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  1. DMS


    Hey Lydia, I'm interested in knowing how the crock pot works for you. What are you using as your starter? On the weekend I used VSL #3 as a starter for the first time and it worked so well. I've also used align as a starter, but it didn't work as well for me, I started making yogurt by using a...
  2. DMS


    You do not have to have a yogurt maker, I make mine in an electric frying pan with a thermostat control. I pour the milk into a couple of containers throw a thermometer in one, close the lid and let it do it's thing. Actually very easy.
  3. DMS

    US citizens buying drugs in Canada

    As far as I know Rifaximin is not available in Canada, I tried to get my son's GI to prescribe it, although he knew about it, he said it was not available in Canada. Have you tried Mexico? I'm interested in knowing if anyone has gotten drugs from there. My parents are heading down in a couple...
  4. DMS

    LDN questions

    Sorry to hear that they won't let you try LDN, I really think it's too bad that the Dr's won't look into it and at least let you give it a shot, I can understand if you're in a flare and they want to get things under control - but to not even let you try it as a maintenance drug when you're...
  5. DMS

    Mexican Food

    Crohn's is just the strangest disease, spicy food has never bothered my son, in fact the spicier the better, we have mexican at least once a week - we've have to be creative though, enchiladas have to be made with coconut flour, and the sauce I make with homemade mayo and salsa combined. Rice...
  6. DMS

    Flare-ups and frustrations!! PLEASE give me some advice, anything?

    LDN is available in Canada, it is Low Dose Naltrexone and is a medication that works for some, there are quite a few posts on CF re LDN, look under the treatment section to find them. The problem with LDN is finding someone to prescribe it for you as it is not FDA approved for Crohn's, I'm on...
  7. DMS

    LDN questions

    My son has been on LDN since August 2009, he has been in remission for most of that time. He has not been on any drugs other that Cipro and Flagyl (for a fistula/abscess) he was on these drugs for 3 months before we started LDN. We saw results with the LDN within 4 weeks, but we were also...
  8. DMS

    Favorite breed of dog

    So true - I love all animals too (well except small birds) - but horses are my favourite! Love the pictures you all posted of your dogs. Here's mine
  9. DMS

    My flabbiness

    Any yoga or pilates DVD's by Karen Voight are really good, Keli Roberts has got alot of good dvd's. I have quite a few by Jennifer Kries (The Method Pilates) I love her as an instructor. All of The Method tapes I use have an arm segment about 15 minutes long done with really light weights...
  10. DMS

    Favorite breed of dog

    I love the looks of the huskys, never had one - so don't know about them as a pet. We have a german shepherd, smart, smart dog, she is nuts about my hubby, she's going on 10 and is has no hip issues that are so much a problem with the GS's.
  11. DMS

    Anyone else have child on Remicade ages 6-17

    Hi Brian'smom My son has not been on Remicade so I can't offer any advice there but just wanted to say I know how you feel - wondering if the drugs are going to be worse than the disease, and how long will they be able to be on that drug before having problems and moving to the next one and so...
  12. DMS

    How long until you achieved remission?

    My son was diagnosed in July 09 after having symptoms since March 09, he went into remission in September of that year but started having symptoms again in December when his LDN was compounded incorrectly. Got that straightened out in Feb, felt pretty good in March and was in remission again by...
  13. DMS

    My Stem Cell Journey

    Thanks for your input Mr. Ziggy. I'll definitely continue to follow this treatment option. Good luck Douglaset - will you be starting in January? I hope all goes smoothly for you.
  14. DMS

    My Stem Cell Journey

    Congratulations Mr. Ziggy on completing this therapy - I'm so glad it has worked for you. a quick question for you - you posted about using donar stem cells, is this what you are referring to? Do you know if the people going through this...
  15. DMS

    Lab threw out specimen TWICE! Warning:TMI ahead

    Sorry to hear that you're having such a rough time right now. While you're waiting for the lab to get it right you could try some Sachromycees Boulardii, google it along with c diff, lots of info to show that it helps get rid of c diff. It is a yeast product, but not one that causes candida...
  16. DMS

    Scd diet

    Well. . . thanks, I'm fortunate to be a stay home mom and have the time and energy to do this. He is on Low Dose Naltrexone for meds, we would like to keep him there as long as possible - the big guns will be there if/when he needs them in the future. @cdugas8 - we tried goats milk last...
  17. DMS

    LDN with kids

    My son takes LDN, but also does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and SCD, he has been in remission for awhile now, but still watches what he eats very carefully. It seems for us that LDN helped him, but did not get him into full remission, HBOT is definitely what pushed him into full remission -...
  18. DMS

    Abscess -> Fistula -> Anger

    An abscess is the puss filled pocket that forms due to inflammation, the fistula is the tunnel that forms when the abscess is trying to find a place to drain. The fistula may go internally, or it may go to the outside, sometimes (often) both ways. Cipro and flagyl are usually the antibiotics...
  19. DMS

    Abscess -> Fistula -> Anger

    Sorry to hear that your husband is dealing with this. I believe that Crohn's patients heal much more slowly than non IBD patients do, so for this reason it's possible that the Dr. wants to give it more time to heal naturally. My son has Crohn's (not me) and his symptoms started with an abscess...
  20. DMS

    Not gaining weight.

    I gained between 15 and 17 pounds with all 3 of my pregnancies, babies were all perfectly healthy and over 7.5 pounds. The good news is when you don't gain much, you don't have much to lose after, just make every calorie count for the baby. (I don't have IBD either - my oldest son does). Good...