Sticky Medical Marijuana for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

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when I was young we could buy THC pills off the street. They were potent. I wonder if they still exist and if they would work??? Anyone know anything about them and if there is a script of them for sufferers of chronic diseases like Crohns?

I know my Gastro Doctor prescribes them to some of her patients.
I think I should ask my Gastro because I can't take hyocyamine, I get the spins and throw up form it. Belladonna gives me chestpain everytime I take it. I am so sensitive to meds.
It's definitely more effective because

1) oils can be made to be much more potent than the cannabinoid content found in smoke or vapor can be
2) it delivers the cannabinoids directly into the gut

It's night and day in effect.

I like to see vaporizing/smoking as an acute, instant relief type of treatment. A short term band-aid, if you will.

Whereas cannaoil should be seen as a long term, daily regimen type of treatment.

ALL anecdotal reports of induced Crohn's remission with cannabis came from experienced cannabis users who prepared their own potent oil.
It mimics the delivery methods used in clinical trials the closest.

I have ulcerative colitis and I await my MMJ card in the mail now. In AZ you can get 2.5 ounces every two weeks. This is not enough to make oil is it? I don't like the idea of making oil using petroleum products. I've heard olive oil is good but you cannot concentrate it using olive oil. We are not allowed to grow if you live within 25 miles of a dispensary.
2.5oz every 2 weeks is more than sufficient.

Obviously when I meant oil I meant an edible oil (olive, coconut).

Why couldn't you use olive oil? I prefer coconut oil myself, but olive oil will do just fine.
It's definitely more effective because

1) oils can be made to be much more potent than the cannabinoid content found in smoke or vapor can be
2) it delivers the cannabinoids directly into the gut

It's night and day in effect.

I like to see vaporizing/smoking as an acute, instant relief type of treatment. A short term band-aid, if you will.

Whereas cannaoil should be seen as a long term, daily regimen type of treatment.

ALL anecdotal reports of induced Crohn's remission with cannabis came from experienced cannabis users who prepared their own potent oil.
It mimics the delivery methods used in clinical trials the closest.
How do you make theoil???
2.5oz every 2 weeks is more than sufficient.

Obviously when I meant oil I meant an edible oil (olive, coconut).

Why couldn't you use olive oil? I prefer coconut oil myself, but olive oil will do just fine.

Sorry, I didn't intend to make it sound like I thought you were suggesting petroleum for oil, :)

What I was trying to convey is the olive oil (and I assume coconut oil would be the same) is a lot of volume to get a large dosage as opposed to the pure MMJ Oil in a concentrate.

In what way do you consume the cannaoil?
As a Swedish citizen I am grateful for the insight the (mostly American) members of this forum has given me during this sleepless night :)
This is one of the most interesting "news" (for me) on Crohn's for years.
I am stepping up the medicine ladder. Until now only EntoCort, Imuran, Prednisone, and who knows where it will end. But now I read about the MMJ with greatest interests and finally I see a light! Thanks for sharing your personal experiences and information!!
The problem is though, somewhat similar to the US: this is illegal in most European countries. Only Netherlands (as far as I know) has legalized Marijuana. Although, under EU regulations, it should be possible to get a prescription while in Netherlands, and bring home the M if you have a fatal disease as documented by your Doc (Cancer, MS similar). I am not sure Crohn’s is severe enough…
Anyone out there in Europe with experience on this ??
A Pharmaceutical cannabinoid product is available though, called Sativex, but this is “a medicine for the treatment of spasticity due to multiple sclerosis which is also in development in cancer pain and neuropathic pain of various origins...
Anyone out there in the world with experience on Sativex or similar? Is it like the real thing? Is it of help to us Crohnies? Or do we need to hit the back streets just like criminals..
ALL anecdotal reports of induced Crohn's remission with cannabis came from experienced cannabis users who prepared their own potent oil.
It mimics the delivery methods used in clinical trials the closest.

this is false, the recent Israeli report that showed remission of Crohn's in their clinical study was conducted using 23 percent THC cigarettes twice a day.
this is false, the recent Israeli report that showed remission of Crohn's in their clinical study was conducted using 23 percent THC cigarettes twice a day.

I did write "anecdotal reports" and not "scientific literature".

Some clinical trials have used joints, while others deliver specific cannabinoid dosages, which is a more accurate way of doing things.
I guess you through my off when you stated it "mimics" clinical trials the best. If a clinical trial is using joints twice a day at 23% thc, how is oil the best representation? I can go to aa dispensry and get lab tested cannibis at 23% or close and replicate it at two joints a day. ...

There are also reports by those with crohns to have put it into remission through smoking (anecdotal). .. Google "how marijuana cured my crohns disease"

Not trying to argue, just clarifying what I felt was not accurate.
My 20 year old daughter with newly diagnosed severe crohns/ UC. The specialist can't tell her exactly which disease. She is taporing off a high dose of prednisone and is doing well for now. She is taking 2 Lialda everyday. She is thinking of trying MM. The other meds her GI suggests if she flares again sound so scary!! We live in Ca where it is legal. But she is still in college and needs a clear mind to study. She is interested in the strains with high CBD. Also please give us info on how to get/ mix it with oils. Are there high CBD strains we can grow. Her GI doctor will not even discuss this and dismisses it.
. But she is still in college and needs a clear mind to study. She is interested in the strains with high CBD. Also please give us info on how to get/ mix it with oils. Are there high CBD strains we can grow. Her GI doctor will not even discuss this and dismisses it.

I did better in school on marijuana; it helped me concentrate.
For the Minnesotans on this forum, the legalization of medical marijuana will be debated in 2014. Go to the MN Marijuana policy project site to sign a petition to Gov. Dayton to pass the bill.

