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  1. GoJohnnyGo

    Eye problems caused by IBD

    Sorry, I'm not familiar with either.
  2. GoJohnnyGo

    Azathiaprine trauma!

    Yeah, I'm having a rough time of it too. I definitely commiserate.
  3. GoJohnnyGo

    Eye problems caused by IBD

    Sjögren's Syndrome is another autoimmune condition sometimes associated with gastrointestinal issues. LINK
  4. GoJohnnyGo

    GI appt. Thursday - what to expect?

    Well, I almost suggested having a PowerPoint presentation ready to go! And probably more a peek than a poke!
  5. GoJohnnyGo

    GI appt. Thursday - what to expect?

    The GI will probably check under the hood.:blush: Make sure you get your main points/concerns across in the interview. It's easy to get sidetracked. Remember your GI works for you. Good luck Kelly.
  6. GoJohnnyGo

    Anyone have issues with Methocarbamol?

    I'm using the methocarbamol paired with acetaminophen (Tylenol). I should be okay since I'm off the asacol. Still on the Entocort, and now Imuran.
  7. GoJohnnyGo

    Anyone have issues with Methocarbamol?

    The active ingredient in over-the-counter back pain medicine Robaxacet. No literature mentions issues with IBD. Need a little relief until the Imuran kicks in.
  8. GoJohnnyGo

    Started Imuran today

    Yes it is.
  9. GoJohnnyGo

    Started Imuran today

    I'm taking 100 mg to start. I'd really like it to work, obviously. The Rheumatologist wants to try it before proceeding to biologics.
  10. GoJohnnyGo

    Started Imuran today

    Hopefully it'll help with the Crohn's, although it is being mainly prescribed for Ankylosing Spondylitis.
  11. GoJohnnyGo

    Anyone ever lose a friend at a young age?

    I lost a good friend at 17 to suicide. He had gotten mixed up with drugs and got caught dealing them. Killed himself rather than face prison. Probably why I've stayed clear of illegal drugs all my life.
  12. GoJohnnyGo

    Cramps with Crohns

    I get 'em too. Dang, they're nasty. Try drinking Tonic Water. The Quinine in it is supposed to help alleviate muscle cramps.
  13. GoJohnnyGo

    Anybody on Robinul?

    Not familiar with this drug. Sorry you're having issues with it.
  14. GoJohnnyGo


    Pizza can have a lot of grease. I'm sure that doesn't help things.
  15. GoJohnnyGo

    Joan (Astra) needs support!!!

    Get well soon Joan!
  16. GoJohnnyGo

    What are you eating right now?

    Fresh strawberries, kiwi fruit, orange slices and peach slices. Cucumber slices. Smoked Apple Quinoa Salad. Pastrami on multigrain with fresh herb salad and shredded carrots.
  17. GoJohnnyGo

    Adverse reaction to asacol

    Asacol and Pentasa are essentially the same drug. The difference is in the formulations used in their coatings. I found Asacol made me a bit dizzy in the initial stages of treatment, although the side effect eventually wore off.
  18. GoJohnnyGo

    Reasons for Scar?

    Got shanked in the Pen.
  19. GoJohnnyGo

    I am stuck in limbo...

    Hey Penny, I feel so bad for you. Is there any way you could sign on for a clinical trial of Cimzia? Seems like you'd be a good candidate seeing other avenues have been exhausted. I heard the University of Western Ontario was conducting them.