Mexican Food

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May 5, 2010
Anybody else miss it? I can't do dairy or spices (including fairly mild spices like garlic or taco seasoning), so I pretty much gave up Mexican food when I got sick. I was super brave last night and ate an organic "Amy's brand" beans & rice burrito. I'm a bit farty today, but it didn't hurt! I'm so happy, I thought I had to give up Mexican food forever. So I'm going to the grocery store today to buy more of those organic burritos. :) Anybody else give up Mexican food, or at least certain dishes?
Yes, I had to reconsider Mexican food when I was flaring. It wasn't so much the spices (although I can't do jalapeno or chipotle peppers), but the beans and cheese. It would give me so much pain. I love Mexican food, though, and if I knew that I wasn't going anywhere or doing anything, I would go out for Mexican, hurry home after my dinner, and spend the evening and next day in pain and in the bathroom. Most often, it was worth it!

I do miss my baked four cheese penne! I have always loved cheese, and before I got sick, I would go to a deli near my place and buy a small amount of cheese I'd never tried before as a way of being 'adventurous' with my palate. I miss cheese in all its glory.

I'm so glad you were able to find a middle ground with a food you's so hard to give up yummy foods...
Make your own spices

I miss Mexican, I also miss Indian, take-out chinese, and pizza. : (

However, I found if I make my own taco spice, I tolerate it (google taco recipe or check out I found I don't feel well if I use a taco spice mix package from the grocery.

I miss enchiladas. i haven't tried to make my own enchilada sauce.
Mmmm Mexican food :ybiggrin:

I have a place near me that is sooooooo good! I am just really careful what I order and stay away from certain things. Everything is made also by them, not processed foods. If I need to alter a dish they make it the way I would like.
This thread made me smile, because Mexican food is one of my key goals to feeling well. I always tell my doctor that my goals are to feel better, taper off the meds, and be able to eat Mexican food on occasion.

I'm prepping for a test right now and haven't eaten anything for a full day and a half! What I wouldn't give for a big plate right now. :)

I try not to overdo it on the Mexican food when I'm feeling well and I definitely try to be careful about what my choices are, but man, that sounds good! I always liked spicy foods in my teens and 20s, but it just isn't worth it to me anymore. There are plenty of tasty non-spicy things to choose from.
Crohn's is just the strangest disease, spicy food has never bothered my son, in fact the spicier the better, we have mexican at least once a week - we've have to be creative though, enchiladas have to be made with coconut flour, and the sauce I make with homemade mayo and salsa combined.
Rice on the other hand is out - goes right through him.
Not to rub it in - but I think we'll have taco salad tonight. :ybiggrin:
If I'm not flaring, I will eat a lot of Mexican food. If I'm flaring, I hardly eat anything.

Exactly what I was thinking! :) Fajitas are usually a good choice for me because the meat is grilled and you can choose what you want to add as toppings. I'm good with the rice (beans are always sketchy) and the soups like pozole and abodigas (NOT menudo).

Mmmm anyone else hungry?
If I'm not flaring, I will eat a lot of Mexican food. If I'm flaring, I hardly eat anything.

Same here. I can handle Mexican food when I'm in remission.

I'm not sure if this will help satisfy anyone's Mex cravings, but I make a very simple dish that you could easily substitute out any of the ingredients for.
I call it chicken enchiladas, but it more like a messy burrito casserole.

Boil 3 or 4 split chicken breasts and cut into small cubes. Mix a pint of sour cream, a can of condensed cream soup (cream of chicken or cheese soup), 1 jar of salsa or picante sauce, and 8 oz of shredded cheddar cheese. Stir in the chicken, then roll them into flour tortillas (only use 2/3rds of the mixture). Place them in an 11x13 pan, then top with the remaining mixture. Pour some enchilada sauce over the top too if you want, then bake for 45 minutes at 350. You could also put some cooked rice in the burritos. It's a super easy recipe and the measurements don't even have to be exact.
Of course, if you are flaring you'll have to extra careful about what you use. Boiled chicken always sits well with me though. If you can't do flour, use the corn tortillas.
Sigh. I miss Mexican. For me it's the cheese and the veggies - a fajita with onions and peppers would destroy me right now! I can do beans and rice. So at home I will make bean enchiladas using refrijoles and rice cheese. It melts pretty well. I can handle the spices, too, even the store bought stuff.

Oddly enough, Indian food is great for me! The spices are hightly anti-inflammatory and always sit well with me. My biggest problem is eating too much - what goes in, must come out!!!
Boy, do I miss spicy food. Especially Indian which, next to French, is my favorite "ethnic" cuisine. Seattle has a huge south Asian population, and some terrific Indian restaurants.

The subject of Mexican food in this context is a bit ironic for me. My still-undiagnosed gut issues began a few months after I visited Santa Fe & Albuquerque, NM, in the spring of 2008, and got a horrendous Salmonella Saintpaul infection from (authorities later determined) some tainted jalapeno peppers from Mexico. The outbreak struck most of the southwest, with NM being especially hard-hit. Worst diarrhea I have ever experienced. I never had any real stomach trouble prior to that. My current GI thinks there may be a connection (he's leaning towards post infection IBS).

Sure wish I had gone to Montana, or someplace that vacation :frown:

On the bright side, we also have some very good sushi here (another favorite), and I seem OK with that, so long as I avoid the wasabi. :thumleft:
Aw, David, that is the worst kind of irony.

I also miss the spicy dishes -- especially salsa. We have a Mexican restaurant in town that also sell take-home meals such as crab enchiladas. Wish I could just pour on the beautiful extra hot salsa that the owner makes from scratch.
Aw, David, that is the worst kind of irony.

I also miss the spicy dishes -- especially salsa. We have a Mexican restaurant in town that also sell take-home meals such as crab enchiladas. Wish I could just pour on the beautiful extra hot salsa that the owner makes from scratch.

Crab enchiladas sound terrific! I like most crustaceans (they're really just huge bugs, ya know), but I especially love crab!

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