Don't want to go to the doctor...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 24, 2011
Have a GI appointment tomorrow at 9:00am, which means I have to leave at 3:00am! My husband is driving me, we just couldn't afford for me to travel up a day early and stay overnight. The drive or lack of sleep isn't bothering me, I'm just not ready for any more crap right now.

It seems like every I go to the doctor they find something else wrong. I'm so tired of having problems. I tend to ignore the little random things when they pop up, unless they don't go away for a while. I've been feeling "off" for a few weeks now, I get dizzy spells that come on very quickly. I also get very sweaty and my heart starts racing. My mom suggested that my blood sugar was dropping rapidly but I have no way of checking it.

When I went to the ER a couple of weeks ago, my blood work came back looking like my pancreas was inflamed again. I don't drink alcohol, so it seems that I am one of the lucky people with chronic pancreatitis caused by medication. Specifically, steriods and flagyl. I also read that chronic pancreatitis can lead to diabetes. My husband was ready to block WebMd from our computer yesterday, I was freaking myself out so much.

I've been diagnosed now for almost 16 years, and I've had Crohn's my entire life. I've come to terms with the fact that I will never be able to live my life like a *normal* person, but I still have days when I feel like it's just not fair. Why me?

I know there's no answer to that question though....

Sorry, about unloading all that.
Oh Sarahanne. My heart goes out to you. Also because I so understand where you are coming from. At least your Dr's DO try though.

You sound anemic to be honest. I never knew what that felt like before the last few weeks. But now I do! I bet it wont be a horrible trip, just simple tweaking. And I hope you get your full bloods taken.

But first of all...I really hope you go. They may keep finding things wrong with you, but lets face it, you are alot healthier than you were before. And you are 'getting there'. Just a few tweaks here and there and you might just take on the world!
Unload away hun :hug: It isn't fair and wouldn't it be nice to just be able to have a med out there that didn't have the potential of causing half a dozen other health issues?? I do hope tomorrow doesn't bring too much crappy news, please keep us updated!
I know exactly what you mean, what a horrible disease we have, I don't think people other than our family's have any idea what we all go through, just look at the people on this site I would like to know just how many days in hospital we all have spent, as far as the doctors go medicine has never helped me they do what they can but surgery is the only thing that has ever helped me, you just have to keep going and stay positive, it is so hard to do, well good luck tomorrow, hopefully it will turn out better than you think.

Hi Sarah,
I hear you and know just what you mean.
You have beenthrough so much.
I think of myself as being one of the more fortunate in having caring and compassionate doctors., thank God for these dedicated people in my disjointed life..
It is not possible to always be appreciative of all the investigations that we submit to and of necessity will continue to have to do this.
However, no one can expect us to like it and we must be allowed to mumble grumble
our way through life at times. It will get better.
Hugs and best wishes
I am so exhausted!! What a long trip, but I feel very reassured.

My GI suspects SIBO, so I'm on Cipro and Flagyl for the next 2 weeks, yuck. He feels very confident that my Crohn's isn't flaring, my body is just different mechanically after having so much bowel removed and it's working differently now. If the diarrhea is still very bad after antibiotics, he is going to prescribe something to help bind my bile salts. I never thought about SIBO, stupid me, given that my BM's have been off in color and extremely foul smelling.

As for blood work, that and then some!! He's checking my iron, B12, and thyroid along with my Sed rate, CBC, RBC, and CRP.

My GI is heading up research on the immune regulation of IBD, I agreed to become a research subject. No crazy drugs or procedures, just donated some of my blood. More and more patients are coming in with IBD, and they are getting lots more patients from out of state (of which I am one!). They are trying to find any sort of connection, using bloodwork, family history, and current and past IBD medication use, etc. He will also take some tissue biopsies when I have my next colonoscopy. The lab took a total of 10 vials of blood! Good thing I was hydrated! :)

My hubby went with me and I'm glad he did. He was also reassured by the visit, he has been very worried and I'm glad we finally got some positive news.

Thanks everyone for listening (or reading, rather). I hope you are all feeling happy and well today. :heart::heart::heart: it was a 'good' trip in it's own way! Lets hope he's right about the flare being not a flare. SIBO huh? Interesting.

We just want to see you all sorted out, running marathons, going on exotic holidays, and generally being terrifically well!!!! And I know you will get there!
Really pleased you have had some encouraging news :) Will keep fingers crossed that things now settle down for you.

It seems a lot of research is being done everywhere, over here I agreed to an extra blood test and few more biopsies during my december colonoscopy as they are looking into the genes and family histories. Lets hope it all leads some break throughs!
Thanks Misty!! I don't know about the marathons, but I could definitely use a holiday, exotic or not!

Angrybird ~ I completely agree! I'll part with as much blood as I can if it will help find better treatments, a cause, a cure, anything!

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