Flair Ups - Any Advice?!?!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 23, 2015
I was diagnosed w Crohns about 5 months ago and so far I've had my ups and downs. However the last week has been like no other. I'm getting flair ups much more frequently, I constantly have a nauseous feeling in the background despite not being to throw up naturally (without a gag reflex or some trigger food), and I feel weaker and less mentally there. At this point eating anything is a mental struggle for me but I have to stay alive somehow. Im DESPERATE for any and all advice on what to do. If you need additional info just ask, I need any help I can get at this point.
My substitute GI specialist had his last day yesterday and because its so close to Christmas i wasn't able to book an appointment with anyone else for the time being.
I'm sorry you're going through this.
I see you're in Ontario, you could try telehealth(?). This close to Christmas, you might want to go to the ER. You may need something to get you through the holidays.

I hope you feel better soon.
I was diagnosed w Crohns about 5 months ago and so far I've had my ups and downs. However the last week has been like no other. I'm getting flair ups much more frequently, I constantly have a nauseous feeling in the background despite not being to throw up naturally (without a gag reflex or some trigger food), and I feel weaker and less mentally there. At this point eating anything is a mental struggle for me but I have to stay alive somehow. Im DESPERATE for any and all advice on what to do. If you need additional info just ask, I need any help I can get at this point.

My reply is much like the other's. I lived in Toronto for many years and know you have a lot of options for urgent medical issues. You don't say if you have a GP, a family or what medication you are on if any. Hard for us to offer some good advice based on our own unique experiences.

I am sorry you feel so bad and desperate right now. I think you should try and go to the nearest ER for medical support for the next while, in whatever form they decide is warranted. I know this is hard but it will be worth the big effort.
Sorry. I dont know what a GP is. Right now I'm on 25 mg of methotrexate/week, 1mg folic acid/day, 60mg of dexlanprazole, and gravol as needed for the nausea.
GP is general practitioner AKA, family doctor.

Please don't suffer needlessly. You may just need an adjustment to your meds.