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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. lizzy_forrest

    First Flare Up In 3 Years :(

    Still flaring. I've been on 6MP since April and it hasn't done much of anything. The gastro is finally putting me on Entocort and working on getting me transfered to a doctor who can actually prescribe biologics. I'm so frustrated that she didn't do this earlier. Biologics have been the only...
  2. lizzy_forrest

    What Career/Job Do You Have?

    I'm a marketing/communications specialist in the higher education field and a part-time graduate student.
  3. lizzy_forrest

    First Flare Up In 3 Years :(

    Thanks for the advice, Crabby. I recently moved to a new state and hopped from insurance plan to insurance plan, so I didn't have a GI to fall back on. My original symptoms didn't feel Crohn's related, as it was restricted to slight pain in my upper abdominal region immediately after eating...
  4. lizzy_forrest

    First Flare Up In 3 Years :(

    Thanks. Saw my GI today, who ordered a colonoscopy/endoscopy for Monday. Also gave me RXs for prevacid and 6MP. I hate this. :(
  5. lizzy_forrest

    First Flare Up In 3 Years :(

    I thought I was over this. I was doing well without any sort of treatment for about a year. About two months ago, I started noticing pain in my upper abdomen while/after eating. I didn't think about it too much, because it wasn't accompanied by any other symptoms. A week ago, the diarrhea...
  6. lizzy_forrest

    Remicade Question

    Hey all. I have my first Remicade infusion today. Yay! However, it also happens to be the first day of that time of the month and I'm in a quite a bit of a pain due to cramping. Can I take a painkiller or will that cause issues with the infusion?
  7. lizzy_forrest

    Turning To Non-Prescription Treatment

    I've lost my insurance and until I hear back from Remicade, I'm going to have to find different ways of treating this horror of a disease. I'm in the process of weaning off steroids. They've ravaged me, I swear. I'm weaker than I was in the first place, having lost muscle mass, and I've...
  8. lizzy_forrest

    Study shows those diagnosed with Crohn's eat less fibre, more refined sugar

    I don't believe it. My Crohn's symptoms didn't show up until I added fiber to my already high fiber diet.
  9. lizzy_forrest

    What foods Don't bother you but should

    I don't have an issue with spicy foods. I could eat sushi slathered in spicy sauce all day. And indian food. No problems with either of those.
  10. lizzy_forrest

    Imuran and Horrible Nausea

    Does anyone else have trouble with Imuran and nausea/stomach pain? I'm currently taking 2 and 1/2 pills a day, but about 10 minutes after I take the pills, I start getting horrible stomach pain. It feels like someone kicked me over and over!
  11. lizzy_forrest

    Going straight liquid

    I'm going to try Ensure/mashed bananas/soup only for a little while. I need to let my poor body heal. Let us know how it's going for you!
  12. lizzy_forrest

    Lizzy's New Crohn's Blog

    If I told them up front, they wouldn't have covered anything (no specialist visits, no labs, no medications, no treatments) pertaining to my "prexisting condition" for at least six months to a year into my coverage. My condition is currently classified as "severe Crohn's", so it was worth the...
  13. lizzy_forrest

    Lizzy's New Crohn's Blog

    GAH! My dad and I took a risk while applying for my new insurance back in December and didn't mention my new Crohn's diagnosis. Of course, they found out. I had a feeling they would, but I complied with my dad's instructions because he's paying for the coverage. And now they're reviewing my...
  14. lizzy_forrest

    Remicade Club Support Group

    Hey all! I'm joining this little club! Woohoo!
  15. lizzy_forrest

    Lizzy's New Crohn's Blog

    Humira is no longer an option. My insurance only covers 50% of non-generics, and the starter kit was a grand total of $5500. The co-pay program from Humira covered another thousand, but it was still $1500, which just wasn't doable. I just got approved by my insurance for Remicade, but I'm...
  16. lizzy_forrest

    Lizzy's New Crohn's Blog

    Yes, I was in broadcasting. I was just a traffic/programming assistant, but it was a great job for a college kid needing some work flexibility. I really enjoyed the work and the atmosphere. I'm covered under the school, but only up to 2,000 per condition. I'm pretty sure it all got used up...
  17. lizzy_forrest

    Lizzy's New Crohn's Blog

    I haven't been around lately. Life has changed quite a bit since I posted last. Two weeks ago, at the end of the work day, I was called into the HR office. The GM, HRM, and traffic/programming manager explained that due to the recession, they had to lay me off. They said that they'd love to...
  18. lizzy_forrest

    Hoping To Find Support

    Yeah, I'm not doing well again. When does one know to go to the hospital? That's what I want to know. I started out fine today. A little low on energy, but I had no morning pain or diarrhea. And then, right after noon, I was hit with it out of nowhere. First came the steady burning all up...
  19. lizzy_forrest

    Hoping To Find Support

    Ugh, I think I'm getting worse again. My abdomen has felt so tender and achy for the past day, and I'm getting sores in my mouth. This sucks.
  20. lizzy_forrest

    Advice Needed: Warding Off Naturopathic Crazies

    No, I'm not saying that everyone who practices naturopathy is a crazy, but if I have one more person tell me that wheatgrass will magically cure my Crohn's, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I'm currently dealing with a very persistent classmate, who insists I should come over to her house so...