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    Constant snacking!!Diet help..

    Hi guys for years now I've been a constant snacker. I tend to eat every few hours and try to avoid large meals,one of the things I snack on alot is crips,I eat about 5 packets aday just to try and maintain a decent weight. My diet is pretty good apart from the crips I juice all my fruit and veg...
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    Omeprazole and pred!!

    I've been put on prednisilone for a few months and wondered if I should be taking omeprazole to protect my gut? I heard you need omeprazole when on pred.
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    Modulen ibd

    I was the same on azathioprine my hands went all red and blotchy so I'm on mercaptopurine now.
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    Modulen ibd doc just wants me to try 500 calories a many scoops would that be?sorry I got no directions with it on how to use it,not sure how much to add to water.
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    Prednisolone 40mg

    Yeah reduce by 5 mg every week.Fingers crossed
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    Yeah just as a supplement but I'm not sure how much to mix up?
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    Modulen ibd

    Hi I was wondering if anyone has had experience with modulen. My GP has given me some to try along with a low fibre diet but I'm not sure how to mix it up as he never gave instructions with it. I've only got to have 500 calories and see how I am. Thanks
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    Has anyone tried modulen? I was given some by my doctor to trial but never got instruction on how to make it up. I'm supposed to have two cups a day probably about 500 calories. Thanks
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    Prednisolone 40mg

    Hi I'm on 40mg and given to me in 5 mg tablets. My local gp didn't help at all so I called IBD nurse who advised to start at 40mg and reduce by 5mg
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    Prednisolone 40mg

    Hi guys I'm going through a flare up and my local gp gave me pred with 100 in the box saying take as directed but when I went to pick up the pills from the chemist it didn't have any proper directions on taking them. I called my IBD nurse and she said that they normally start pred at 40mg and...
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    Flare up...what to eat??

    Thanks guys I've mainly been juicing and eating custard I had some soup too. Will try some rice and chicken tomorrow maybe some fish I'm scared I'm going to loose more weight
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    Flare up...what to eat??

    Thanks again valleysangel92 :)
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    Flare up...what to eat??

    Hi guys I'm having my first real flare up in about seven years I've been put on pred but I'm worried about loosing more weight. What do you guys try to eat when flaring?
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    Colicky pain,nausea.Help!!

    Thank you for the advice ^^ :)
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    Colicky pain,nausea.Help!!

    Thanks taking paracetamol every four hours I'm hoping I get the chance to have a proper chat with my GI on Monday. I don't have a gp I see all the time it's always a different doctor it's an absolute nightmare
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    Colicky pain,nausea.Help!!

    About the steroids the doctor gave me 100 and said take these.on the medication box it says take as directed. I've just started at 40mg but not sure how I should be reducing. I have no confidence in my local gp about crohns and I can't get specialist until Monday
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    Colicky pain,nausea.Help!!

    Thanks for replying so fast I appreciate it :)
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    Colicky pain,nausea.Help!!

    I've had 5 today lol and some doctor gave me modulen to take but with no instructions if anyone has any information about this please let me know thanks
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    How can blood test results show no active inflammation but when a colonoscopy is performed, there is active inflammation

    I had a ct scan last week and showed no sign of crohns but yesterday got bloods done and crp was at 36 and I had cramping,colicky pain so have been put on pred along with my mercaptopurine. I still can't understand this illness!!
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    Colicky pain,nausea.Help!!

    Had bloods taken again my CRP was 36 so have been put on steroids