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  1. Astra

    Very painful periods?

    valleysangel92 My period pain yonks ago was worse than any Crohn's pain! I used to take Syndol, sold over the counter in Boots. It is a good pain reliever. When I was younger, about 14, I used to throw up, faint etc and get sent home from school. My Mum used to give me a tablet and it knocked...
  2. Astra

    Let's throw Methotrexate into the mix!

    Thanks Carol, CeeCeeGo I hope it works for you too. I haven't noticed any change yet, but it's early days. I don't feel nauseous tho, so that's a good sign xxx
  3. Astra

    Antibodies and using Anti-TNF, biologicals

    My doc has just added Metho to my meds too, in addition to Humira, cos it doesn't seem to be working after 7 months, early days yet tho.
  4. Astra

    Sharing a tip about Methotrexate

    Hiya everyone, I wrote in the Methotrexate forum that my consultant had put me on this cos he reckons the Humira isn't 'getting through', so to speak. I researched quite a bit about this med, and found out that it's similar to azathioprine, an immuno suppressant. And I was scared about taking...
  5. Astra

    Pain that wakes you up?

    I don't know whether this is common practice in the UK Jennifer, it doesn't happen in my hospital, that's why I questioned it. I think Jemma knows the score now and knows what to do, ie make enquiries to the GI why the nurse is changing her meds.
  6. Astra

    Friend told people I had Crohn's

    Hiya Bengals Try not to fret, I know that's hard. Some things what you can do ; 1. Remember, even cool peeps get this disease, Dynamo has it! Read all about his struggle online. 2. Download some pdf info on IBD and school from the Crohn's and Colitis Uk website and if there's a teacher you...
  7. Astra

    Any help appreciated

    Hiya Les62 I don't know anything about this but here's a thread on it good luck xxx
  8. Astra

    Pain that wakes you up?

    Hiya Jemma just to concur with Jennifer, Pentasa isn't going to cut it, you probably need an immuno suppressant such as azathioprine. Why is your IBD nurse taking precedence over your gastro? That doesn't make sense to me. By pass the nurse and speak to your specialist in IBD. Good luck xxx
  9. Astra

    About to flare?

    Hiya abic Please don't feel stupid phoning your IBD nurse, it's what they're there for, to advise and support you, no questions are stupid where we're concerned. If anything you'll get some reassurance. Make that call. Good luck xxx
  10. Astra

    New Symptoms - Should I be worried?

    Hiya lsgs So sorry you're suffering and still undiagnosed. If these symptoms are not normal for you then you should ask the GP on Monday to rush an emergency appt through, not wait til November, it's what I would ask for. Coming off Pred sometimes brings back symptoms. Hope you get something...
  11. Astra

    Let's throw Methotrexate into the mix!

    Thank you Clash xxx Good to know that C didn't have the side effects. Hopefully I won't. I'm just worried cos if I take them on a Monday I'm going to be ill at work. Doc said Monday = M for Methotrexate, and Friday = F for Folic acid, to remember I'd rather take it Friday so at least I can rest...
  12. Astra

    Possible infection lots of pain

    Big hug your way Jeannette xxx
  13. Astra

    Let's throw Methotrexate into the mix!

    Hiya everyone, hope you're doing ok xx I've not been well last couple of weeks, LRQ pain, diarrhea, nausea, dizzy etc. I was worried sick that an obstruction was brewing. I went to my consultation yesterday and saw a new gastro, mine's on annual leave. He was very good and knew his Crohn's! He...
  14. Astra

    Need Help with a diet that will reduce the amount i need the toilet.

    Hiya Callum and welcome I use the low residue diet for frequency and urgency, it gives the bowels a rest and reduces diarrhea. Below is a snap shot, there are other web sites on this diet. Have a scoot round our diet and fitness sub forum too for more advice...
  15. Astra

    Headaches and crohns

    Hiya 723crossroads did you ever read our thread on Amitriptyline? I can honestly say I've never had a headache since. xxx
  16. Astra

    Pentasa (Mesalamine) feedback

    Hiya JonathanCohen I've taken Pentasa for 8 years now and I don't think I've ever had any side effects, I also don't think it works on it's own without a backup ie an immunosuppressant. There has been some talk on the forum about mesalazines such as Pentasa not working for Crohns but ok for UC...
  17. Astra

    Surgery over.....

    Good to hear from you Craig, good luck and speedy recovery xxx
  18. Astra

    Struggling with my body temperature??

    Aw we need the HUG button back! If you're not getting anywhere then go back to your GP and ask for a referral to another hospital, this is your right to choose where you get your treatment from. Your GP may huff n puff but he has to comply whether he likes it or not! Make that call, insist and...
  19. Astra

    Struggling with my body temperature??

    HorseLover!! That remark is a bit flippant innit? When you were in hospital did you see any gastro docs and nurses or just general ones? Have you got a follow up appt with your gastro team? If not, why not? It all seems a bit twee to me, collapsing and fainting and a 'suck it and see' attitude...