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  1. T

    Never ending pain day!

    Shooni, sorry I'm new to the forum and new to the symptoms I've been having so I went back and read your very first post about your symptoms. Was wondering, have they done a CT enterography (with IV contrast as well as drinking the barium) to see your small intestine? I'm having this test done...
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    Never ending pain day!

    Wow, 10 days in the hospital. I really feel for you. On a positive note, you are home and recuperating and sounds like feeling better. I see this post in the undiagnosed section, after an infection in your terminal ileum, have you been diagnosed with Crohns? Wishing you a quick recovery!
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    Never ending pain day!

    Hi Shooni. So sorry for the pain you are in. Have you found out more and has your pain level improved? I know the waiting game can be the worst.
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    Your thoughts on my CT scan?

    Hi Youssef. I'm undiagnosed so I don't have any suggestions but wanted to ask a question if its ok? Did you have a CT just with IV contrast or was it also with the contrast that you drink?
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    Does this sound like IBD

    I'm undiagnosed and new to all of this as well (i'm 39). I also do not feel tired. High white blood cell count can be caused by Crohn's inflammation but bacterial and viral infections can also cause high WBC's. Have you noticed the diarrhea to be worse with any particular foods? Did they...
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    Newbie - Ugh, what's wrong with me??!

    Thank you all. Will post more when I have more info. I will say I seem to be getting better. I pretty quickly went to several days with no diarrhea and no abdominal pain and then one day with. The stretches of good days have gotten longer. Now I may go one week with no loose stools or...
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    Is this usual for Crohn's??

    Yes, the only thing I've found to be a trigger is French fries or potato chips. I rarely eat those but the few times I have, I had a lot of crazy stomach noises and some mild pain that went away pretty quickly. I've eaten potato chips twice since May and I only once had that reaction that I...
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    Is this usual for Crohn's??

    Thank you for the reply. I feel sometimes like I'm going crazy because everything comes back normal. I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy last month with the various biopsies. Terminal ileum and duodenum normal, colon normal, endoscopy normal (all biopsies normal). Tested negative for parasites...
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    Is this usual for Crohn's??

    Hi all, Since mid May this year, I started getting diarrhea along with this strange generalized abdominal pain. Sometimes under left rib, next day to right of belly button, then sometimes a few inches below right rib. I've never had pain like this that just moved to different areas depending...
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    Newbie - Ugh, what's wrong with me??!

    Well, it looks like when he did the endoscopy and colonoscopy, he did test me for Celiac in the small intestine. That came back negative. I found out on ultrasound, my gallbladder is partially contracted and the wall measures 2.9mm in thickness which is the upper limits of normal. No evidence...
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    Newbie - Ugh, what's wrong with me??!

    Hi Cat, Thank you for your encouragement. My family and friends make me feel like this is in my head somewhat. Oh, your endoscopy and colonoscopy were normal and oh, your biopsy results were normal. So what other tests are you going to have now. I do have good insurance and I definitely want...
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    Newbie - Ugh, what's wrong with me??!

    Hi, Well I got the biopsy report back and everything is normal. I have not been tested for Celiac's but I have a call in to the doctor about that. I have all these tests I want to do, small bowel series, HIDA scan gallbladder (ultrasound and CAT scan said it was normal), fat absorption stool...
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    Newbie - Ugh, what's wrong with me??!

    Hi everyone, So here are the endoscopy and colonoscopy results from last Wednesday. Endoscopy: Normal mucosa in the jejunum (biopsy) Erythema in the Antrum (biopsy) Erythema in the gastroesophageal junction (biopsy) Colonoscopy: Normal mucosa in the whole colon and terminal ileum (biopsy) He...
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    Newbie - Ugh, what's wrong with me??!

    Thank you both so much for your support. I think I have like some kind of medical PTSD because my mind always goes to cancer. I've had leukemia and had a bone marrow transplant in 1994 and then a relapse but I've been in remission since 2001. Googling is the worst thing ever as so many...
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    Newbie - Ugh, what's wrong with me??!

    Hi everyone, great forum and the support on here is wonderful. All of this is new to me and I guess ignorance is bliss, I didn't realize there were so many undiagnosed people out there. Now I know firsthand. I was hoping to share some of my symptoms. Any input is greatly appreciated. I'm 39...