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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. kello82

    What is going on?

    aw you sound miserable. the weight loss, muscle atrophy, and fatigue may be DUE to the D. have you been drinking like crazy? i know when i have D (with an ileo it comes out as pure water lol), it takes everything out of me. all the sudden just walking up the stairs is enough to make me dizzy...
  2. kello82

    Ostomy and Clothing

    aw im so sorry =/ i can hear your heartache in this post. ditto on the fistula=not the least bit sexy. before my ileo i was crapping myself like 20 times a day lol. not sexy..... but still, i think its normal to mourn the loss of well 'being normal' you know? especially as your little...
  3. kello82

    Colonoscopy prep causing pain

    aww =/ i hope you are feeling a bit better by now preps are always extra hellish for me as well. i throw it up within an hour of each drink. my advice is that since you are small (im pretty sure you are little lol..) then dont worry TOO much. they give the same prep to a 100 lb person as they...
  4. kello82

    Stoma more tedious than runners?

    agreed on what they all said. at first its all a bit annoying, but after a bit getting to know your own ostomy, you can pretty much predict everything. even now i can almost choose what to wear based on it....if i know my stoma wont be active for a while then i can wear a regular tank top, where...
  5. kello82

    Ulcerative Colitis and Eating Disorder

    hi betty! similar to what ding experienced, i have had eating disorder issues as a result of crohns. i know an eating disorder due to body image (im thinking that is what you struggle with?) is a LOT different than one that is caused by physical reasons....but i think that trap of thoughts is...
  6. kello82

    Our Friend Jerman

    :) good job. you are stronger than you even know. will send you a message soon, sorry for the lapse in replies
  7. kello82


    +1 on what rebecca said, buddy....please dont take offense. please realize that many people on here have heard the promise of cure time and time again, from friends, doctors, and nosy neighbors lol. understandably....over time a dislike of that word is deeply engrained. im sure youve been...
  8. kello82

    Alternative Treatments for Crohn's

    hi matt and welcome! i am also a bit confused about your story......what surgery did you have and why? why were you so close to death? also how long have you had cd? what are your main symptoms? is it mainly in your colon, or small bowel? do you suffer from extraintestinal manifestations as...
  9. kello82

    Hello old and new friends

    LOVE YOU! just sayin......:D
  10. kello82

    Esophageal Ulcers

    hey there, i would go for the endoscopy. it lets your GI look right at the area and see whats up. i have had ulcers in my esophagus and throat. its like everything you swallow is a sharp rock right? lol it gotten to the point where i can tell they are coming on and dont need to be scoped...
  11. kello82

    4 long hard years with Crohns

    hey buddy! i am 20, were close in age thats cool. theres a ton of people in our age bracket popping up on here, so you will get lots of great advice from them :) some of what you typed could have been my story too! seriously, i was on the infliximab....was almost like magic, i mean not...
  12. kello82

    Surgery Time

    bah i always feel bad cuz you guys reply so nicely and i forget to come back and reply to your replies. and then when i do come in to post something new thats happened i dont have time =/ i will try to remember. but the point of this post is that i have a new PG ulcer starting on my leg again...
  13. kello82

    College dating with a stoma

    hi! im 20. i have a stoma. and im a chick. LOL so i suppose i can give some advice here... i am very open about everything about my crohn's and ostomy. but that doesnt mean i bring it up outright. what i do when im talking to someone new is just go with the flow. if the conversation goes off...
  14. kello82

    CrohnsForum in the News

    hahah i posted 2 comments in there and people just cant give up on being dumb. i used the situation that 2 kids are messing around and one dares the other to egg a car, and the kid does. mom finds out and when she confronts the kid who did the egging he points at his friend and says but HE MADE...
  15. kello82

    CrohnsForum in the News

    crap!! ugh nothing like a little bad publicity. now crohnsforum is apparently just a place of alternative treatment pushers. this really pisses me off that he had to go and take this to the media.
  16. kello82

    Need some Advice

    hey support. im 20, and had a very similar situation as you. relationship wise...the sex issue was not as much of a factor as i never felt comfortable going that far with him, but regardless...the relationship crumbled when i started to get very sick. i mean i had always been sick, but...
  17. kello82

    You might have Crohns if…

    ...when rummaging around in a bag of 3849032 drugs you dont even have to read the labels, you know what is what by the shake of the bottle. like how people learn to identify bird calls? each drug has its own unique sound!! how lovely.
  18. kello82

    Suddenly Hit Me

    aw thanks everybody =] LOL at Beth....Tao of kello haha i love it! dex ive thought about writing for a long time now, longer than ive been on this forum. always worried about how to arrange things though....but now after being on this forum and realizing how much i have already written without...
  19. kello82

    Anyone with experience??????

    that made me LOL more than it should have.....terrible TERRIBLE joke ding! bwhaahahh hilarious nonetheless....:D
  20. kello82

    Anyone with experience??????

    yay! glad to hear from you....i have wondered what ended up happening. oooo one of the rubber ones? i have had those too....they arent as easy to maneuvar as the thread if the knot pokes you its a little harder to slide it around, but again they still never bothered me much. plus...