I have the whole night to relax. Its really great. The cause of it feeling a little better is because of the Cannabinoid receptors in our abdoman. There are plenty of recipe's using cannabutter, and cannaoil. I try different ones all the time!!
Interesting read. Let me start off by saying I am about 90% against marijuana. Heres why. I'm 20 years old, and this stuff has given me the worst reputation because of all these "stoner" kids who get high, cause trouble, and have no life. I work a job, I am in the process of going to college (long story), and have goals and morals.

NONE of this is intended towards any of you. You all take it for a reason. However, I'm not very comfortable being "under the influence". I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke, nothing. However, after reading through this, everyone claims to feel a lot better, and I can't help think about that. Less BM's/diarrhea, eating more, better sleep, less pain in the stomach. The stuff sounds like a miracle!

I live in Michigan where it is legal. My doctor has never brought it up, though. I can't really turn to my friends about it because a lot of them smoke and I don't want to be pressured into it (any more than I already am). I know my parents wouldn't be happy about it, but if it honestly made me feel better, then too bad.

My question is this, does anyone have anything bad to say about the stuff? aside from the obvious - it's illegal in most states, problems with finding a job (which worries me the most), the possible long term effects, etc
COMPLETELY understanding, i've done nothing but associated cannabis smoking with "stoner" kids for a long time. As i've grown older I have educated myself by research, other people in the medical cannabis community, and overall maturing to come to understand that there is a difference between a "stoner" kid, with no enthusiasm to get up and do anything with their lives other than smoke. Than someone like me, or even you, who benefit from this completely natural plant.

Unfortunately as far as jobs go, every medical cannabis state law varies. Here in California it is at the Employer's discretion weather or not to drug test. As we become stronger as a community and become recognized that issue will hopefully be addressed. I know if you have a medical cannabis license in Rhode Island an employer may not discriminate.
--i know because i'm originally from there.

As far as how much you should medicate, try a little at a time and see how you react and feel. Remember, this plant is extremely diverse. If i've had more cramps than usual... I will get an indica. It really helps in my stomach body area. I am extremely busy so I usually medicate in the morning with my coffee, as I read or do homework (which is a very small amount)--it helps the nausea... then I don't usually medicate until dinner time--which also helps me have a full evening meal (because I usually don't eat during the day).

You brought up that your doctor has never mentioned it to you which
unfortunatly is the reality at the moment--hopefully that will change..
As I brought it up to my local Gastro doctor he was glad to talk about it. thankfully he is leval headed doctor and went ahead with
assuring me that though he doesnt "perscribe" it (of course in fear of
his license) he does believe that if I feel the benefits of it, then
there is no reason to question it. We proceeded to chat about how it became illegal and how there has never been any studies of negative side effects. It was interesting stuff.

There is an unfortunate backstory about how cannabis was outlawed... well.. it technically wasen't. Just taxed. When I get the name of a great documentary I will post it!! :)
If you have some spare time, do some research, it is a very interesting
I can imagine you are worried what your parents or others
think of you. Let me just say from first hand experiences. I am not
a waste of life, nor do I sit around all day smoking cannabis doing nothing. I am working 40 hours a week, and take 11 credits in college. Pay rent, and utilities. Think what you want, I feel great and live a healthy productive life. I think you deserve one to.
Well, what job are you going to get where you have the chance of getting tested? Probably not too many unless you are going super corporate or a job where sobriety is a requirement like operating heavy machinary. Millions of Americans are walking around in a pharmaceutical haze and you don't even think about it. Valium, Xanax, Prozac, Chantix, you name it.

I understand it goes against your morals, but does taking pain pills if they are prescribed go against your morals? Those are worse for you physically and mentally. Also, if cannabis can help you then it is worth a shot. Is your life not worth it if nothing else is working? You can stay in the closet about the weed to avoid the stoner label if that is your main concern. I would also find a caregiver in your area or dispensary if you have them unless you know a grower and their methods so you know what is in the final product.
You just have have to be confident and willing to look. And as far as your "final product" it is a plant. You purchase a small $250.00 grow tent that can be in your room. Do the correct research and a few google searches, its not that hard. You could even google your local garden home center. They have all the supplies :)
oh absolutely. I do agree its obviously different for all of us unfortunately.. first try the support of your parents. My mother has been with me for 10 years now, through everything and she is behind me and medical cannabis. Of course she prefers me to keep it low, and when I need it--like a worried mom would do lol