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  1. C

    Trying to understand my new life with Crohn's

    Hey Gil, Nice to hear your story. I too suffered with fatigue for years...I was diagnosed with Crohns in 1987 and for the past decade or longer I've been feeling as if I was living with chronic fatigue with no let up. My B12 injections went from quarterly, to monthly, then fortnightly, then...
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    Eye Issue?

    Hey Dusty, It's been a long hard road, but finally I ended up getting a diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis. All the symptoms I'd had prior had been part of the condition, and, almost a year after posting here about my iritis, I had my vision fracture to a point where I couldn't move without...
  3. C

    Anyone have Myasthenia Gravis as well as Crohns?

    I've had crohns diagnosed since 1987. This year I was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis - this is in the muscular dystrophy family of neuromuscular conditions. For probably the past decade I've suffered with chronic fatigue, always putting it down to my B12 deficiency. It got to the point...
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    Eye Issue?

    Iritis... I have had goofy eyes for years, and just put it down to poor focussing or being tired etc. In the last few years I've had two definite episodes of loss of vision and recently I've started getting them happen for extended periods...hours instead of minutes. Then two weeks ago I got...
  5. C

    Flour and sugar free...

    I've been diagnosed since 1987 with crohns. I've had 3 resections and a ruptured bowel. I don't have fistulas but I do have largish ulcers according to my latest colonoscopy. For years I've just eaten what I could and tried to moderate or restrict the amount of grains/fibre I ate, but pretty...
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    Severe insect bite allergy from crohns

    Hey Kev, they don't know what bit me but it sure has had a nasty impact. Been suffering today with another flare up of them and I'm heading off back to the dermatologist asap to see what can be done (if anything). Cheers Lisa
  7. C

    Severe insect bite allergy from crohns

    My cool mate Jeff...thanks for all that info...I'll go home and read the links and start to digest the info you've given me here! It's been a while since I last posted here (where have the past two years gone???). You seem to be having your own issues and yet you still found the time to help a...
  8. C

    Severe insect bite allergy from crohns

    I should have mentioned that I had the original bites back in 07, around Oct/Nov and got medical treatment around Nov/Dec so the flare ups are now my immune system over reacting to what should have been a mild allergic response as I'm not still being bitten. I take a large dose of...
  9. C

    Severe insect bite allergy from crohns

    Hey everyone, it's been a couple of years since I was here and I'm going to spend some time catching up and reading back posts! :D I've been ill with a severe allergic reaction to insect bites that saw me break out in blisters, welts and other ugly stuff. Had a biopsy that confirmed it was an...
  10. C

    The first day after you are cured...

    hmmm...foods not such as issue, I eat all the chocolate I want, so what else could there be...oh, yeah...ALCOHOL!!! lol But you know what, the best thing I can imagine would be to be able to excercise again, diet like the rest of the normal population with carrot sticks and celery and be able...
  11. C

    Scar feels tight any advice

    It could also be adhesions forming. Best thing to do is to stay as mobile as possible after surgery to break them while they are fine strands. Also, have you tried gently massaging the area or gentle excercise? I developed really bad adhesions in the pelvic area and boy does it let you know...
  12. C

    Does having IBD make you more irritable?

    I'm finding that as I get older I'm getting less tolerant of fools and ignorant people. I've had to deal with a whole lot of crap in my life both physical and emotional and at times I've been absolutely ballistic. One of the worst times of my life was when I was on pred and I went psychotic...
  13. C

    Crohns and you have any extra's?

    Wow, I had a look at this and it is totally ugh! How the hell have you coped with this as well as crohns...omg you must be so worn out most days.
  14. C

    UGH! Why do I do this to myself??!!!

    Hey Donna, I find that if I over exert myself I get joint flare ups. I don't get set off by chocolate but by fats, so I'm soooooooo safe I could never be a 'recovering chocoholic.' I have a friend who had to have treatment to give up chocolate and he came and told me all about...
  15. C

    Anyone affected by alcohol?

    Thanks Samantha, I already get b12 shots but these pains are only when I drink, no other time. I do get chest pains from joint inflammation in the upper chest in the breastbone area which I treat with aspirin. This flares up and down but is always inflammed, like my finger joints. The other...
  16. C

    Anyone affected by alcohol?

    Does anyone have any problems with alcohol? After my second resection I couldn't drink at all because everything tasted as if it was 'off' or rancid. Now, whenever I drink I get chest pains as if I'm having a heart attack and the only relief I get is to lie on the floor until it passes...
  17. C

    Solutions for bloating from Crohn's Disease

    I use peppermint tea as this helps your digestion. I've also had peppermint oil capsules from a health food shop. When I was really bad this seemed to settle down the tummy. My GI at the time suggested the peppermint oil caps years ago. I get bloated now if I eat really fatty foods or too...
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    Focus Groups/ Research Studies

    There is a world wide study on a new drug at the moment which I think is already being used in USA but not approved elsewhere. The drug trial is to get it approved here in Australia. I went through all the interviews, got accepted but when it came to have blood taken I had a panic attack, I...
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    Dehydration and Crohn's Disease

    Kossy....what a I know what you edited out you naughty boy.:D Could it be the meds making you dehydrated? I've had sections of small and large bowel out (no bag tho) and yes, mine's gone MIA as well. Here are some questions based on my own experiences: 1. Do you drink a lot of...
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    My Husband's Story ...

    Hi Karen, I've read a few of your posts on other threads but didn't know the whole picture, thanks for sharing that. I can understand how you must feel being the 'other' spouse who isn't suffering. While I have crohns, my husband has a liver disease. He went to see my GI at my insistence...