Smoking vs oils?! Any advice, personal experiences

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Mar 3, 2012
Haven't been on here in a while. Then friends and family suggested trying medical cannabis, after failing so many pharmaceuticals. A lot of your stories on here were inspirational. So I decided to first try to smoke some in a joint before bed. The studies in Israel where crohnies smoked 2 joints a day, and half were in remission, the other half improved, really had my hopes sky high. I had a bad experience. I have been on antidepressants for 5 years though, and decided not to take them, invade they interact. Bad experience meaning, my heart raced, then my thoughts would stop, almost like a mini black out, and generally feeling uneasy with bouts of racing thoughts. A friend that we used to smoke with as teenagers, over a decade and a half ago, said a week later, let's roll one, see how you go. By this stage I'd been off olanzapine 6 days, and only had 1/4 of my antidepressants for 3 days in between. Had an even worse experience.
Spoke to my doctor, before and after. She said stopping my medication was a bad idea. Try the oil, see how i go. I did and was fine. No racing thoughts, nothing. I have taken it 3 nights now in a capsule, then starting yesterday I had a half a capsule in the morning. No ill effects. And have been back on my medication.seems to have slowed the bowel slightly (I'm an upwards of 15 d a day person) but still had nausea and pain when eating. So last night, I thought why not try to have 3 puffs, see if with my medication I feel fine smoking it. First ten or so minutes my thoughts raced a bit then would stop, then it settled into periods of feeling fine, then thoughts slowing. However I actually felt hungry an hour later, no nausea. And this morning I ate a full bowl of cereal (Iv only been able to stomach a piece of toast if that) and no nausea what so ever. I will continue the oil, as I feel it could potentially be ointment for my bowels, but I know only 30% of the cbd and thc makes it to the bowel. Hence why I thought smoking a little bit before bed, would be that extra boost to get me out of this horrid flare, and eating properly again.
So my question... did any of you feel this way at first? Did you slowly ease into vaping or smoking? Is it worth only having like a puff or so and my mind would be completely fine (like 3/4 of the night besides the mind stopping for little bouts) after it adjusts? I just don't know what to do, but I feel like my crohns is sooooo bad, I have to do something. Iv had recurring fistula, seton, and my gi says it's like a tree in there, and eventually another illeostomy (permanent this time) will be my only option. 😢
Any advice would be appreciated xo
Vaping is safer than smoking, so it is preferred for your lungs. It does ease pain and give you back appetite, suppress nausea and of course the buzz, if you like the buzz that is. As you say it can cause anxiety, so only smoke a small amount if you can handle it. The effects of vap vs smoking can be slightly different.
I smoke almost everyday, but I can say it certainly does not arrest my CD, I am on Humira, MTX, B12, Olyester powder, which seem to be working well at this time by ways of my well being and the last scope I had done.
The smoking effects of cannibis can be different depending on the strength and THC/CBD ratios. I have never tried ingesting CBD oil, so can not offer any advise.
Like anything, ease into it, your body does build up tolerance after a period of time.
I wish I had definitive advise to arrest your CD.

Good Luck
Thank you Rick. Iv been taking the oil 16 days now, 'vaping' with a snoop dog g pen, for 12 nights in a row. Though it combusts weed, so it's more like a spliff without the paper burn really. I think what initially threw me for six, was trying to smoke a gram joint on my first night of smoking, in 14 years. I smoked as a teen, water pipes mainly, but NEVER had anxiety or felt so stoned. But then, back then, I'd never had depression caused by a crohnic illness, nor taken antidepressants.
I must say, I was rolling on the floor in pain after dinner nightly, before starting cannabis. D is still just as frequent, but I have almost no pain
After dinner (besides little niggles), and I was at a point where I started to feel like I was dieing. I know that sounds dramatic, but in all honesty, I only ever felt that way, when I had perforated bowel.
Anyway, thanks for your response. I think many people on here, having success with certain treatments, especially cannabis, don't seem to hang around. Hoping once I start a balanced diet and adding a bit of finer, the D settles a bit too. Low residue diets as well as many others, have done nothing for me. But in conjunction with this, hopefully. I'm staying on Humira though. 😊
I know what you mean, in the past I was very sick too, thought that I was on my way out, excruciating pain and vomiting to the point of all bile. Hopefully I am past that, but CD is a strange illness, hard to say what lies in front of us. We just try to do our best under the circumstances
Sounds like you have CD in the large intestine, if the GI is talking about a possible illeostomy.
When I was sick for the second time I could not digest whole food, since I had a blockage in the ileum, due to scare tissue, so I was on a diet of soup, jello, devon custard, etc I called it my baby food/mush diet. It actually helped with food intake but I was loosing weight, I could not get enough calories into me. No drugs was going to cure me, only another resection.
Lets hope that the Humira can put you into remission and provide some relief. How long have you been on Humira?
For vaping I have a vapour daddy, it works really well, but is used only for cannabis and not for oil or hash.
Most weed these days for rec purposes so it is breed for high THC levels but
You will find that there are hybrid strains that are breed with the ruderalis strain, they by nature have higher CBD levels and lower THC levels. They are also auto-flowering thus do not require the 12/12 light/dark cycle to go into flowering/budding stage of growth.
You responded on my daughters birthday. 😊 So needless to say Iv had a crazy week.
But anyway, Iv had a temporary illeostomy, when my bowel perforated 8 years ago. 50cm of my small, and 20 of my large bowel, was strictured beyond help. Abscesses everywhere. The D continued just as it left off, once my illeostomy was reversed. That was over 7 years ago. Then 6 years ago I started the Humira. It has had success as far as no further stricturing beyond the 10cm I currently have, but hasn't no where near healed my crohns. Iv had fistulas and have a current seton, which my gi says won't be coming back out. Too much active crohns, and it's turning into a tree in there. This was something I had high hopes for...the cannabis I mean.
I'm in Australia, so unfortunately, weed isn't sold by strain. You have back door...which is grown naturally, and skunk which is hydro. Hydro is what I went with, as that's what I smoked years ago, and never used to get stoned like now. Yet we'd smoke bong after bong. I also never had any illnesses back then.
Glad it's helping you. If only it WAS a complete cure! Though for some it is. Though many teens smoke here in Oz, it's very taboo as 'medicine'. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they do a lot more research in Israel, as they are the leaders on testing cannabis, for all sorts of things. Though the rick Simpson oil method, or smoking/vaping, whatever helps.
Best wishes and thanks 😊
The oil would be better. As anything you draw into your lungs would have a dizzying effect.

I take the oil, but not the concentrated Rick Simpson oil. Just an olive oil, which has cbd and thc. Like this kid that healed with 4x oil capsules.

However, you only absorb 30% of the canabanoids, because the liver processes the rest. Not to mention I have 70cm less bowel to absorb it. So I boost it, by vaping at night. Which gives you 100% of the canabanoids.

This is the vid for the oil -
Hope it all works together. 😊

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