Not sure if I would use it, but I am all for providing every single option neeeded to help others improve their quality of life.
I know sometimes when I used to just be sitting around and didn't feel like moving. One hit and I was up doing things that needed done. Now this was when I was young, so maybe different now. Not sure till I try and see:rof:
I am having abdominal pains and issues for three days now and half tempted to try some!!!
Thank you for the good input. Another question I have is whether anyone who uses MM also is taking LDN? I have been reading about the potential benefits of this drug for Crohns and much fewer side affects than other options. Any problems combining both treatment options?
I know sometimes when I used to just be sitting around and didn't feel like moving. One hit and I was up doing things that needed done. Now this was when I was young, so maybe different now. Not sure till I try and see:rof:
I am having abdominal pains and issues for three days now and half tempted to try some!!!

Yeah, its just getting started. If you tell yourself I'm going to smoke then just jump into the tsk. . . Once you've started its all good. You just can't procrastinate right afterwards-DONT SIT IN FRONT OF THE TV! LOL
Thank you for the good input. Another question I have is whether anyone who uses MM also is taking LDN? I have been reading about the potential benefits of this drug for Crohns and much fewer side affects than other options. Any problems combining both treatment options?

I cannot imagine how it could hurt you. One is totally natural, like an herb you take added to your daily meds. LDN is a manmade drug, totally different and much more risky than smoking some marijuana.:)
I am also a devout Christian and don't believe in using drugs for an escape. But when you are in pain and hurting, it is to me ~just medicine, and that is the only way I condone using it. I believe that is why it was put on earth. Same with opiates. What would people with cancer do or people injured so horribly and in so much pain do without them??? It is the ones abusing it to just get high that are doing the wrong.:( I know, my kids both did for yrs. It hurts many, many people and you!!!:(
I cannot imagine how it could hurt you. One is totally natural, like an herb you take added to your daily meds. LDN is a manmade drug, totally different and much more risky than smoking some marijuana.:)

Most drugs have been synthesized and/or modified version of chemicals previously found in nature. The plant you find harmless is associated with several psychiatric conditions.
Most drugs have been synthesized and/or modified version of chemicals previously found in nature. The plant you find harmless is associated with several psychiatric conditions.

kind of, its speculative but far from proven. If you read the literature on it, you find that the information is vague at best.

Myth#7: Marijuana Causes Schizophrenia

This claim is often cited, and stated as if it is factual. The problem it is that there is no clear correlation of cannabis use as being a cause for schizophrenia. However, there is a relationship between the two that has been studied. According to the Institute of Medicine which studied this, there is a tendency for those who suffer from schizophrenia to abuse marijuana along with other substances. According to the IOM, those who suffer from mental disease, tend to become abusers of drugs.
“More often than not, drug dependence co-occurs with other psychiatric disorders.
Most people with a diagnosis of drug dependence disorder also have a diagnosis of a
another psychiatric disorder (76% of men and 65% of women). The most frequent co-occurring disorder is alcohol abuse” (Joy & Watson, 1999).
The study goes on to state that based on the data gathered, it appears to be most likely that the condition preceded the use of drugs, and is not the culprit behind the cause of the disease.
“A strong association between drug dependence and antisocial personality or its precursor, conduct disorder, is also widely reported in children and adults (reviewed in 1998 by Robins126). Although the causes of the association are uncertain, Robins recently concluded that it is more likely that conduct disorders generally lead to substance abuse than the reverse” (Joy & Watson, 1999).
Another recent study has been conducted and may suggest a link between schizophrenia and cannabis use at a young age, while the brain is still developing. While still not conclusive, it is recommended that those under the age of 18 avoid being exposed to marijuana unnecessary. Of course, this is no different than many drugs on the market, in which certain groups and age brackets should avoid taking it. After all, the use of tobacco at a young age has been known for a long time to cause various issues that are not of equal concern when compared to that of a full grown adult.
Another recent study tackling the issue of mental illness stated the following:
“Castle cites one study that indicated people with schizophrenia had a lifetime rate of cannabis exposure of 97 percent – meaning almost all of them have tried the drug. Yet, he also notes that most people who use cannabis do not develop schizophrenia, and that many people diagnosed with schizophrenia have never used cannabis. Therefore, it is likely that cannabis exposure is a ‘component cause’ that interacts with other factors to ‘cause’ schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders, but is neither necessary nor sufficient to do so alone,” (Lenti, 2013).
An opposing group of researchers, Suzanne Gage, Stan Zammit and Matt Hickman of the Universities of Bristol and Cardiff stated the following to the above statement:
“There is evidence that cannabis use in many developed countries has increased greatly over the past 40 years. For example, in the United Kingdom, cannabis use has risen 10-20 fold since the 1970s,” they write. “However, recent data on new admissions for schizophrenia have shown no increase at all; indeed, there is a suggestion of a downward trend in diagnoses.”
It would appear that despite the recent medical literature, they are no closer to proving cannabis as being a cause of mental illness then The IOM was back in 1999. Although on a side note, what prescription and non- prescription based drugs are known to cause psychosis including suicidal thoughts as a side effect?
• Anticholinergic Medications (Spiriva, Benadryl, etc.)
• Anxiolytic Medications (Xanax, Valium, etc.)
• Digoxin (Lanoxin, Digitek, etc.)
• Phenytoin (Dilantin, Phenytek, etc)
• Corticosteroids (prednisone, hydrocortisone, etc.)
• Narcotics (Vicodin, Oxycodone, etc.)
• Cimetidine (Tagamet)
At this point all that can be concluded is that there May be a risk associated with adolescent use and mental illness. However, most who suffer from such disorders showed signs of mental illness before use of the drug. One question, however, is if it does cause schizophrenia, which makes up 1% of the U.S. population, then why is there not 7+ million schizophrenics in this country?
Like chronic depersonalization or even worst, schizophrenia.

