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  1. Klynn2393

    Tested positive for TB..

    I don't think I was inoculated. Now I'm on entocort and I have to go take a T-spot test and If it comes out positive then I have to be treated with INH 300mg and Vitamin B6 for 9 months, if it comes out negative, then I don't have to worry about treatments. I'm just so stressed out with...
  2. Klynn2393

    I Am A Huge Chicken!

    Yeah, I have the pen, so I can't pause. :( lol. I've been getting used to it, but as of now I can't take my Humira because a recent TB blood test I've taken in order to start working came out positive. X-ray results came out negative, so I don't have TB. So, I'm medicine-less until my GI get's...
  3. Klynn2393

    Tested positive for TB..

    Well last week I went see an infection control specialist at my GI. During my hour wait in the waiting room, I got a call that I was cleared to go into work meaning my X-ray results came out negative, so I don't have TB. I'm not on Humira as of now, as soon as they get the results from the...
  4. Klynn2393

    Tested positive for TB..

    So, I recently got hired at a medical clinic and before I start working I needed to take a TB test which was the blood test form of this test, so no false positives is possible. I got a call today that my test came out positive. My first positive test out of 3 TB test I've taken. I did some...
  5. Klynn2393

    Always tired. What do you take?

    Thanks, everyone. This is some useful information. :)
  6. Klynn2393

    Always tired. What do you take?

    So all crohnies know that with Crohn's Disease, no matter how much sleep you get, you are always tired. I also barely have any energy. Since I lost a good amount of blood this past year, I was thinking if B12 vitamins help with this? Or do they have other supplements that I can buy over the...
  7. Klynn2393

    I Am A Huge Chicken!

    Yeah, It's finally getting better for me, I found a spot to where it doesn't hurt as bad, which is my lower abdomen. I'm just starting to bruise a lot from it. My last injection left a big bruise and almost turned black and was there for a few days.
  8. Klynn2393

    I Am A Huge Chicken!

    Yes, it just takes a long time to get used to I guess. I'm not really new to Humira anymore and I'm still scared. Hopefully soon I'll just get tired of being scared and just do it without thinking! lol. I've been doing it in my stomach only. I'm kind of scared to try my legs again.
  9. Klynn2393

    I Am A Huge Chicken!

    I agree with the ice thing. The last time I iced it for a long time and left a HUGE welt after and it still hurt.
  10. Klynn2393

    I Am A Huge Chicken!

    Thanks, sorry it took a few days to respond. Haven't been on in a while. I took my Humira a few minutes ago and it was on the left side, and what do you know? I lost fluid AGAIN!? I don't know why I can't press down hard enough on the left side? Everything goes in on the right side? I can't seem...
  11. Klynn2393

    My Crohn's Experience.

    Yes, stress is my main struggle. I stress over every little thing. And I can basically eat whatever, it's just I have to limit my dairy products and corn. I can probably have corn once a month, maybe. And thanks, I'll surely let y'all know.
  12. Klynn2393

    My Crohn's Experience.

    Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. :) Thermo, I try so hard to be optimistic with this, believe it or not, I usually always think negative and I'm trying so hard to change that. I haven't tried any probitotic or crohn's diet. I should try a crohn's diet, but sometimes a diet may seem hard to...
  13. Klynn2393

    My Crohn's Experience.

    So, I guess I'll tell y'all about my life with Crohn's/vent/whine. lol. I just feel like typing. Ever since I was born I had stomach problems. I couldn't stomach breast milk or the formula, so I was basically living off of pet milk (evaporated milk.) Yeah, I don't know. lol. Anyways, I was...
  14. Klynn2393

    I Am A Huge Chicken!

    Yes, I HATE them. They're not fun. I really don't know why I lose liquid. I guess maybe I don't put enough pressure, but why always on that side? I'll never know. lol.
  15. Klynn2393

    I Am A Huge Chicken!

    It went well. I had to take this weeks one Tuesday instead of Wednesday because of the hurricane that passed Tuesday night. Had no electricity since that night so I took it before we lost power. We finally got power back last night. Anyways. This time was even better. I had my headphones in...
  16. Klynn2393

    I Am A Huge Chicken!

    I thought it was better with the nurse there with me. Now I'm just by myself with this. :( lol.
  17. Klynn2393

    I Am A Huge Chicken!

    Yeah, my shot went well, last Wednesday. I tried the music method. Put the ear phones in my ears and turned the music up real loud. Didn't take as long to inject myself like the last time. But I was still shaky afterwards.. and it still burned, of course. lol.
  18. Klynn2393

    I Am A Huge Chicken!

    Thanks, everyone. I take my next shot tomorrow. I'll let y'all know how it goes. :)
  19. Klynn2393

    I Am A Huge Chicken!

    Yeah, I much rather do it in my abdomen because I tried in my upper leg and it hurt so much! I jumped so high, it was hard for me to keep the pen still. Thanks, again, everyone for the kind words. :) Hopefully next time I'll be better.
  20. Klynn2393

    I Am A Huge Chicken!

    Thanks, everyone for the kind advice. I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem. I will have to try a few things y'all have recommended. :ysmile: