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  1. Jenn

    Parents: Bone Deep Exhaustion

    Absolutely stress, and probably hospital visit let-down. Remember to take care of yourself too! You do need sleep, but also just downtime/fun time/distractions. The IV schedule can be brutal, do you have someone that can help you? My hubby took the late-night one and I the early morning, when we...
  2. Jenn

    Flu vaccine - okay with 6MP?

    Ditto for us, we all get the shot every year now, have not had any problems with it.
  3. Jenn

    Advice on whether to immunise

    Completely understand your hesitation, but it's totally worth it. Only cautions I have ever seen is to avoid the live vaccines. Check in with your GI/nurse to reassure you.
  4. Jenn

    Here we go again...?

    Yeah, sorry, split the threads! He was on them 6 weeks, he had a followup MRI to determine the fistula was closed internally, was smaller externally within a few days. Hasn't had another so far, since starting biologics.
  5. Jenn

    Headaches- What are natural supplements for inflammation? How much vitamins?

    Right, allergy headaches. Periactin really helped my son with both allergies and weight gain. My non-IBD son also took periactin for awhile to prevent migraines from allergies
  6. Jenn

    Low protein

    I will look at Old Navy, thanks! Found a Levis 511 skinny that works ok, just need hemming. The alterations places I've tried are pricey, so figured, might as well learn sometime! :)
  7. Jenn

    Low protein

    Despite my endless worrying, things are still going well! He just had a checkup and bloodwork and symptoms are all good, 6 weeks after the changeup. Dexa was normal, vit-D fine. Protein is still low, on the bottom edge of normal. Need to repeat calprotectin and check in with the endocrinologist...
  8. Jenn

    IV meds at home?

    My son had his for 6 weeks and went to school. He was grade school, so I just sent a note for the PE teacher and he participated as much as possible. Does yours have a 504 in place? He did have to quit his little league team, but went to some games anyway. It was harder on me, keeping up on the...
  9. Jenn

    Here we go again...?

    Went through the same thing with my son a few years ago, the abx with PICC line healed the fistula/abscess and Remicade kept it away. Best of luck for a quick recovery!
  10. Jenn

    Headaches- What are natural supplements for inflammation? How much vitamins?

    Sorry to hear about the headaches, it's a common side effect of Remicade. My son too gets some whoppers occasionally, we treat with acetaminophen (never ibuprofen) and cool cloths. Make sure he's well hydrated too. His bloodwork should be reporting if he's at normal levels, discuss it with your...
  11. Jenn

    Advice on 504 plan

    I have not had any difficulty, sorry to hear you are. Get a letter from his GI spelling out his condition, they need it to establish the plan. Is there a head counselor you could speak to? I would go straight to the principal too. Insist that yes, a plan is needed, as a safety net. Teachers are...
  12. Jenn

    Sticky Paediatric IBD - Articles and Research

    Hi, just found this, thought it really interesting: Mucus useful in treating IBD and this: I thought...
  13. Jenn

    Flare or not a flare?

    MLP, I always have a magazine to wave over my son when he gets woozy, the air flow helps, the rooms are stuffy. But I'm bringing the spritz fan with me next time. So cannot believe I never thought of that before. Thanks!!!
  14. Jenn

    Infant Perianal Abscess I&D Vessi Loop

    So sorry to hear about your son, so difficult! Hope the doc can help. I would ask the pediatrician to have him screened for IBD anyway. It may not be very common at his age, but still possible, and with the genetic connection. My son was dx'ed after an peri-anal abscess.
  15. Jenn

    Mixed emotions

    Magic mouthwash might help heal the mouth sores: mix teaspoon of liquid benadryl, teaspoon of liquid maalox, rinse and spit, twice/day. Checking the b12 for the fatigue is a great idea. Has he had an MRE? Scopes don't find small bowel inflammation, which is where b12 is absorbed.
  16. Jenn

    Flare or not a flare?

    Sorry to say that it sounds like he's just not absorbing. You can intake and supplement all you want, but if there's inflammation, it's not being absorbed, just wasted. Blood work is essential, my son gets woozy from it, more psychological really. Sounds like pentasa is not working well enough...
  17. Jenn

    Flu Shot?

    We never used to, but now all do to help my IBD son, and his GI recommends it. He got the flu last year anyway, but the rest of us didn't and I think the vaccine kept it milder for him too. I can well do without any complications. Each person who vaccinates helps everyone else around them too...
  18. Jenn

    Can excitement cause a flare??

    Yes. My son's GI mentioned another patient flaring for prom. Can't win for trying!
  19. Jenn

    Lack of taste buds...

    We had to take a week or two holiday from the periactin to re-trigger the increase in appetite.
  20. Jenn

    Lack of taste buds...

    My son is a very picky eater. I often wondered if it was lack of taste or just too sensitive to tastes. I think it was mostly from lack of appetite. Now that his treatment is going well, he's a much better eater.