Myth#7: Marijuana Causes Schizophrenia

This claim is often cited, and stated as if it is factual. The problem it is that there is no clear correlation of cannabis use as being a cause for schizophrenia. However, there is a relationship between the two that has been studied. According to the Institute of Medicine which studied this, there is a tendency for those who suffer from schizophrenia to abuse marijuana along with other substances. According to the IOM, those who suffer from mental disease, tend to become abusers of drugs.
“More often than not, drug dependence co-occurs with other psychiatric disorders.
Most people with a diagnosis of drug dependence disorder also have a diagnosis of a
another psychiatric disorder (76% of men and 65% of women). The most frequent co-occurring disorder is alcohol abuse” (Joy & Watson, 1999).
The study goes on to state that based on the data gathered, it appears to be most likely that the condition preceded the use of drugs, and is not the culprit behind the cause of the disease.
“A strong association between drug dependence and antisocial personality or its precursor, conduct disorder, is also widely reported in children and adults (reviewed in 1998 by Robins126). Although the causes of the association are uncertain, Robins recently concluded that it is more likely that conduct disorders generally lead to substance abuse than the reverse” (Joy & Watson, 1999).
Another recent study has been conducted and may suggest a link between schizophrenia and cannabis use at a young age, while the brain is still developing. While still not conclusive, it is recommended that those under the age of 18 avoid being exposed to marijuana unnecessary. Of course, this is no different than many drugs on the market, in which certain groups and age brackets should avoid taking it. After all, the use of tobacco at a young age has been known for a long time to cause various issues that are not of equal concern when compared to that of a full grown adult.
Another recent study tackling the issue of mental illness stated the following:
“Castle cites one study that indicated people with schizophrenia had a lifetime rate of cannabis exposure of 97 percent – meaning almost all of them have tried the drug. Yet, he also notes that most people who use cannabis do not develop schizophrenia, and that many people diagnosed with schizophrenia have never used cannabis. Therefore, it is likely that cannabis exposure is a ‘component cause’ that interacts with other factors to ‘cause’ schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders, but is neither necessary nor sufficient to do so alone,” (Lenti, 2013).
An opposing group of researchers, Suzanne Gage, Stan Zammit and Matt Hickman of the Universities of Bristol and Cardiff stated the following to the above statement:
“There is evidence that cannabis use in many developed countries has increased greatly over the past 40 years. For example, in the United Kingdom, cannabis use has risen 10-20 fold since the 1970s,” they write. “However, recent data on new admissions for schizophrenia have shown no increase at all; indeed, there is a suggestion of a downward trend in diagnoses.”
It would appear that despite the recent medical literature, they are no closer to proving cannabis as being a cause of mental illness then The IOM was back in 1999. Although on a side note, what prescription and non- prescription based drugs are known to cause psychosis including suicidal thoughts as a side effect?
• Anticholinergic Medications (Spiriva, Benadryl, etc.)
• Anxiolytic Medications (Xanax, Valium, etc.)
• Digoxin (Lanoxin, Digitek, etc.)
• Phenytoin (Dilantin, Phenytek, etc)
• Corticosteroids (prednisone, hydrocortisone, etc.)
• Narcotics (Vicodin, Oxycodone, etc.)
• Cimetidine (Tagamet)
At this point all that can be concluded is that there May be a risk associated with adolescent use and mental illness. However, most who suffer from such disorders showed signs of mental illness before use of the drug. One question, however, is if it does cause schizophrenia, which makes up 1% of the U.S. population, then why is there not 7+ million schizophrenics in this country?
Dialn911, first I suggest you to visit forums on depersonalization and poll users and read a little bit. The cause and effect between cannabis use and chronic depersonalization is dirrect for many sufferers, they took it, then they immeditaly became depersonalized and remained that way for years. As for schizophrenia, studies are piling up one after the other, such as reducing the age of onset, a meta-analysis: or the several studies showing that cannabis is a risk factor, meta analysis: another research Even research have been done showing that cannabis can induce brain changes observed in those suffering from schizophrenia:

Your source is innacurate, selective and seems to be comming from an advocacy site.
Dialn911, first I suggest you to visit forums on depersonalization and poll users and read a little bit. The cause and effect between cannabis use and chronic depersonalization is dirrect for many sufferers, they took it, then they immeditaly became depersonalized and remained that way for years. As for schizophrenia, studies are piling up one after the other, such as reducing the age of onset, a meta-analysis: or the several studies showing that cannabis is a risk factor, meta analysis: another research Even research have been done showing that cannabis can induce brain changes observed in those suffering from schizophrenia:

Your source is innacurate, selective and seems to be comming from an advocacy site.

I have written a thesis on this topic, I assure you I am well read up on it. This is from my thesis, and it shows both sides of the argument. Inaccurate? Funny, it has reports from the Institute of Medicine commissioned by the U.S. government as well as credible sources from the medical field. It appears to me your picking a side and running with it.

The reality is, while there are some studies that show a risk, there are equal studies that show the contrary, and a chicken and egg debate starts to ensue.

The reality is that while there is a risk shown in young developing brains, there is NO clear evidence it causes schizophrenia.

I suggest you read the Institute of medicine's report on Marijuana in full, along with the many other studies that contradict your claims.

studies suggest those predisposed may be at risk, however it is NOT a cause of the mental disorder.

If anything at all, the correlation is still unknown, and at this point to suggest that it is a cause is contrary to medical studies that show there is no more evidence for it being a factor vs studies that show it is not a factor. At this point it is a wash.

