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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Kero

    Is a partial liquid diet helpful?

    Daytripper, if you can find an Arbonne Independent consultant, the meal replacement shakes are delicious! They are vegan, and all you need is some water to mix them up.
  2. Kero

    Hadn't planned on showering this afternoon

  3. Kero

    Tattoo Ideas....

    Love the tattoos cnt!
  4. Kero

    Solid BM! Doing a happy dance!

    Wahoo for solid poops!
  5. Kero

    Taking Entocort in Morning versus Evening

    I was told to take it in the morning because of sleep issues. I hope it works for him, been working great for me, I haven't felt this good in about a year!
  6. Kero

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    My blood work shows nothing either. Not even my inflammation. My GP says that bloodwork can lie for inflammation, but a CT scan does not. Hope you get answers soon!
  7. Kero

    Is grey hair related to Crohn's disease?

    I'm 37, and still have no grey hair. Went through a 2 year flare as well, and still none :) Just good genes I guess
  8. Kero

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    @Kstene My bloods come back clean with no issues everytime. Even with 25 cms of very inflamed bowel, nothing shows. My doc actually told me this yesterday and said that sometimes blood tests can lie. Other tests, like CT scans and colonoscopies, do not :)
  9. Kero

    Is it normal to still have good and bad days on Entocort?

    Thank you everyone for your answers :) Makes me feel better. I saw my family doctor yesterday and he said he could tell a huge difference in how I was doing. He said the spark is back in my eyes, I am walking faster and holding myself a lot better! Yay! Today is 2 weeks on it, and I haven't felt...
  10. Kero

    Can't remember what felling " normal" is like!

    Welcome!! So happy you found us! Vent away :) This disease can be so frustrating, and someone who has never experienced it can never understand how we feel :) This forum is phenomenal for support, and has been my rock for much of my 2 year journey.
  11. Kero

    New to Pentasa - how do I know if it's working?

    From what I have read, Pentasa isn't so great for crohns. It only coats the bowel and isn't great for penetrating all of the tissue.
  12. Kero

    Is it normal to still have good and bad days on Entocort?

    Thank you! I kinda figured it was the case. Still soooo much better than before the steroids, but still crummy none the less :) Was probably lack of sleep last night, and my body is tired and doesn't wanna heal today. If I still have a bad day here and there, it will definitely be better than...
  13. Kero

    Is it normal to still have good and bad days on Entocort?

    Started Entocort about 2 weeks ago. Was feeling fab for about a week until this morning. IS it normal to still have bad days after having so many good ones? I felt fantastic for about a week. Thanks all!
  14. Kero

    How effective is Cannabis and CD?

    Definitely in the evening. Make sure you have no plans to go out anywhere, it will definitely impair you :) If going the route of edibles, have a little bit, and see how your symptoms are. It is much better to err on the side of caution and not have enough instead of too much. Don't worry, you...
  15. Kero

    What happens to IBD USA citizens without insurances?

    Lady Organic, Have you watched the Micheal Moore documentary, Sicko? Well worth a watch if you haven't. I know Obama has tried to improve healthcare and insurance since the documentary, but it is still quite broken as far as I know
  16. Kero

    Suspected IBD, Had a Colonoscopy, No Results, Referred to a Surgeon

    Welcome Saxon! Fellow Canadian here, all the way in Alberta though :) Not sure why you were referred to a surgeon without hearing the results. Only thing I could think of is perhaps there was scar tissue or a stricture that will have to be operated on. We all know how wait times can be, maybe...
  17. Kero

    How effective is Cannabis and CD?

    As far as I know, cannabis doesn't react with any of the meds we take for CD/UC. Not everyone can use cannabis either. I would personally try it and see if it helps your symptoms first, especially since it is legal for recreational use where you are. Your best bet it to eat it somehow (brownies...
  18. Kero


    I have anxiety/depression. I have been diagnosed with it for about 10 years now. My family doc has been the one to prescribe my meds and keep an eye on me. Definitely worth it to talk to your doc. If I miss my anti-anxiety meds, I notice a huge difference
  19. Kero

    What are the easiest to digest rice grains?

    I think white rices are easier to digest. I would stick with medium-short grain white rice. Have you tried Basmati rice? I find I can digest it well :)
  20. Kero

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Wow Izzie, sounds like your GI is like mine. Keep pushing. I have been seeing my GI for 18 months now, and she isn't even who diagnosed me. I hope you get answers soon :)