This is strange, but I told my mother I'd post it. She is convinced she knows the reason I got CD. Apparently when I was an infant I would literally eat my wooden crib! She ended up wrapping ace bandages around the frame so I couldn't get to it. Now she is convinced that the splinters have lodged themselves in my intestines and that's how I got Crohn's. lol :ylol2:
I have another theory though. I've heard that it can lay dormant and that there may be enviornmental triggers. There was an old landfill down the street I grew up on that was turned into a park. As kids, we would all ride our bikes and hang out there, and sled down them in winter. I was diagnosed at age 10. This seems more probable to me.
What are your thoughts about triggers and why you got Crohn's?
I have another theory though. I've heard that it can lay dormant and that there may be enviornmental triggers. There was an old landfill down the street I grew up on that was turned into a park. As kids, we would all ride our bikes and hang out there, and sled down them in winter. I was diagnosed at age 10. This seems more probable to me.
What are your thoughts about triggers and why you got Crohn's?