Pointing out forums with people claiming they felt one way or another is anecdotal and does nothing to support one way or another the true cause behind such issues.
Dialn911 you wrote: studies suggest those predisposed may be at risk, however it is NOT a cause of the mental disorder.

I only said that cannabis cause chronic depersonalization, for schizophrenia, I wrote it was implicated as a risk factor.

But it can be said it's a causative agent. That's not different than any other studied causative agent. Take anti-tnf for instance, they can be responsable in very rare cases of rare lymphomas, along with 6-mp etc. they can be considered as a cause, only cause and sufficient alone, not because if it was, everyone will have those rare cancers.

Why some get a certain disease after being in contact with certain substance and others not is due to many factors, including being predisposed, genetically or otherwise. That's the case with cannabis.

Also, I don't think you have checked the studies I have provided, because some are meta-analysis, there is no such large scale quality studies which contradict my position, particularly recent ones. You can find studies supporting anything you want, but finding quality ones, particularly meta-analysis, is different.

Also note that my reply was to a claim that because it was natural that it was harmless, it definitely is not harmless.

Here an interesting article published in the Wall Street Journal which basically says what I wrote:

Regarding chronic depersonalization, anectodal you say? Polling is more than anectodal, the link between chronic depersonalization and cannabis is direct, more than schizophrenia. They smoke, get depersonalized and remain that way. I don't know how can it be much more direct than that. The movie Numb based on a true story of cannabis induced depersonalization is a good representation of the story of many.

I am not against cannabis use, it can be used as a treatment for pain etc., but it has its side effects, including being a risk factor to some psychiatric disorders.
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Dialn911 you wrote: studies suggest those predisposed may be at risk, however it is NOT a cause of the mental disorder.

I only said that cannabis cause chronic depersonalization, for schizophrenia, I wrote it was implicated as a risk factor.

But it can be said it's a causative agent. That's not different than any other studied causative agent. Take anti-tnf for instance, they can be responsable in very rare cases of rare lymphomas, along with 6-mp etc. they can be considered as a cause, only cause and sufficient alone, not because if it was, everyone will have those rare cancers.

Why some get a certain disease after being in contact with certain substance and others not is due to many factors, including being predisposed, genetically or otherwise. That's the case with cannabis.

Also, I don't think you have checked the studies I have provided, because some are meta-analysis, there is no such large scale quality studies which contradict my position, particularly recent ones. You can find studies supporting anything you want, but finding quality ones, particularly meta-analysis, is different.

Also note that my reply was to a claim that because it was natural that it was harmless, it definitely is not harmless.

Here an interesting article published in the Wall Street Journal which basically says what I wrote:

Regarding chronic depersonalization, anectodal you say? Polling is more than anectodal, the link between chronic depersonalization and cannabis is direct, more than schizophrenia. They smoke, get depersonalized and remain that way. I don't know how can it be much more direct than that. The movie Numb based on a true story of cannabis induced depersonalization is a good representation of the story of many.

I am not against cannabis use, it can be used as a treatment for pain etc., but it has its side effects, including being a risk factor to some psychiatric disorders.

don't want you to think I am ignoring you, but I am stuck in bed and looks like I am flaring for the worst.

fair enough, too tired to carry on right now.
What are you taking as medication?

I took mesalamine enemas, but it gave me a favor and i got really I'm trying Canasa, but going to the bathroom so much I doubt it stays in a very long.I haven't taken much Mesalamine drugs because it appears from the enema I didn'tseem to handle it well.Their avoiding steroids because I've had issues in the past of my dreams glands.

guess I could try marijuana
Hi all,

About a year ago I had a lot of inflammation in my body - which caused a few episodes of inflammation in my eyes (uveitis, episcliritis), bumps throughout my body, severe joint pain, ulcers in my intestines and blood within my stool - Crohn's like symptoms. Doctor's actually said that it might be Crohn's, however, in the meantime I went to an herbalist to get a second opinion and seek options of alternate medications. He made a prep for me which I took for a few months - all my symptoms disappeared in a matter of weeks and my inflammation markers went down to normal levels. During this time, I self-medicated with medical marijuana as well - however, only at nights - due to my strenuous work schedule.

I stopped taking the herb prep about 2-3 months after initially prescribed, the herbalist told me that the same herbs won't do much else if taken longer than this - and that it was the time to stop since all my symptoms had ceased and my inflammation markers had gone down.

Now, about 9 months after this - I decided to drop marijuana. Its been about 2 weeks - primarily because I didn't like having an unclear mind the day after. I know all about the 'withdrawal symptoms' and the cravings that one can get some time after stopping. A experienced a certain degree of these a few days after stopping. However, for the past few days I haven't been feeling myself - I almost feel as if my body is inflammated and surely very tense. The way I feel is very familiar to the way I felt about a year ago - when all this started.

I'm confused - and other than seeking the help of a Doctor - I wanted to see if anyone on this board had any suggestions/advice.
I was self medicating with marijuana about 5-6 months ago. Honestly, it was the best I've felt in years. I had an appetite, slept well, and just felt like myself. I also didn't have the nausea that comes along with my disease nor the stomach pain after eating. I even told a doctor once and he said, "hey, whatever helps. Keep it up!" :) However, I quit because I am most deff broke and also now I am 2 months pregnant. Just from personal experience it seemed to help me a lot and I think anyone who really dissagrees too much just shouldn't do it lol
I have been looking at some of the strains available locally in SF area. Some are high in CBD 12% but still have some THC. If we want to forgo the high intirely will these be a problem? Should we instead try some of the mail order oils that are all CBD? What has worked best for other Crohns and colitis folks. Does anyone knw where I can get seeds with only CBD to grow myself. I'm really new at the MM thing but very hopeful it will help my daughter.
Like chronic depersonalization or even worst, schizophrenia.

