has anyone tried dmso? has it worked for you?
DMSO works like a charm for stricturing. You can be on your way to curing your crohns and be relatively pain free within 48 hours using a combination of pure DMSO and colloidal silver mixed about 70/30, then carefully applying to the site with a non coloured, non scented cloth or tissue.
A cure for Crohn's eh... sure you dont live under a bridge?
Mattko- please don't be offended, we are all a bit touchy at the moment! I am glad you have found a treatment that works for you! But please don't assume that the treatment that works for you will work for us all. Crohn's is a very individual disease and people respond in different ways to different treatments. By all means, post some of your experiences here, and some facts or research about DMSO, and when I have time I can add it to our wiki.
Hi Rebecca. ok sure thing!
It's not every day someone compares me to a mythical ogre
I've had *amazing* experiences with DMSO particularly when mixed with a solution of colloidal silver.
I have stricturing crohn's and have avoided futher surgery a couple of times thanks to DMSO and CS.
Nowadays if I get any hint of pain in my lower right quadrant because of my stricturing and past scar damage caused by active flares I use this solution which works within 24/48 hours of application.
I simply mix pure DMSO with colloidal silver 70/30 and apply it over my abdomen, and then leave it for a couple of hours.
I can almost guarantee that I'll wake up the next morning with no pain whatsoever, without having to reach for the dreaded 40mg pred dose. The only side effect appears to be increased more watery motions for a day or so. I think this is silver killing bacteria in the gut. It appears to be worth it though.
I've got through several bottles of DMSO and i'm still alive!, I've even drank small quantities.. though not the nicest of tastes i admit
Where's you wiki at?
All the best,
yeah, my buddy keeps telling me to eat worms.
+1 on what rebecca said, buddy....please dont take offense.
please realize that many people on here have heard the promise of cure time and time again, from friends, doctors, and nosy neighbors lol. understandably....over time a dislike of that word is deeply engrained.
im sure youve been there too huh? were all in the same boat!
....Not intended for drug use. No medical or other applications to the human body are advised or promoted for this product and such usage may be harmful. DMSO is quickly absorbed through the skin and can carry contaminants and impurities with it. Exercise care to avoid accidental skin contact especially to the eyes and face and/or wear protective gloves and clothing when using this product....
Right off of Jacobs Lab website...hmmm
. I have read that long term use of Colloidal silver can cause a build up of silver deposits in your skin and make you turn blue (googled some pretty amusing pictures of blue people).
On September 9, 1965, the Wall Street Journal reported the death of an Irish woman after undergoing DMSO treatment for a sprained wrist although no autopsy was done nor was a causal relationship established.[11] Clinical research using DMSO halted and did not begin again until the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) published findings in favor of DMSO in 1972.[12] In 1978, the U.S. FDA approved DMSO for treating interstitial cystitis. In 1980, the U.S. Congress held hearings on claims that the FDA was slow in approving DMSO for other medical uses. In 2007, the U.S. FDA granted "fast track" designation on clinical studies of DMSO's use in reducing brain tissue swelling following traumatic brain injury.[12]
DMSO exposure to developing mouse brains can produce brain degeneration.[13] This neurotoxicity could be detected at doses as low as 0.3 mL/kg, a level exceeded in children exposed to DMSO during certain medical treatments.
Glove selection is important when working with DMSO. Thick rubber gloves are recommended. Nitrile gloves, which are very commonly used in chemical laboratories, have been found to dissolve rapidly with exposure to DMSO.[14] Because DMSO easily penetrates the skin, substances dissolved in DMSO may be quickly absorbed. For instance, a solution of sodium cyanide in DMSO can cause cyanide poisoning through skin contact.[citation needed] DMSO by itself has low toxicity.[15] Dimethyl sulfoxide can produce an explosive reaction when exposed to acid chlorides; at a low temperature, this reaction produces the oxidant for Swern oxidation.
Recently, DMSO disposed into sewers caused odor problems in cities: waste water bacteria transform DMSO under hypoxic (anoxic) conditions into dimethyl sulfide (DMS) that has a strong disagreeable odor, similar to rotten cabbage.[16]
Not nearly as bad as Dihydrogen Monoxide. Join the call to ban DHMO! It's nasty stuff!
Oh, I can see this dhmo getting controversial.
I only have anecdotal evidence on dhmo. Apparently its popular in Europe(so it must be good:biggrin.
Its great to use on things like burns, I burnt my finger the other day and put cold dhmo on it straight away and it reduced the effects of the burn and took away the sting.
I drink this stuff every day. The more pure it is, the better it tastes.
I even use it for cleaning around the home.
I don't believe those scare monger tactics used at dhmo.org website.
Im not aware of any double blind studies being done,
Im not saying that it will cure millions of diseases, but having the recommended dose daily will improve your general health.
I highly suggest you google Dihydrogen Monoxide and read a few sites until you get to the truth about it.
DMSO works like a charm for stricturing. You can be on your way to curing your crohns and be relatively pain free within 48 hours using a combination of pure DMSO and colloidal silver mixed about 70/30, then carefully applying to the site with a non coloured, non scented cloth or tissue.
DMSO is a super absorbent solvent so it burns and itches a little once it begins to absorb into your tissues. Dont be tempted to wipe it off it wont hurt you. Leave it on for a couple of hours if you can.
The DMSO will significantly reduce the inflammation and any scar tissue around the site. The 30% Colloidal Silver mixed in will sterilise the DMSO and also act on infections in your intestine. Most people with crohn's have these. As DMSO is a solvent it will transport the siler colloids directly into your blood & gut walls exterminating the bad guys.
Don't buy standard DMSO thats used for horses. You need pure pharmaceutical grade DMSO like the stuff from jacobs labs.
If you'd like any more info. Please reply here. I'd like to keep my comms on this forum as public as possible.