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  1. K

    Probiotics - Any Success Stories???

    Anyone else out there taking probiotics???
  2. K

    Have a Dilemma- need advice

    Sometimes prune juice works well.
  3. K

    New symptom. Is this common?

    I get the same thing when I'm flaring. I have UC. I get really swollen "down there" and it feels painful when sitting or going to the bathroom. It actually looks swollen too when I check. When I'm not flaring, it is "normal."
  4. K

    Probiotics - Any Success Stories???

    Oops, I forgot. Probiotics are supposed to work to get rid of the bad bacteria and protect the lining of your intestines to prevent irritation. They are also supposed to help with digestion.
  5. K

    Probiotics - Any Success Stories???

    I have UC and have had it for between 15-20 yrs. I only use medicine when I'm flaring, which I am currently. I use Rowasa which is a mesalamine enema. It reduces the inflammation and bleeding. It's the same thing as the other 5-ASA drugs. I am trying these new probiotics since my doctor...
  6. K

    Probiotics - Any Success Stories???

    I have been taking probiotics (Natren) for my UC for a while, but my doc. reccommended VSL #3. The research looks good. I'm wondering if anyone has tried it and had any success?
  7. K

    Noooooooo! Not mucus! D:

    Thanks for explaining that, Handle. I couldn't remember exactly what I had read.
  8. K

    Noooooooo! Not mucus! D:

    Sorry if my message was confusing. The 325mg was a prescription, not over-the-counter. The prescription itself was only around $7.00, so it was actually cheaper than my copay. I found information online never to take 325mg of over-the-counter iron because you can overdose. The prescription...
  9. K

    Noooooooo! Not mucus! D:

    I'm so sorry that nobody seems to understand. I think that we all go through that with these crappy (no pun intended) diseases. It's especially hard when you're feeling well and trying to do the right thing for your body then you get another flare anyway. On a brighter note, I had the same...
  10. K

    Will my hair stop falling out ?

    Hi, Joleen. I went to my dermatologist about a month ago and he said that it can take 3-4 months for new hair growth to start after losing hair from meds. My hair has been falling out like crazy too because of medicine. He did a blood test for ferretin levels (available iron in your blood)...
  11. K


    Hi, Andi. I teach 2nd grade too! I know what you mean about all of the germs. Have you ever tried probiotics? I take them on a daily basis, and it seems to cut down on the amount of colds that I get. Even when my own kids are sick, I've noticed that I get sick less often since I have been...
  12. K

    Anybody ever tried accupuncture for symptoms?

    I have an acupuncturist who has been very helpful in treating my UC symptoms. I go about once a week. I am going to try a new therapy - a hypnotist who does "body parts" therapy later this week. He has worked to help cancer patients achieve remission. I am hoping that he can help me get/keep...
  13. K

    Help tapering off meds

    Hi Jessica. I know just how you feel. I have UC, and have basically been medicine-free for about 15-20 yrs. I do use mesalamine enemas when I flare to stop the bleeding. Recently, I had a flare that I thought had stopped, but it came back again - so back on the meds. I do acupuncture, which...
  14. K

    LDN 5 years later

    Thanks, Kev. I have been looking around for help with my UC with fewer/no side-effects.
  15. K

    9 weeks on LDN

    Did you ever try mesalamine (Rowasa) enemas? They help me stop bleeding when I have a flare - and no steroids. I have UC.
  16. K

    IBD Integrative Medicine symposium in Baltimore

    Wow! Thanks for the post!
  17. K

    I now believe Crohns is real.

    Starla, I hope that you are starting to feel a little better. Even though you have been on your own for so long, this is not a failure - not something you asked for or deserve. You are a survivor, and just being there for your son and watching him grow - try to take that in every moment even...
  18. K

    Noooooooo! Not mucus! D:

    Hang in there, Crabby! Did you recently have a cold, or do you have bad allergies? Try to think positively while waiting for your blood test results.
  19. K

    Where you are from map.....

    I think that I added mine. Is there anyone out the from southern NJ or Phila. area?
  20. K

    Rollercoaster Flare

    Hi, Jill. I have had similar symptoms before (I have UC, not Crohn's). I am actually going through something similar now, without (knock wood) blood and mucous (althhough I though I saw a little jelly-like blood a couple of times). I have been avoiding red and orange foods to monitor myself...