Sorry I have to disagree with you. I knew so many people in the 70's and eightys who smoked and had no ill side affects. I was one of them and well, maybe you think I'm crazy and maybe you don't. I really only care about the facts and the facts are a very low risk compared to those drugs they push for crohns!!!:)
at least I know with marijuana, I don't have to get my blood pulled every month to make sure my kidneys are not shutting down.
TotOTE=Stoughchingforhealth;690124]I have been looking at some of the strains available locally in SF area. Some are high in CBD 12% but still have some THC. If we want to forgo the high intirely will these be a problem? Should we instead try some of the mail order oils that are all CBD? What has worked best for other Crohns and colitis folks. Does anyone knw where I can get seeds with only CBD to grow myself. I'm really new at the MM thing but very hopeful it will help my daughter.[/QUOTE]

foregoing the high is no big deal as long as you don't need that to kill the pain.what you want is a high CBD strains. there are some strains in Colorado that are very low in thc hi in CBD. one such strain is known as Charlotte's Web. as far as tracking down the seeds for these strains that May be tough. made try making some phone calls to sing dispensaries in colorado And see if you can get a connection for seeds. I'm pretty sure seeds are legal to buy across state lines.
White widow is a good strain as well. To the person who was asking about a more concentrated oil, I think you are talking about making an extraction which is sometimes done with butane. I can't really tell you much about it, I've just heard of it.
I got hold of some Pot and have tried to smoke it twice. It does not give me any relief at all. First time I was a bit afraid to get too much, so it just made me a bit dizzy. Decided to increase the dose the next day, so I used about 1/3 of a joint. I could really feel something happening in my head, really dizzy and weary. But I also felt a tension in the body, especially in the stomach and a higher heart rate which did not relax me at all. Could hardy sleep at all that night, a good sleep is an important motivation for me to try this.

Now I am afraid to try anymore.

Is this typical ? just a beginners bad luck? Bad pot? Bad mood?
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i just got a bottle of the dew drops supplement. first day trying it.. seems to help quite well with the anxiety.. usually ive taken at least 1.5 mg of xanax, but so far only .5mg along with this dixie dew drops supplement. link is below for what i got.

Please keep me posted on it and let me know how it works for pian. I can't afford that cost right now, but down the road I am hoping to invest in some IF it works. Thanks!!!:)
I got hold of some Pot and have tried to smoke it twice. It does not give me any relief at all. First time I was a bit afraid to get too much, so it just made me a bit dizzy. Decided to increase the dose the next day, so I used about 1/3 of a joint. I could really feel something happening in my head, really dizzy and weary. But I also felt a tension in the body, especially in the stomach and a higher heart rate which did not relax me at all. Could hardy sleep at all that night, a good sleep is an important motivation for me to try this.

Now I am afraid to try anymore.

Is this typical ? just a beginners bad luck? Bad pot? Bad mood?

You must've gotten some weird strain. I never had this happen in the past!
Pls tell us where you got it. No names of ciurse or is it medical type from store?
Dialn911 and 723crossroads:
I have been trying to find out about the strain. Most probably Sativa or a mixture of Sativa (mostly) and a little bit of Indica, but don't know for sure. (Bought via via at back streets of Stockholm. Not Medical in any way.

When talking to my "supplier" he tells me that this can happen the first times for beginners. But this does not ring any bells in this forum it seems :p

Judging from your comments, I am possibly getting some bad quality or wrong strain?
XCType, you really can't get "street" marijuana. They don't know the strain, because it technically isn't one. It's usually a mutt, it's chosen for it's ability to get people high and because it's cheaper to produce. The experience you get will be different pretty much everytime you buy again, because who knows what you got or where it came from. you may find someone who has access to actual strains. They should know the names and usually where their supply came from. This isn't the case for your typical street supplier.
to begin with, your biggest problem quality control. You have no idea what your getting, and chances are your supplier has no idea either.

It is true that with little tolerance you can experience such symptoms, but it usually takes a large amount. Unless you smoked from a bong I doubt this is it.

Also, if you are going to get anxious, sativa is what most likely would bring that out. They are more energetic, where as an indica is more relaxing.

Strains vary, and just like medication,they are specifically used for different ailments. Buying of the street to treat is akin to having an infection and reaching in s bag and blindly taking antibiotics. You might get one that works, but you really need a specific one.
We just bought the CBD lozenges. The ratio is THC 8mg and CBD 20mg. Has anyone tried this ratio? The tincture available at Dixie Botanicals is %100 CBD and a little pricey as is the capsules!
I just found a product online that is a gum that is only CBD and no THC so it is legal in all is These products seem very expensive at around $4.00/ piece! I wondered if anyone has used them.
Thanks for the advice Carrie630, Dialn911, 723Crossroads :)
That explains the lot. This is back street quality ****, for sure. I have to either migrate to US/Canada, or take a trip to Netherlands and stay there for a long while until I feel well again...

Or Meanwhile I will try all the other means: Paleo, LDN, whatever. I dont' want to go the full Medicine way....

