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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Z

    Whats your Humira Routine?

    1. Put emla on son's leg under barrier patch- while he's sleeping- a.m. works out best. 2. Wait hour 3. Take med out of fridge and wait 20 minutes 4. take patch off of leg (wakes son up) 5. get him ready but not too long and swap leg with alcohol 6. do shot 7. realize that we've forgotten the...
  2. Z

    Well I am back--Have Lots of Questions~~~

    My 9 year old would throw up with prednisone. He took rx prilosec twice a day to control the stomach irritation from prednisone. It's going to take a long time to get the imuran into the therapeutic level. My understanding is that the prednisone or entocort is the stop gap to get the...
  3. Z

    Immunosuppressant in school

    Sorry haven't updated this. Had meetings with the school nurse who could not do anything until the principal approved. Went to the meet with the principal again- lost my temper- swore and insulted his intelligence. Never got to my documentation. I was an absolute beast. Guess who is now...
  4. Z

    Separate meals?

    Same battle here- son's favorite food is pepperoni rolls. He's in remission and I cringe everytime I hear he bought a pepperoni roll at school. Anyhow, I eat the same food. We all eat the same food. Husband and youngest son- get treats at lunch and when oldest son is not around. We sneak...
  5. Z

    Your "safe" foods

    ^no- not type o at all
  6. Z

    Your "safe" foods

    bananas, applesauce, mangos, poached chicken, cooked spinach- no stems and riced potatoes The mangos were magical during a flare- tasty and soothing at the same time
  7. Z

    How old are you?

    First flare at 8. Diagnosis at 9. In remission for almost 4 months with fingers crossed.
  8. Z

    Waves hello- mother of 9 year old

    Well, thanks for the kind welcome. I've decided to interview for other pediatricians and look for somebody with more depth and experience with chronic illness. Love our gastro and getting tired of feeling stressed by our pediatrician. Had another episode with pediatrician last week that was...
  9. Z

    My Stem Cell Journey

    Your thread is actually how I found this forum. Thanks so much for sharing your journey.
  10. Z

    In pain every time I eat, seriously?!

    My son could only eat applesauce, broth, soy milk and soy protein shakes during bad flares. He also had pain in his lower right side. I hope you find the foods that work for you.
  11. Z

    IBD Clusters

    I live in a region that has a much higher incidence of crohn's. No golf course though
  12. Z

    Immunosuppressant in school

    Thanks for the replies. We moved into middle school and things have changed. Principal keeps telling me to cut the cord. Have a letter from the doctor and will keep working on it.
  13. Z

    Immunosuppressant in school

    immunosuppressant in school My son is on Humira. About a month ago we had a meningitis scare- turned out the little boy had whiplash that had been untreated for weeks. Just curious if anybody has successfully managed having their school system notify if there is any unusual infection in the...
  14. Z

    5-ASA and 6 mp

    My son started on pentasa and imuran to get his crohn's under control. For the imuran, it took so long to get the blood concentration to a therapeutic level. I think it was close to a month. CCFA has some wonderful information or even online chat with a nurse. They can give you a...
  15. Z

    What does CD look like in kids??

    My son had stomach aches and lost weight very quickly. When we finally noticed the weight loss he had blood and mucous in the stool. Blood work showed his body was fighting inflammation. First biopsy showed symptoms of crohn's and ulcers but no granulomas. Treated and got the stomach pain...
  16. Z

    Shipping of Humira, Cimzia, etc.

    I call the day they are shipped for a tracking number (ups) and have the shipment sent to work. We get business deliveries much earlier than residential. With the tracking number- I saw that one shipment was held up in the terminal and went to pick it up to avoid another day in transit...
  17. Z

    Crohn's Arthritis

    I just got back from the emergency room with my 10 yo son. He is limping severely and has swelling on top of foot. Thought he had a stress fracture in foot. Attending suggested contusion or crohn's arthritis. Does the arthritic pain correspond to colon inflammation? He's on Humira and...
  18. Z

    Crohns and Constipation

    GI suggested Miralax. Son could not tolerate fiber without severe cramping. Started taking half dose just to keep things moving along and adjusted dose as needed. He took it everyday for several months.
  19. Z

    Worried About Roo - Help!

    Sorry to hear about Roo. My son has next to no appetite and has been in remission for about 5 months. The only time he is hungry since diagnosis was when he was on prednisone. Can she eat peanut butter or nutella?
  20. Z

    Humira Club Support Group

    We started off using ice cubes but my son would just panic while we waited for the ice to numb. Now we use EMLA and barrier patches to numb the injection site. I slap one on while he is still sleeping and wait for him to wake up before shot. It's seems to be working- no more begging not to do...