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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. rohrski

    Bags Blow Outs at Night?

    Same with me, I usually go to sleep around 10 and then I am up every 2 to 3 hours to empty, and yes if I didn't I would have a mess, I don't sleep well at all, It seems like I just get to sleep and I'm up again.
  2. rohrski

    Starting cramping and stomach sore

    About three days ago I starting having a lot of gas and cramping, the pain is very strong my stomach area is sore to touch, I have had this pain since my Ileo surgery but not this bad, It seems better today I don't know if it has to do with losing my colon or if it is a crohns issue, I thought I...
  3. rohrski

    Don't want to go to the doctor...

    I know exactly what you mean, what a horrible disease we have, I don't think people other than our family's have any idea what we all go through, just look at the people on this site I would like to know just how many days in hospital we all have spent, as far as the doctors go medicine has...
  4. rohrski

    Big trouble trying to wear jeans

    big trouble trying to wear jeans Hi all, I had a colostomy for 18 years, back for more surgery last October I got a ileostomy, I wore jeans and got along alright with the colostomy, the stoma was lower than my ileo, my waistline lies right on my stoma now, I wear suspenders under my shirts to...
  5. rohrski

    Need help on crohns

    Hi Irene, yes I worked for a natural gas distribution company, ran jack hammer, ditch digger, truck driver, backhoe operator, it was very hard when the symptoms started I knew just about every bathroom in town I could get to quickly, I am retired now but I feel for everyone that has to work with...
  6. rohrski

    Tried something new last night..

    wish I could sleep I'm glad you got a good nights sleep, I am up at least every 2 hours usually to empty, I started using gasx about an hour before I go to bed, If I still have gas I take another one, it seems to work as far as the gas goes.
  7. rohrski

    My story

    Post Ileo I am feeling OK after surgery no pain but I am having a rough time getting use to the ileo, with the colostomy I irrigated early in the morning and had no problems all day, I just hate the frequent trips to empty, It effects my golfing, hunting, about all outdoor activities, if there...
  8. rohrski

    Gas attack

    15 months ago I had a ileostomy, I've had to deal with a lot just getting use to it, I had a colostomy for 18 years so that really helped as far as the appliances, the constant emptying is the worse thing, It has pretty much ended my golfing trips to Myrtle Beach and even here at home, I hate it...
  9. rohrski

    My story

    I have been fighting this dreaded disease for 28 years, first showed up when I was 30 years old, after 4 surgeries including a colostomy 18 years ago, I went into remission, 15 months ago it came back and I went to Cleveland Clinic for a Ileostomy.