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  1. DJW

    Visceral Manipulation for scar tissue/stricture

    Hi and welcome. I've not heard of that until you mentioned it. With all my surgeries I've felt with lots of scar tissue. Do you know specifically how it works? Add: given the nature of scar tissue I'm a bit sceptical about its effectiveness...but I'm certainly no expert. Sending you my...
  2. DJW

    Psycho Therapy for Those with a Chronic Illness

    I think so. (I was referred by a psychiatrist for CBT) I'm in it for anxiety which can go hand in hand with the disease. CBT is giving me a better handle on dealing with the excessive anxiety. It helps with how I think about situations and deal with them. I'm going to start CBT for...
  3. DJW

    Remicade with imuran or just remicade?

    I'm so glad you're feeling better on Remicade. I'm on Remicade and imuran. No problems. Blood work looks good and I'm finally in remission.
  4. DJW

    Illeium resection

    It's been a long time since I was on prednisone so I really am of no help there. I started Remicade after my last surgery and doing well on it.
  5. DJW

    Illeium resection

    Hi and welcome. A lot depends on how the surgery is done. If it's lsproscopic healing time is quicker. If you are opened right up (as all my resections have been) recovery is longer. I'm usually in hospital 5-7 days. My recovery is usually 6-8 weeks before I start feeling really good. It's...
  6. DJW

    Psycho Therapy for Those with a Chronic Illness

    Hi. I've not done psychotherapy but I am doing cognitive behavioral therapy. Very pleased with the results.
  7. DJW

    Preparation for surgery

    The only thing I could add is walk a lot leading up to surgery and after surgery. Sending you my support.
  8. DJW

    2 Choices

    Hope it works well for you.
  9. DJW

    Alcohol use after surgery

    I'd say give it a try if: Not on pain meds Current meds don't interact with alcohol (check with the pharmacist) Don't overdo it...may result in diarrhea. I like a beer on occasion.
  10. DJW

    Need help

    Hi Soup and welcome. YES, YES, YES! It's like I wrote your post myself. Anxiety, depression, other mental health issues are extremely common with IBD. My clinic has a psychiatrist working in the clinic. Great news is there is help. Talk to your doctor. I'm in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy...
  11. DJW

    Ulcer problem

    Hi and welcome. I've had an endoscopy before. It's a pretty straightforward procedure. Has the doctor started you on meds yet?
  12. DJW

    It took awhile, but the Crohn's has presented itself with a vengence

    It's worked wonders for me. I wish it was available when I was first diagnosed.
  13. DJW

    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    I've been on Remicade for just over one year with no issues. It's put me in remission (no fistulas with this recent extended flare).
  14. DJW

    Anyone on Remicade in the Edmonton Area?

    Sorry, can't speak for Edmonton. I enjoy my infusion days. Nice nurses and a comfortable recliner. Nap time.
  15. DJW

    How to explain?

    Interesting. Is there a medical school at your college? You could also check Pubmed for scholarly articles that might give you some ideas.
  16. DJW

    The Day After Diagnosis - How Should I Feel?

    Hi, Sorry you've joined the club. I'd honestly say whatever you're going through today is expected (numb, overwhelmed, angry, sad, in total denial, etc) It takes time to adjust. Not just days or weeks but maybe months. I'd suggest checking out (Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of...
  17. DJW

    Newly dx 14 year old - what will life be like?

    I'm sorry about your daughters diagnosis. As you know it's difficult to predict the course of this disease. I can only speak from experience. I was dx at 12/13 I've had very rough patches and a 20 year remission with no meds (I do NOT recommend that). While it can be hard, don't let this...
  18. DJW

    Abscesses after abscesses.. any experience with this?

    Oh, sorry it hasnt been effective. It may take a bit longer from my understanding.
  19. DJW

    RectoSigmoid Collitis? or not?

    Hi and welcome. You've been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. The location of the colitis is in the rectosigmoid colon (last part of the large intestine) Hope the meds have you feeling better soon.
  20. DJW

    Abscesses after abscesses.. any experience with this?

    I've had issues in the past with abscesses and fistulas. I'd see if Remicade might be an option for you. Sending you my support.