Lab threw out specimen TWICE! Warning:TMI ahead

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Jan 30, 2010
:ymad: I've taken two specimens for testing for c. diff. and the lab THREW THEM OUT! My doctor was upset, but said, "Well, it wasn't watery enough"-so based on THAT they didn't even bother testing it. I've had c.diff twice before and I know once you've had it you're prone to it again; the last two times the lab checked it even though it wasn't "pure watery".

I flipped out on the lab and told them they are paid to ACTUALLY test, not just look at it; unless they are some kind of mutant they can't see bacteria with the naked eye. Now I have to take in a third test, although I don't know why I should even bother.

In the meantime I'm losing about two pounds a day due to horrific diarrhea and no one has any answers, and no treatment for it, either. I can't eat anything but toast and even water gives me more diarrhea.

This is all within my insurance company Kaiser. They don't send tests to outside labs, nor do I have any options. I filed a complaint within the HMO itself, I'm wondering if there's anything else I can do about this!

Please, guys any suggestions are welcome-thanks for reading my rant.
Let's hear it for America's profit-driven health care delivery system. Sorry you're going through this, perhaps you should water down the next sample. :yrolleyes:
Hiya Jeanette

I'm sorry, I have no suggestions, only empathy!
and sending big hugs and get well soon wishes, hope you get some answers soon, all that D must be wreaking havoc on you.
Dearie.. crohn's patients who want to water down poo so the LAB will do their job.. something is soo very wrong about this.

I don't have any suggestions either, I hate health insurance. Really Truly HATE IT. I do feel for you though!
Sorry to hear that you're having such a rough time right now.

While you're waiting for the lab to get it right you could try some Sachromycees Boulardii, google it along with c diff, lots of info to show that it helps get rid of c diff. It is a yeast product, but not one that causes candida, actually it helps get rid of candida, it also feeds the good bacteria in your gut. Take it at a therapeutic dose - Dr. recommended up to 12 capsules a day at first to get the diarrhea under control. You can get it at a health food store as sachromycees boulardii, or a pharmacy as Florastor.

Hope you are feeling better soon.
@ David-I almost spit my Gatorade out when I read that-too funny! I might actually do that.

Thanks everybody for your support-it feels so good to come here and vent and know people understand what you're going through.

@DMS-I'm definitely interested in that-I'm gonna Google it tight away-thanks so much!
Huh, not watery enough. That is a new one! Never stops amazing me what people will do or say to get out of doing their jobs.
Jeannette - I wonder if you're taking Proton Pump Inhibitors? PPI's (like Omeprazole/Prilosec & Esomeprazole/Nexium) are used to block acid production, and have been associated with increased incidence of C. difficile & its recurrence, according to one study:

"In a retrospective study of more than 1100 patients with Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), recurrence was significantly more common among individuals who had received PPIs than among those who had not (25% vs. 18%); 42% of these patients had received PPIs within 14 days of CDI diagnosis. A second research group evaluated more than 100,000 discharges during 5 years to determine the association between level of acid suppression (no acid suppression, daily histamine-2 receptor antagonists, daily PPI therapy, or more-than-once-daily PPI therapy) and risk for developing nosocomial CDI. Incidence of nosocomial CDI ranged from a low of 0.3% among individuals without acid-suppression exposure to 1.4% among those who received more-than-daily PPI therapy. The association remained after adjustment for confounders."

I would definitely mention this to your doc if you are or were on this class of drug.
@ David-Yes, I've taken Prevacid for 2 years because Methotrexate gives me volcanic heartburn. Oh my God, I can't believe the doctors never mention this stuff. I printed out the other article you sent and this one's going with it on Monday's doctor visit. Thank you so much for all of your help.

How nice patients have to educate health care professionals! Who else could get away with that in their career and still would have a job??

So frustrating!:ybatty:
This is another great example of how everyone pitches in with what information they have. Like you said Mountaingem, patients having to educate themselves... with great support forums like this, we'll have those docs outnumbered in no time :wink:
Hello Mountain gem
Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time.
There is a very accurate blood test called PCR, ( polymerase chain reaction)
which tests specifically for C.difficile.
You could try asking fot this test instead which is far better in sensitivity and specificity
for C. difficile.,than the stool test.
The PCR is currently being used at St Joseph's Hospitalin Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
and was reported in The Hamilton Spectator newspaper as being useful in identifying patients with C. difficile.

Thanks Trysha-great info! I'm definitely going to ask for this test on Monday, hopefully they have here in the U.S.

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