Does your temperature run low?

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No, my temp runs normal - unless I have a fever of course, but that seldom happens as long as the Crohn's is under control.
Ds runs cold 96-97 normally unless he is flaring( other autoimmune /auto inflammatory diseases ) only ran a true fever a handful of times in 15 years
Do you run a low body temp?

Mine is routinley in the 96 degree area, no wonder I get the chills at night!


Yes, my resting body temp is around 97.2. I'm being treated for hypothyroidism but with the thyroid hormone tablets, my tests are normal. It still runs low regardless.
My temperature is usually around 35.5C which leads to which temperature is considered a fever....
So far any fever I’ve had has been a temperature of 38 or 39C..........
Mine is normally 36C/96.8F or less. I keep the inside temp between 21-22C, and prefer it cooler during the night.
I guess the norm is not really a norm for a lot of people.


I used to have a lot of problems with mine in high school. I'd go to the clinic because I wouldn't feel good and the school nurse would immediately take my temperature. She never would listen to me when I told her it ran lower than usual. If it was 99.5 degrees, she'd still send me back to class, but that, for me, was considered a low grade fever and still is. :(
Cool thread, I run barely 97 sometimes and yep cold a lot. Ya telling ER or nurse 99 is fever always gets me looks like yep call psych lol.
Mine is slightly low, 98.5 as I last remember... even with sepsis and emergency surgery immediately ahead. I nearly died, because they only watched temperature and no bloods. I made it, and damn... I'm glad. My best to all. :)