Now I am getting this irritaing "puke when I go to the loo" syndroms... Will this also be cured by the MMJ I wonder....
MM can help with bucketing (my friends' "fond" term for vomiting and pooping at the same time), but if it comes on sudden it may just help the cramping and pain from when you're finished :/ Sometimes I'll even have enough time to use the toilet then rush downstairs to the kitchen sink for the other half. I guess I have a preference for where I vomit :p
MM can help with bucketing (my friends' "fond" term for vomiting and pooping at the same time), but if it comes on sudden it may just help the cramping and pain from when you're finished :/ Sometimes I'll even have enough time to use the toilet then rush downstairs to the kitchen sink for the other half. I guess I have a preference for where I vomit :p

In this picture you look like a TV star that was on a sitcom. Can't think of which one. I am so sorry for what you are going through Carrie. I can't even imagine. I pray you improve very soon and find an answer for this!!!:) Does the MMJ take it away completely?
It doesn't take all the symptoms away completely, but it does drastically lower the amount of supportive medication I need to take (zofran, painkillers, xanax, etc). It also has a cumulative effect I think, because I can see my symptoms start to ramp up on me over days if I run out. which happens.. definitely the most expensive medicine I have. could you imagine if our prescription insurance covered it? woo. that'll never happen.
It doesn't take all the symptoms away completely, but it does drastically lower the amount of supportive medication I need to take (zofran, painkillers, xanax, etc). It also has a cumulative effect I think, because I can see my symptoms start to ramp up on me over days if I run out. which happens.. definitely the most expensive medicine I have. could you imagine if our prescription insurance covered it? woo. that'll never happen.

You never know with all they are finding out about it. It seems like anything goes anymore!
Hi all,
I just wanted to drop in and say that I read over this feed in the forum a few months ago when I was flaring quite badly (ulcerative colitis) and could not get into remission. My mom kept trying to get me to go the specialist but I was resistant as I don't want to go on steroids or anything more severe than the anti-inflammatories. While I used to smoke a good bit of pot when I was younger I hadn't really smoked much in years as I was worried about paranoia (which I used to sometimes get). Anyway although medical marijuana is unfortunately not legal where I am, I managed to get some marijuana (illegally...) and have had a few hits a week since reading this feed. (I don't actually want to get too high and have had a lot on so felt like I couldn't smoke more). Right away I noticed that my symptoms got a lot better!!! I was still flaring but it was better.

Two weeks ago I travelled to visit some friends. I actually messed up my anti-depressant regime, accidentally not taking it for 4 days (small dose of sertaline) and decided to just continue not taking it anymore as I've been wanting to try going off it for ages. I also went to a party and smoked a fair amount of pot. Anyway, I got back from travelling and am now totally in remission!!!! :dance: I've read the studies about UC and medical marijuana and I don't know if it's that or going off the anti-depressant (I read a journal article about the correlation recently) or something else but bowel-wise, I'm doing great. Coming off the anti-depressant has made me quite dizzy (and I know it's not the weed as I've not been smoking it for 8 days) and I'm not advocating for everyone to drop off meds, I just want to note that there was a variable beyond the weed. From my experience, medical marijuana seems to have really helped.
Thanks for having this forum!
Hi all,
I just wanted to drop in and say that I read over this feed in the forum a few months ago when I was flaring quite badly (ulcerative colitis) and could not get into remission. My mom kept trying to get me to go the specialist but I was resistant as I don't want to go on steroids or anything more severe than the anti-inflammatories. While I used to smoke a good bit of pot when I was younger I hadn't really smoked much in years as I was worried about paranoia (which I used to sometimes get). Anyway although medical marijuana is unfortunately not legal where I am, I managed to get some marijuana (illegally...) and have had a few hits a week since reading this feed. (I don't actually want to get too high and have had a lot on so felt like I couldn't smoke more). Right away I noticed that my symptoms got a lot better!!! I was still flaring but it was better.

Two weeks ago I travelled to visit some friends. I actually messed up my anti-depressant regime, accidentally not taking it for 4 days (small dose of sertaline) and decided to just continue not taking it anymore as I've been wanting to try going off it for ages. I also went to a party and smoked a fair amount of pot. Anyway, I got back from travelling and am now totally in remission!!!! :dance: I've read the studies about UC and medical marijuana and I don't know if it's that or going off the anti-depressant (I read a journal article about the correlation recently) or something else but bowel-wise, I'm doing great. Coming off the anti-depressant has made me quite dizzy (and I know it's not the weed as I've not been smoking it for 8 days) and I'm not advocating for everyone to drop off meds, I just want to note that there was a variable beyond the weed. From my experience, medical marijuana seems to have really helped.
Thanks for having this forum!
Don't be surprised if you start to feel like crap physically, like you have a flu and tummy hurts etc... I tried going off mine and was sick for weeks and got so depressed and crying all the time. Just a warning so if it does happen, you will know what is causing it.I ended up going on another one and felt fine then.:)
I`m REALLY glad to hear your improving. Antidepressants are a real problem to get off of. Most are compared to cocaine. Its normally better to cut the pills and get of gradually.
I`m REALLY glad to hear your improving. Antidepressants are a real problem to get off of. Most are compared to cocaine. Its normally better to cut the pills and get of gradually.

I tried that and it did not work! My Dr. said the type I was on are very hard to quit.The ones that have norepinepherine in them are the tough ones. Effexor has it. I am now on celexa.
I can see how antidepressants may be hard to stop. Had some back when my Dad died but not really related to the crohns. Stopped after awhile. I think MM might be a very good way to go, and I used to partake many years ago but don't remember any good or ban effects on the crohns. I would like to try it now but won't smoke it. I gave up cigarettes 25 years ago and am firmly convinced that, whatever the bneefits for the crohns, the potential for damage to my lungs is too great (my Dad also had lung cancer but that's not what got him in the end). Based on what I have seen here in Colorado, there are a number of edibles that, being more than just brownies and being formulated specifically for ingestion through the digestive system, may be the answer. Just wish the feds would grow up.
I know I'm coming in pretty late to this discussion, but I've been diagnosed with crohns for about 2 years now. Luckily the effects have not been drastic, yet. I say yet because sadly we do not have prescription insurance, and the Pentasa runs about $1000 a month. My GI wanted me to try Uceris, but that is $1600 a month. So when I read the report about the Israeli clinical test with such impressive results I was pretty excited. Of course we don't have MM here in NY, so I'll have to get it off the street. But i look forward to trying this. It has to be better than using our life savings.
Hi twcarlin and welcome to the community. You're not too late to the discussion, it's ongoing :). I'd definitely be wary of only being on Pentasa or Uceris with Crohn's as the data isn't that great. I think you're smart adding additional treatments to your regimen. I also suggest looking into Low Dose Naltrexone, dietary changes like the paleo or specific carbohydrate diet, and juicing. Also getting tested for vitamin/mineral deficiencies and supplementing when appropriate. All can be a part of a more holistic regimen.

