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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. S

    Does anyone else in your family have IBD?

    I have crohn's and my mum has UC. My maternal grandmother has IBS and my maternal granddad always had "bowel troubles"! Granddad's sister also has bowel problems.
  2. S

    How did your Crohn's start?

    I was a healthy child. My symptoms first started when I was 18, at first it was just heartburn and mild stomach pains. I went to GP and he gave me Zantac. I then started having diarrhoea which I thought was a reaction to the Zantax. The Dr sent me for a baruim xray which showed inflammation...
  3. S

    Do you have a job and have Crohns?

    I was working full time as a school admin assistant when my crohn's flared up. I carried on working full time for about 3 yrs but it was a struggle and I asked to reduce my hours last year. They were very good about it and I now work 20 hours a week term only + 5 days during the school...
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    Blood loss but its ok

    Hi Grant I sometimes pass small clots from internal fissures. As for the Botox, I had a treatment in 2008 and it did work really well. I'm due to go into hospital in October for another treatment as I'm struggling again. Fingers cross it works as well as last time, it's lovely having a...
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    Peri anal crohns

    Hi Jenny Yes skin tags in the anal area can be a feature of crohn's. They don't like to remove them either as healing can be a problem and they come back anyway.
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    Peri anal crohns

    Hi Jenny I have crohn's of the terminal ilium and perianal disease. I get a lot of pain in the rectum as well as bleeding with bm's due to fissures, I also have skin tags that swell and become sore. It can be pretty miserable. Three years ago I had botox injected into the spincter (under...
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    Hi, I'm a newbie

    Hi One of the reasons for fissures not healing is because the sphincter muscle goes into spasm. The botox is injected into the sphincter, effectively performing a chemical sphincterotomy as it relaxes the muscle. The effects last for about 3 months allowing the fissures time to hopefully...
  8. S

    Hi, I'm a newbie

    Hi all, I am new to this forum, I found you while looking for information on Perianal Crohn's. I became ill with Terminal Ilius Crohn's 24 years ago aged 18 and was diagnosed pretty quickly. The disease was quite mild and I went into remission aged 25. This lasted for 12 wonderful years but...