Generally I'd be asking why one drug over another, side effects, severity of disease, longterm or short-term, is this a top down or bottom up approach.
Top down is most powerful drugs first to get things under control. Bottom up is the least powerful drug needed to get you into sustained...
I'm sorry you're going through this.
I see you're in Ontario, you could try telehealth(?). This close to Christmas, you might want to go to the ER. You may need something to get you through the holidays.
I hope you feel better soon.
I've recently been put on iron. I take Feramax 150 mg/day. The nice part: it can be taken with food and it's very easy on the stomach. I've had no issues. Might be worth talking to the doctor about. (My hematologist suggested it).
Sorry you had problems with the barium. It can be tough.
I'd ask if there is a different test that can be done that doesn't require barium.
Best wishes.
I've been going through this for quite awhile. It's anxiety and it is treatable.
I had great success with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). It's worth discussing it with the doctor.
You may also want to look for some books on the topic.
Sending you my support.
All I can suggest is keep walking.
Is food and everything still moving through your system?
If things stop, you're vomiting, run a fever, abdomin gets hard, call the doctor.
Do you have a follow-up appointment booked?