Welcome to the forum! Sorry you've had need to find us!
My main tip is make use of this forum. Don't hesitate to ask any questions; take into consideration what people here suggest but also do your own research if needed. Always ask your doctor as many questions as you feel you need answered - if they don't take the time to answer them, they're not the right doc (and if you don't feel like your doctor is a good fit for you, look for a different one). It sometimes helps to write any questions down and take the list with you to your appointment - I know I tend to forget half of what I want to ask otherwise.
Also, don't be ashamed. A lot of people are (whether they show or admit that here or not). The effort it takes to feel that way and go to great lengths to hide your condition from those around you just adds stress and makes things harder. At least, that's my take on it.
You'll find what works for you, treatment-wise. Some people have to go through a few medications before they find what works. If that happens to you, don't let it discourage you - there are options. Some people also use diet and other lifestyle changes to help treat their IBD. If that's something that interests you, by all means add that into your treatment regimen as well. There is no right or wrong method.
Most people with IBD have trigger foods that set off their symptoms. Sometimes they're obvious, but sometimes they're not. A food journal can really help pinpoint any you may have. If you decide to keep one, just be as detailed as possible in recording everything you eat / drink and the symptoms you have. The more information, the easier it is to make connections. Common triggers are raw fruits and vegetables, spicy foods, dairy, caffeine, etc. but they can be anything. Additionally, trigger foods ideally shouldn't bother you as much or at all once you go into remission.
:hug: I that's all that comes to mind for now, but I'm sure there's more. These are things that would have helped me, but of course IBD affects us all differently so that may all be useless information.