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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. M


    I would say I was an anxious child growing up always worrying about others. When I ended up getting sick at the age of 14, my anxiety definitely increased. I was anxious because I wasn't sure what was happening. I was anxious because I was always being sent from doctors with no explainations. I...
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    Crohn's and Arthritis Support Group

    I've had joint problems long before I was diagnosed with Crohn's. I went through rheumatology. Explained to them I started off experiencing severe joint pain in my left ankle. 😔 Eventually the pain started to affect all localized joints. Swelling.. strange rashes etc. They couldn't determine...
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    Not exactly scared, just TERRIFIED ;-)

    Little late in responding but I thought I'd add my experience on entocort. I was put on entocort as soon as I was diagnosed. Worked well for me. I'd take 9mg as soon as I'd wake up in the morning and it would almost immediately take affect. What I liked about it was that it put a coating only on...
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    Struggling with watching--

    For as long as I can remember my family and I have watched my father battle Crohns. I've seen him hospitalized and hooked up to machines. I have photos detailing his scary weight loss. I've seen him cry over his inability to work and provide monetarily. The disease impacted every part of our...
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    Genetics & Crohns

    I'm not the only one in my family that is battling this disease. My father was diagnosed around the same age I was and has been fighting for nearly 30 yrs. I'm curious to know if you guys believe there is a genetic factor and who has family members fighting the disease as well.
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    A Horrid Return

    Sounds very similar to what my body does. I have severe spasms that just happen at random. Most notibly in my legs and my arms. Almost like my body is seizing. I spent 7 years prior to my diagnosis dealing with spasms and a lot of other scary symptoms. I was put on muscle spasm Meds that...
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    What was remission like for you?

    For those of you that have experienced remission at one point what was like that for you? I know people often mistake the term remission as your not going have the problem ever again or your going to be symptom free but we know that is not the case. I'm 'supposedly' in remission which I have a...
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    1 Year Diagnosed Crohns Sufferer Feeling completely lost! :(

    I was diagnosed in 2014. My father has Crohn's as well he's going on 30 years. What I can say from my experience and watching my dad's battle is you know your body better then anyone. You need to advocate and educate yourself. Try till you find something that may need to try many...
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    Diagnosed with Crohn's a Couple Days Ago

    your right that if you stop Humira there is a chance that it will stop working for you. (My doctor told me)Obviously if your sick you may need to reschedule your injection as you should never take one when your unwell. If Humira is not working for you after 8 months your doctor will have to...
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    This will sound very strange but I use the word immune to describe my sisters reaction to the news of my Crohn's. It's not that they didn't care but our entire lives we have watched my father struggle with his own battle with Crohn's. He's going on 30 years now and we have witnessed the up's...
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    Crohns and Naturopath

    Would love to know if any of you have went to a naturopath and what your experience was like. I've been thinking about reaching out to a naturopath as my GP does not suggest going for a visit as he feels I know all I need to know. I'd go for the purpose of getting an allergy test as I'd like to...
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    What Career/Job Do You Have?

    I work as a special education teacher often 1 on 1 with students that need complete supervision. I don't have the ability to just leave students to go to the washroom if need be so I often have to take days off when my body is not cooperating. Very frustrating. I've already had to contemplate...
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    What's your CRP during a flare?

    Mine as well. Every blood test I have my levels are always low which is the most frustrating thing. Just before I was diagnosed all my blood work came back normal and my GP was skeptical to even send me for a colonoscopy because of that. Eventually he did and of course it was shown I had Crohns...
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    Needing help understanding

    Create a food diary to determine what foods work well and what does not. Stick to the foods that are better digested. Might be that he should stick to a specific diet. Perhaps a visit to a naturopath who will help determine what foods to avoid etc. Try distraction. I know how hard it is to be...
  15. M

    Anyone have Spondylitis before Crohn's diagnosis?

    7 years prior to my diagnosis with Crohn's I suffered with severe joint related pains. Inflammation in my joints etc. I was diagnosed with idiopathic pain syndrome because none of the specialist I saw(including rheumatologist) could pin point what was happening. This was before the onset of...
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    Bowel prep day!

    The first time I had to do bowel prep I thought it went okay. I used that very large gallon bottle. Overwhelming to look at I know. I seemed to have handled it better then I do the past 2 times. My gag reflexes and my poor stomach can't even handle those little packages you can get. Someone was...
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    What was your Crohn's misdiagnosed as?!

    Prior to Crohn's, they gave me the title idiopathic pain syndrome which basically means they have no idea what from. Notice the word idiopathic is derived from...
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    I was diagnosed with Crohns at 21, the same age my father was when he was diagnosed as well. Be your own advocate. You know your body better than anyone else so if you notice a change talk to someone about it. Did your doctor start you on budesonide prior to prednisone? Budesonide is a...
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    Your experience? in Denial re: Crohn's

    When I was first diagnosed with Crohn's I was more relieved then anything. For 7 years prior I had no concrete diagnosis but I knew something was wrong. I don't think the countless specialists I saw believed there was something wrong. At least in their expertise there was no connection to what I...
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    Crohns FED UP Rant

    heres something about myself before I begin my rant. 1) diagnosed with mild CD summer of 2014. History of CD in the family. 2)7 years prior to that diagnosis I was experiencing intense pains. Limited joint movement. Rashes. Swelling in one joint that moved to all localized joints. Sent from one...