Best of luck to you.
you guys may want to look at this. Their a new company, its legal in all 50 states, and you dont need a medical marijuana license tog get it. Its Hemp oil elixir rich in CBD, which is primarily responsible for the healing effects of Cannabis and Crohn's. It has NO THC, and is not psychoactive.

A quick note on this:

I have had both real, quality 5% CBD / 5% THC alcohol distilled canna oil in coconut oil and lecithin for absorption --- as well as this product, 2oz of CBD Dixie Dew Drops in glycerin tincture.

In the first case: it boosted my remission this summer better and more completely than I have ever felt since they diagnosed me. I was coming out of a flare-up when it was available to me, and within a couple of days it pulled me all the way out - my fistula dried up and etc.

Unfortunately I did not have a complete supply and ran out 2 months ago. And right at that time I accidentally had cheese in pesto sauce and this instantly triggered another flare.

6 weeks ago - right as the flare started, I ordered two ozs of the Dixie Dew Drops. Since I am positive that CBD does have positive results - from my own experience - I figured it couldn't hurt, even though that narrow cannabanoid profile might not be enough to completely do the trick.

I can say that the Dixie Drops helped with nausea and mental clarity. But as I am still in a flare 2 weeks after I finished the bottle, and having experienced the real thing this summer which *was* amazing, I cant say for sure how much the Dixie Drops helped me toward remission. Possibly significantly.

But it does not have the same powerful impact as real High TCH / High CBD solvent distilled oil.


FYI to anyone who cannot get proper oil, vaporizing is the next best way to get the cannabis in your system. Vaporizing hi THC/CBD weed instantly kills my nausea, clears my head, and deadens pain from my fistulas at least 50%. Its basically instant, takes 10 seconds from inhaling the vapor.
Please send me any links to online stores that sell high CBD strains. My daughter now has her MM card and ready to try.

You want CBD Crew strains.

These are 5% THC 5% CBD, and they guarantee the profile (relative amounts).

IMO you want both CBD and THC. The reason for this is that THC has been shown to have positive impact on Crohns Colitis in some ways, and CBD is shown to be beneficial in some of the same ways and others.

Don't know if I can link here but search CBD Crew (dot com). Also Seedsman (dot com) carries their full line, and ships to the US.
I can see how antidepressants may be hard to stop. Had some back when my Dad died but not really related to the crohns. Stopped after awhile. I think MM might be a very good way to go, and I used to partake many years ago but don't remember any good or ban effects on the crohns. I would like to try it now but won't smoke it. I gave up cigarettes 25 years ago and am firmly convinced that, whatever the bneefits for the crohns, the potential for damage to my lungs is too great (my Dad also had lung cancer but that's not what got him in the end). Based on what I have seen here in Colorado, there are a number of edibles that, being more than just brownies and being formulated specifically for ingestion through the digestive system, may be the answer. Just wish the feds would grow up.

I know that you may not want to risk it but I watched a documentary on MM that says there is little to no risk of lung cancer from smoking it because of its anti-cancer properties.

Additionally it stated that even with smoking it the anti-inflamatory properties almost immediately started to activate in the gut. Weird. . .

I am not a doctor and only watched 1 documentary but i believe it simply because anti-marijuana advocates would be ALL OVER the lung cancer issue if it existed.

Good luck either way. I live in MA where MM laws were just passed by no dispensaries have been openned yet and no Dr's have been licensed yet. I am hoping they will have oils and such that do the trick without the high.
I use it when my flareups are very bad. I don't like to use it regularly because I don't like feeling unproductive - which I always do. Then again, the heavier painkillers and medications I've taken make me feel the same way, so really I'd prefer not to have to use any of it, but I prefer MM to anything else in terms of effectiveness vs. side effects. I use a vaporizer since it's less harsh. I can't really do edibles easily, though.

I was actually really excited to find this forum and to see this thread specifically since I honestly wasn't sure how common it was.
My daughter has been dissolving CBD lozenges in water and adding green tea and alittle honey, they are high in CBD and only 8mg THC. Seems to help her pain. Has anyone tried Canchew high CBD gum?very expensive at 32pieces @ $125 but WTH if it works! Also she will be starting LDN soon, should she discontinue MM?
I'm havin a problem that when I use my vaporizer I'm getting air trapped into my stomach which is quite painful, any advice?
You want CBD Crew strains.

These are 5% THC 5% CBD, and they guarantee the profile (relative amounts).

IMO you want both CBD and THC. The reason for this is that THC has been shown to have positive impact on Crohns Colitis in some ways, and CBD is shown to be beneficial in some of the same ways and others.

