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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. SarahBear

    New to this Forum- 20 Year Old w/ Crohns

    Welcome to the forum, Allison! Sorry you've had need to find us. :( Are there any specific questions or concerns you're having? How is your treatment going so far?
  2. SarahBear

    Is this IBS?

    Even twice is too many times to vomit blood. That just shouldn't happen. It needs to be checked out. As said above, it's not black and white. Just because her pain isn't cramping or severe doesn't mean it isn't IBD. Everyone experiences it differently. Feeling better after a bowel movement...
  3. SarahBear

    Need Advice for Waterproofing Colostomy Bag

    Hello, AJY84. I've moved your thread into the Stoma subforum so that someone with experience on the matter should see it and be able to help you. :)
  4. SarahBear

    What do I aay

    :hug: :hug: :hug: I'm so sorry you've been feeling that way. That was a pretty thoughtless thing to say, although I'm sure they meant well. :( This disease can be horrible, but it isn't always. I've been in remission for around five years now and live normally - I only have occasional...
  5. SarahBear

    Is this IBS?

    IBS does not cause GI bleeding. IBD is definitely possible. Not everyone's pain is severe or cramping in nature, and alternating constipation and diarrhea can occur. Based off the bloody vomit, IBD is more likely than IBS, although certainly not the only possibility. Unless something else is...
  6. SarahBear

    Can anyone give advice please ?

    Two years is quite a while - you're probably due for another one. A lot can change in that time. Did they do any biopsies when they did that scope?
  7. SarahBear

    Can anyone give advice please ?

    That doesn't sound strange at all - I know that feeling very well! Many of us do. :) Have you had a colonoscopy done? Generally, a colonoscopy (with biopsies) would be done first. If that shows nothing, a pill cam comes next, as it shows the small intestine, which can't be reached with a...
  8. SarahBear

    Just diagnosed and totally lost

    Welcome to the forum! Sorry you've had need to find us! My main tip is make use of this forum. Don't hesitate to ask any questions; take into consideration what people here suggest but also do your own research if needed. Always ask your doctor as many questions as you feel you need answered...
  9. SarahBear

    Can anyone give advice please ?

    Welcome to the forum! Yes, it does sound like you could have Crohn's. And yes, it's of course more manageable after diagnosis! Once you know the cause of your problems, it can be treated. What did the doctors previously suspect as cause of the fistula and abscesses? Have any tests been done...
  10. SarahBear

    Increase of vaginal discharge due to Crohn's?

    Hmmm. Good question. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure how to answer this. I've had Crohn's symptoms since around age six, so I haven't had a stark before / after Crohn's situation. And I'm really not sure how much discharge is usually considered normal. However, I would make a guess that I...
  11. SarahBear

    Need to hear others have gone through this...

    The doctor's note essentially says that the diarrhea / blood you're experiencing could be caused by an infection, possibly c.diff so they want to test for that. One would they think could have phrased it a bit more simply, but who knows. :p If you do have c.diff then diagnosing and treating...
  12. SarahBear

    When will this pass?

    Mesalamine has been proven to be an ineffective treatment option for Crohn's disease. Have you insisted on a change of medication? Don't be afraid to do so. Are you tapering off the steroid, or are they keeping you on that as well?
  13. SarahBear

    When will this pass?

    What medications are you on? Sorry if you stated above and I missed it. Three months is a bit long to go without seeing any improvements. It definitely doesn't sound like the medication is working for you. I agree with Justanothercp - it may be time for a second opinion.
  14. SarahBear

    When will this pass?

    I'm sorry to hear what you're dealing with. :( Seven months feels like a long time when you're so unwell, but your diagnosis is still relatively new. It can take a while to sort out the best treatment plan for you (as Lisa said). Many people with IBD go through a few different options or even...
  15. SarahBear

    Is this IBD?

    Don't worry yourself yet! It sounds pretty unlikely that it's IBD. More likely, the original diagnosis was correct, and you're just experiencing a virus or some other illness, like Axel said. While it's possible to have IBD with no symptoms other than pain, it's extremely unlikely, especially...
  16. SarahBear

    A bit concerned :S

    That's terribly inconvenient. :( Hopefully they'll get you scheduled soon. In the meantime, you might want to contact your GP to help you manage the heartburn and pain until you can see the GI, and definitely go to the hospital if things get too bad. :hug:
  17. SarahBear

    A bit concerned :S

    I'm glad you're doing a bit better! Have you called your GI? In your situation I'd probably make an appointment, or at least let them know what's going on. The sour taste is probably related to the heartburn. Do you usually experience heartburn?
  18. SarahBear

    Question about coffee

    I'm sorry. :( Do the people you'll be riding with know you have IBD?
  19. SarahBear

    GI appointment update

    Sorry to hear you're flaring. :( I'm not sure exactly how long it took for me to feel the effects of methotrexate, as I was on high doses of Prednisone, so things are a little foggy. :p However, I didn't have any side effects I would attribute to the MTX. How are you feeling now?
  20. SarahBear

    Pain meds/ pain at level 8-9

    So you're down from an 8-9 to a 5-6, without the pain medication? That's good! Have you been able to set up an appointment with your GI for when they're back in town? A change in medication might be in order, but either way, make sure you follow up with them.