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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. R

    Punching Crohn’s in the balls!

    The last of your worries, to edit your message, they come through loud and clear unedited. I just signed back in with this web site and your story came up, well damn don't I type it in and then I did not login, have to reset my password, but i did save my note to you so I do not have to re-type...
  2. R

    Upping to weekly?

    I investigated some of the above, interesting ...
  3. R

    Made the appt...

    Read my post Good luck Rick
  4. R

    I can't cope :(

    Many family Dr's know little about CD. You should be refereed to a GI for an experts advise. Obv a scope is on order, but it may be of no use for detecting small bowel CD. When I was in your position I asked to be refered to a GI who ordered an upper GI series xray, they xrayed everything from...
  5. R

    Nexium with Crohn's

    Is your Dr. a GI? I take Pantoprazole when I have acid reflux, it was prescribed by my GI, once a day but I only take it when i need it. It has not bothered my CD, I am not sure of the diff between Pantoprazole and Nexium other than that they are for the same condition. As for Pentasa, I hope...
  6. R


    Antibiotics have been used for CD for some time now. Another one is Ciprofloxacin which is better tolerated. Usually they put you on prednisone for flare-ups. I have been put on another steroid Budesonide (Entocort EC) as well I'd be questioning the GI or get a new one, as to better drugs for CD...
  7. R

    Bile Acid Malabsorption Support Group

    I think, I ain't a GI, if you have BMA of bile salts, causing diarrhea there is nothing you can do, thru diet, to get your gut to absorb much more bile salts. All you can do is use Cholestyramine to bind with the bile salts, thus not allow the bile salts to cause your Large Bowel to excrete...
  8. R

    Smoking vs oils?! Any advice, personal experiences

    I know what you mean, in the past I was very sick too, thought that I was on my way out, excruciating pain and vomiting to the point of all bile. Hopefully I am past that, but CD is a strange illness, hard to say what lies in front of us. We just try to do our best under the circumstances Sounds...
  9. R

    Bile Acid Malabsorption Support Group

    I have had 2 terminal ileum resections. I take half a pack of Cholestyramine powder daily with OJ. One pack bound me up too much. Also take a B12 (1000mcg) pill daily. Have a blood test every 2 months. Down to 1 BM a day, happy guy.
  10. R

    Humira & Liver issues

    Good luck, I have had no issues after 2 years on Humira.
  11. R

    Upping to weekly?

    "often she would be 2 or 3 days late with it .... could this have caused the problem?" That is possible, I was told by AbbVie to take it on time every time. I use the syringe as the auto-injector hurts me more.
  12. R

    Did I inject wrong?

    I inject in my thighs, with the syringe, switching sides every time. The auto-injector hurts a lot more. I mark it on the calendar, to keep track, I can not see myself doing it in the belly.
  13. R

    Does this stuff work?

    My GI did as above. Did the scope after about a year of being on Humira and also the calprotectin test
  14. R

    Weight gain with Humira

    I have gained weight as well, waist has gone up 2", had to buy new paints, probably 10-15 Lbs, all good to be relatively healthy again.
  15. R

    Pain when injecting after 1 year

    I have always had the burning sensation from the start,not sever however. I use the syringe as it is less painful than the auto-injector. Certainly does not hurt to talk to a Humira coordinator or your GI.
  16. R

    Will be starting Humira soon, advice?

    Hi, I use the syringe as the auto injector cause more pain upon application. Also no side effects, "Humira takes 3-5 months to become effective" I'd say it was about the same for me. Good Luck Rick
  17. R

    I don't want to get high!!

    I just commented on your thread.
  18. R

    Smoking vs oils?! Any advice, personal experiences

    Vaping is safer than smoking, so it is preferred for your lungs. It does ease pain and give you back appetite, suppress nausea and of course the buzz, if you like the buzz that is. As you say it can cause anxiety, so only smoke a small amount if you can handle it. The effects of vap vs smoking...
  19. R

    Boyfriend using illegally: I am conflicted

    Try edibles, make your own brownies etc instead of smoking it.
  20. R

    Marijuana and remicade/humira/methotrexate

    I have no issues with my humira/methotrexate and cannabis combination. My GI did not cast any opinion on what I am doing.