Don't know if I can link here but search CBD Crew (dot com). Also Seedsman (dot com) carries their full line, and ships to the US.

is it legal to have it shipped in the states?
Hi all :) I m new 2 dis forum. I would lyk 2 know sumthng...its said dat smoking worsens d state of crohn's..den how wud smokin marijuana help? curious 2 know..wud appreciate ur help. :)
smoking cigarettes or anything with tobacco seems to be bad for crohn's...smoking marijuana is completely different and has different effects on the body. one of the main differences between marijuana and tobacco that a crohn's sufferer would be interested in is that marijuana decreases bowel motility and has been shown to be effective combatting inflammation whereas nicotine increases bowel motility and has been shown to increase inflammatory responses. However, for some reason nicotine seems to help UC although I don't think anybody really knows why...
@Asish...Cannibas can also be taken in other forms besides smoking. There are oils, drops and also baked goods too.
I know that you may not want to risk it but I watched a documentary on MM that says there is little to no risk of lung cancer from smoking it because of its anti-cancer properties.

THC and other cannabinoids also function as expectorants, that's why vaporizing can still make you cough heavily. this is in juxtaposition to cigarettes which end up doing the exact opposite, thus keeping more tar in your lungs.
My daughter has been using Rick Simpson Oil during her current flare. Seems to be helping somewhat. Vongoh, I've been mixing a rice size amount with coconut oil and than splitting it into 3 portions throughout the day. Do you think that is a strong enough amount to bring down her inflammation? I want to use the MJ to help her stay in remission after tapering the pred.
My daughter has been using Rick Simpson Oil during her current flare. Seems to be helping somewhat. Vongoh, I've been mixing a rice size amount with coconut oil and than splitting it into 3 portions throughout the day. Do you think that is a strong enough amount to bring down her inflammation? I want to use the MJ to help her stay in remission after tapering the pred.

Its really hard to say. It depends on a lot of factors - quality of the oil, strength, dosage, and body chemistry / disease presentation of the individual etc ... just about none of which has been studied empirically yet for obvious reasons.

I think the best course of action is to follow the protocol Rick Simpson gives for cancer as closely as possible: start out as small as possible (rice sized is good) then build up from there to as much she can tolerate. Let her build up tolerance slowly over time.

Re: the coconut oil: Heat the coco oil and RSO together in a Pyrex dish in the oven @ 225 degrees for 20 minutes. The oil and the RSO will bond together and form a golden liquid. Get some empty 10ml medical syringes and suck up 10ml worth of oil into the syringes while it is still liquid.

Then you can dispense the oil into blank #1 vege or gelatin capsules (they are small ones). This way you can measure it and keep track of the dosage. Its very clean, neat and convenient.

If I mix the RSO 10:1 with coconut oil and fuse them together in the oven @ 225 for 20 minutes - then fill up a #1 capsule half way - I don't feel any 'intoxication' effects at all. If I take a full one, I feel some mild relaxation and anti-anxiety I guess you would call it.

If I take two full ones, a couple of hours later (it takes a while!) I am feeling the effects of it pretty strong, but nothing I'm not totally accustomed to after about a week or so.

Once the novelty wears off its quite manageable and enjoyable and I'm very productive and creative, social. Its the opposite of the 'stoner' cliche they promote in movies. Especially if the plant is at least 50% CBD by concentration -- the CBD counteracts some of the more intense effects of the THC quite nicely.
What is everyone's thoughts on bongs? I miss my old double chamber, and am really getting over my vaporizer, air feels like it gets trapped in my stomach w the vape and is quite annoying and sometimes sore, Ofcourse I don't use nicotine just pure ganja but is the excess smoke produced from the bong gonna be detrimental to my condition?
I have ulcerative colitis and I could have done my own clinical study on what works best for nausea. I am prescribed *mg of Zofran as needed and also phenergan. A lot of the time I can't keep either down, if I am lucky enough to have some "MM" I smoke a bowl and I feel unbelievably better within about 10 minutes. I can eat, I can sleep, and best of all I can stop throwing up. I love it. I would be a lobbyist for it to be legal everywhere. my personal experience there are times that nothing besides MMJ that will allow me not to feel sick to my stomach and like you said its almost instant and really the worst part ab phenergan or zofran (I too have experience with both) is that its a pill, that you have to swallow, that is supposed to help incontrollable nausea. So if I cant swallow a drink of water without puking how the heck am I supposed to keep a pill down? 2 puffs and nausea is gone in 10 minutes, more than 4 puffs and its gone by the time I put down my device.

Joshuaaa--I wouldn't think that it would. I was worried about inhaling any kind of smoke after my diagnosis but my vape got old also and I started venturing back to other smoking options. Now I am fine as long as I dont smoke any kind of tobacco (I found organic hemp rolling papers and those are actually really nice and haven't seemed to have any negative effects). I would think as long as you stay away from nicotine you should be fine.
In regards to colitis flares does MM help? Had the occasional dube in college but not since. My GI dismissed my MM inquiry. As Peter Tosh says Legalize it don't criticize it. Any info regarding colitis and MM appreciated.
What is everyone's thoughts on bongs? I miss my old double chamber, and am really getting over my vaporizer, air feels like it gets trapped in my stomach w the vape and is quite annoying and sometimes sore, Ofcourse I don't use nicotine just pure ganja but is the excess smoke produced from the bong gonna be detrimental to my condition?

Anything that filters the smoke or vapor before you inhale it is a benefit to you. So if you can use one over smoking a joint, it's a better alternative. Don't forget to change the water between each bowl.

Air trapped in your stomach (a gasy feeling) really has nothing to do with the vaporizer. You may just not like the experience -- veteran smokers don't always do, or have a hard time adapting, because theyre hardwired to think thickness of smoke = more medication, but it's not true.

But yes, smoking is much more detrimental than vaporizing. The 800 degrees in temperature between combustion and vaporization means there's a lot more stuff that's going to go inside your lung.