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  1. The Real MC

    Honey & Yogurt relieves abdominal cramps

    Do let us know if it works for you.
  2. The Real MC

    Honey & Yogurt relieves abdominal cramps

    This past sunday I was in ER with bad abdominal cramps. Cat scan showed inflammation but no blockage. From past experience, I always had residual cramps the next few days while my intestines healed despite being on bland diet. And I was strict about staying on that diet. Monday night I felt...
  3. The Real MC

    Honey & Yogurt relieves abdominal cramps

    Last night as bedtime approached I felt another episode of abdominal cramps coming on. Felt more like indigestion than a blockage (belly is soft). As I laid in bed the cramps were getting worse. I really didn't want my holiday vacation ruined by cramps. I tried some yogurt from the fridge...
  4. The Real MC

    Daily Vomiting (urgent)

    Vomiting immediately after liquid diet meals with weight loss is a serious medical condition that warrants serious medical attention. Unfortunately there are some things that the internet can't provide. I can at least suggest that you also talk to a qualified nutritionist at the hospital.
  5. The Real MC

    Can partial blockages come and go?

    Ask your GI about bland diet. I had cramps and abdominal noises all year. Sometimes the cramps were from a blockage (abdomen inflamed, belly hard) sometimes it was from indigestion (abdomen NOT inflamed, belly soft). Crohns can aggravate indigestion. Bland diet helped the indigestion and...
  6. The Real MC


    Can I vent about the hangnail on my finger?
  7. The Real MC

    Very Confused about possible obstruction

    I have found that indigestion can be confused with blockages. Indigestion is aggravated with Crohns. If you're having regular BM it probably is indigestion. If the pain eases off after about 18 hours, it could be indigestion or the blockage has cleared. If you're vomiting or dehydrated or...
  8. The Real MC

    Gallbladder - Have you had yours out?

    Had the gall bladder removed while they were performing the resection. It was failing anyway. Having both at the same time really hurt, recovery in hospital for 12 days then another seven weeks at home.
  9. The Real MC

    Do you get flu vaccine every year?

    Flu vaccine every year. The first few years - long before CD - I had brief lightheadedness, never any problem since. The ONE year I couldn't get a flu shot - due to a shortage of vaccines - I caught a bad flu bug. Something in my system changed, I could feel it. A couple of months later I...
  10. The Real MC

    Scared that I might be having another blockage after surgery

    Are you on a restricted diet? Your intestines are still healing and may not be able to handle certain foods. I had to change to a bland diet for 7-10 days to keep the pain at bay. Ask you GI about foods that may be irritating your intestines. The perplexing thing about Crohns is that there...
  11. The Real MC

    The Miserable Prednisonites Club

    Just found this. Not on prednisone on a regular basis but I don't tolerate it well. Prednisone makes my muscles lose their definition. I wear a hearing aid and at certain doses the earmold doesn't fit the ear as well and my aid feeds back. Very annoying. Have to be careful not to overeat or...
  12. The Real MC

    Is grey hair related to Crohn's disease?

    Now that you mention it, my hair did start greying since I was diagnosed with CD nine years ago... ...or does grey hair cause CD?
  13. The Real MC

    Should I be looked at after passing vomit

    Only if you are dehydrated, dizzy/light-headed, still feeling pain, can't hold down meals. That's what my GI told me.
  14. The Real MC

    Effects of coffee on your IBD

    Coffee that is too strong does give me the runs. I make my own brew where I can control how weak it is. Some brands set me off, some don't. I found a place that sells Arabian coffee which is safe for the piping. Can't drink coffee outside the home anymore, got sick one too many times. For...
  15. The Real MC

    Can 2 doses of Prednisone increase urination?

    Prednisone always increased my metabolism. When I am on it, I wake up at least twice during the night to relieve myself.
  16. The Real MC

    How to get over regret: Do you look back and miss your "better days"?

    Regrets are like grudges. They are emotionally draining. Accept the present and move on.
  17. The Real MC

    Clothing Question

    I keep a pair of jeans with elastic waistband for those times when I have inflammation, so I can work if the pain is tolerable. There have been times they have been handy.
  18. The Real MC

    Does your Ileum hurt when you touch it...?

    Since my resection my ileum has always hurt, even without inflammation.
  19. The Real MC

    Intestinal Blockage / Obstruction Support Group

    Interesting. They slammed me with the steroids while I was on the NG tube, but have not had a CT scan since. Won't know how the stricture reacted until the next time I need a CT scan. I should do more walking. I did as much as I could during the hospital stay, when I was discharged and...
  20. The Real MC

    Second op in four months and relief at last.

    A good case of the value of the second opinion. Glad you got that (ahem) straightened out.