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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. GoJohnnyGo

    New diagnostic test for IBD may reduce need for endoscopies

    LINK Kind of good news. I guess it screens out those who really don't need endoscopies.
  2. GoJohnnyGo

    New updated info on Vitamin D

    Thanks for the tip. I already take Vitamin D, but I'll definitely boost my dosage this fall.
  3. GoJohnnyGo

    I'm getting too old for this ****...

    Hey DadMan, Quitting smoking was the best thing I could have done to alleviate by Crohn's symptoms. Not the total answer, but it sure helped. I've tried Asacol, and it didn't do much for me. I've been off and on with Entocort which helps with the flares. Diarrhea is another story. Ten BMs is...
  4. GoJohnnyGo

    Who helps you the most?

    Pretty much on my own here.
  5. GoJohnnyGo

    Walk for research (UK)

    Awesome. Thanks for doing this. Every little bit helps. Someone has to find a cure and it starts with us.
  6. GoJohnnyGo

    Do you find people don't understand??

    "How can you be sick? You don't look sick." In the same way that you don't look stupid.
  7. GoJohnnyGo

    Attn Canadians: CCFC survey input needed

    Skateboarders scuff up wheelchair ramps too. I fully understand public access restroom facilities require increased monitoring and maintenance on the part of business owners, but it's really no different that installing other security measures. Given Canada has probably the highest incidence...
  8. GoJohnnyGo

    Attn Canadians: CCFC survey input needed

    That's a Labradoodle. Lab and Standard Poodle cross.
  9. GoJohnnyGo

    Attn Canadians: CCFC survey input needed

    Terrible. I would write the 7-11 Corporation and tell them, identifying the particular location. That's a huge company who require their franchisees to conform to certain store layout standards. It's one thing for a local Mom 'n' Pop not to have a set policy, and another for a multinational...
  10. GoJohnnyGo

    Attn Canadians: CCFC survey input needed

    I think this is very important legislation, and I hope it gets enacted at a national (as opposed to provincial or civic) level. To me, if I see a sign that says "No Public Washroom" I make sure I tell the person in charge that I consider that discrimination and that I will no longer patronize...
  11. GoJohnnyGo

    Attn Canadians: CCFC survey input needed

    Attn Canadians: CCFC washroom access survey - input needed Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey. The national body is collecting data as a preliminary step in campaigning for public washroom access legislation. Such legislation would be a...
  12. GoJohnnyGo

    Hi, it's Sophia!

    Hei Sophia! Hvor i Norge? Jeg har bror i Harstad! I too was diagnosed with Crohn's at 27. It sounds like you are making positive changes. I'm finding low-starch diet helps me with arthritis too. Take care of yourself and get better!
  13. GoJohnnyGo

    Going all organic...

    True enough. The key is to avoid processed foods and eat fresh, unadulterated foods wherever possible. For an example: Can of "Organic Peas" vs. fresh, commercially-farmed peas. Anything canned, bottled or preserved carrying the "Organic" imprint kinda defeats the purpose. I do buy organic...
  14. GoJohnnyGo

    Going all organic...

    My opinion is that unless you've grown it yourself, it's not guarranteed organic. The item may be raised/grown in a pesticide-free farm/orchard, but what happens to it when it's transported/warehoused/retailed? Having said that, organic foods do have their advantages. Often more care has gone...
  15. GoJohnnyGo

    New Products

    Thanks for the info. This thread deserves to be bumped.
  16. GoJohnnyGo

    What kind of doctor to see for possible Ankylosing Spondylitis

    I have Ankylosing Spondylitis. It affects both sacroiliac joints and the C-5 and C-6 vertebrae in my neck. I have limited mobility at both locations as a result.
  17. GoJohnnyGo

    Is there a diet you can safely use with your crohns to lose weight?

    If you have active Crohn's, one of the key issues becomes malabsorption of nutrients. Therefore, eat sensibly within the limitations of your various symptoms and look at supplements to compensate. I'm with the nurse here. Use the basic food guide as a starting point, and exercise as energy...
  18. GoJohnnyGo

    What's your theory on how you got Crohn's Disease?

    A strain of bacteria in the food chain or environment triggering an autoimmune response. I'm quite certain it isn't genetic in my case (although it might be for others). Stress I think exacerbates the underlying condition, but is not a cause in itself.
  19. GoJohnnyGo

    Offering an healing pray to one person with Crohn's

    Haha..... busted! Every once in a while we get Miracle Juice Guy or Miracle Diet Guy passing through our little corner of cyberspace. Guess it was only a matter of time before Faith Healer showed up. What's the angle here? Books? DVDs? Online course? I get very angry -- furious -- when I think...
  20. GoJohnnyGo

    Hi from Sydney Australia :)

    G'Day! Surprised the naturopath said that. Usually they try to hustle you by selling you a bunch of expensive supplements/treatment regimens. Crohn's diets are by Trial and Error. No two patients are alike and it is uncumbent on yourself to sort out the foods that bother you. Good luck and...