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  1. tots

    Restless leg or something else!?! Need some help!

    Does anyone have restless leg syndrome? I thought that’s what I had but, mine starts inlower back. Leg muscles dont hurt but, they sure do want to kick out. I have recently added Psoriatic Arthritis, Crohns Arthritis and Crohns Arthritis. I did notice when I was on a higher dose of prednisone it...
  2. tots


    I developed a blood clot in each long a few hears ago. I was given Lovenox I injections twice a day. Did not bother me. They used that medication because I had had a bleed and this is the one drug they can get out of your system the quickest.
  3. tots

    I won my SSDI !!

    How long was he on disability before ya had a review?
  4. tots

    I won my SSDI !!

    After a total of three years, 2 years after applying for SSDI, and one year disability from work, I had my hearing last Wed. I was reminded again right before the hearing it would take awhile, be patient the judge will have a lot of questions. Then it will take 4-6 months for a decision. My...
  5. tots

    Too fast of a pred taper

    I flare up again at the end of or a few weeks after a fast taper. A lower dose and slow taper work much better for me. Lauren
  6. tots

    Very confused after colonoscopy?

    A colonoscopy can not always find CD. Sometimes its just out of reach of the scope, in which case an MRI or CT scan will be good. A small bowel series also is good. Hope they are able help you soon1 Lauren
  7. tots

    Does your temperature run low?

    I guess the norm is not really a norm for a lot of people. Lauren
  8. tots

    Do you take more than humira?

    I am on way more meds than I would like! I have spent almost 75 days in the hospital this past summer on and off. Not to mention the many ER visits I have had. My Dr does not like it I don't respond well to the first thing he tries. We all know we are not all alike! I need a new Dr, one I...
  9. tots

    Does your temperature run low?

    Do you run a low body temp? Mine is routinley in the 96 degree area, no wonder I get the chills at night! Lauren
  10. tots

    Doctor will not write me a prescription for remicade unless I get a colonoscopy

    Most Drs would stop refills if you are not being seen and monitored regularly. Even if you feel well, you may still be having issues. I ended up having my CD spread from mu small intestine to my large intestine. had not idea until I started bleeding. A few yrs later, had a GI bleed in the new...
  11. tots

    Esphogeal ulcers

    Thank you so much, I am still having a great deal of acid reflux if Idont take my meds twice a day. This year has been a bit overwhelming with my health and processing the death of my husband due to pancreatic cancer. I see another new Dr on the 8th as my new Dr in the group left after a month...
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    Esphogeal ulcers

    Maybe try Carafate? I hope you find something that works ! Lauren
  13. tots

    Esphogeal ulcers

    I just added carafate hopefully that will work. I am just tired of being in pain! 70 days as an in patient in 4 months. I know the ulcers in my mouth alway precede a flare. Hope this dosent!! Thanks for the response! Lauren
  14. tots

    Esphogeal ulcers

    Does anyone have experience with ephogeal ulcers? I had a scope and they were found. They are grade thee and four I believe those are the highest level. Today I am in a lot of pain where I can’t get comfortable no matter what I do. Any suggestions? Lauren
  15. tots

    Food going right through me

    I have and I bring them right back up ! Not fun. Even as a kid I did the samething with milkshakes. Lauren
  16. tots

    2 1/2 weeks later

    My husband passed away a little over a year ago and I lost my medical ins. Currently trying to get SSDI, spent 50 days in the hospital this past summer. I was to get a call back yesterday from the NP at the office, still waiting. its been a rough few years and I am tired of crappy and tired of...
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    2 1/2 weeks later

    A little over two weeks ago I called my Dr regarding my symptoms- 3 weeks off steroids just starting Humira and things are not going well. After two weeks the NP called me and said she would speak to the Dr and call be back that day. That was last Wed. no call back. In between that time I had...
  18. tots

    Humira headaches?

    I hope so, I had my short on Fri so far so good! Lauren
  19. tots

    Food going right through me

    I have not had surgery as of yet. I have been trying to follow the BRAT diet, just have had active symptoms for so long- meaning daily- that I am overwhelmed! I know we all get there at times and right now its my turn!! Lauren
  20. tots

    Humira headaches?

    I had wicked headaches week one (4 shots) and week 2 (2 shots), its been Lon time since I have headaches this bad. So for none with the one injection at a time. Praying it stays that way. With the worst headache I went to the ER they gave me Reglan 10 megs and 50mgs Benedryl. It really did help...