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  1. L

    Whitish/Tan foamy bm

    I was defintly thinking I have a fissure, but I have never had one before! But I have done some research and it seems to be part of the issue! Are they dangerous? What can I do to help with the pain?
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    Heart Palpitations

    YES! i get awful palpatations! My heart will race! I went to the ER and it was up to 172! I went to my GP and they found Mitro valve prolapse! which is fairly common! IT is very scary though! I thought I was having a heart attack! Get it checked out! It could be something serious! better be safe...
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    Whitish/Tan foamy bm

    Hello all! I know this is gross! but I have been having mainly water (type 7) bm for 4 days in a row, and today it was tanish white and foamy looking, very different from anything I have ever had! I was wondering if anyone else has had this & what it means? I have been out of it!I am in a...
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    update. went back to er! I just got admitted. my pulse was 170 when I arrived! ! they said my ct looked normal and so did my bloodwork, so they are trying to figure out if this is a flare! any ideas?
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    Scaly, dry, shiny, cracked old looking hands?

    I have the same thing! my hair is really brittle and falling out as well. I think it has to do with not getting enough nutrients as well.
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    I went to the ER two days ago with AFWUL chest pain. I had been throwing up and having d for 2 days straight. The main thing that scared me was the new chest pain. My blood pressure was 150/95 and my pulse was 148. They did an abdominal X-ray, nothing was abnormal. They also did an EKG, saw...
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    Vomiting Bile

    Good Afternoon, So today I have been sluggish, I just threw up a brownish color? I havent eaten anything today only drank water? I also threw up green bile on Sunday. I have a fever of 99.5. I am not sure what is going on, I was at my GI yesterday, and he said that the vomiting I had sunday...
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    My doctor doesn't take me seriously?!

    Ducey99, I got the vibe that he thinking I'm being dramatic and that Im so young. I told him about my severe joint pain..he said well its probably arthritis.. Well I'm 21, he was in a hurry, and just wanted me out of there
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    My doctor doesn't take me seriously?!

    he is in tuscaloosa al. Dr. nirish shah
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    My doctor doesn't take me seriously?!

    Im going to do some research and get in with someone soon! thank yall !
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    My doctor doesn't take me seriously?!

    Wow I'm glad your okay now! I'm going to do some research, I just want to be taken seriously and more importantly ... Relief
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    In the hospital . . . again.

    Stay strong, your in my prayers! Never give up! Keep us updated, if God brings you to it, he can get you through it
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    My doctor doesn't take me seriously?!

    So I just got back from my gi, and was excited to finally get put on meds for my recent crohns diagnosis. I came into the office with a fever of 101.3 and blood pressure of 110/60.. He didn't have much to say, ignored that just Sunday I was throwing up bile and having 8 bowel movements. He said...
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    Newbie recent crohn's diagnosis

    I was diagnosed a few weeks ago too, and I am going to be put on meds this week, However mine started with just diarrhea and abdominal pain, but as the weeks have gone by, i have gotten much worse( only taking tylenol). I have had severe joint pain in my spine, elbows and ankles. I was throwing...
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    I decided not to go er, because I was there 3 weeks ago, and got at CT and that is when they discovered that my terminal ileum was inflammed and u was referred to a gi and had a colonoscopy the following Tuesday. They took 8 biopsys and said it was crohns and I have an appointment thursday...
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    Should I Go to the ER?

    I would go to the er! Rather be safe than sorry! Are you running a fever? I've been having awful joint pain with my crohns lately too!
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    I will call tomorrow! I have gotten worse since I posted earlier, now vomiting bile, just trying to stay hydrated
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    :heart: Hello All, I was recently diagnosed with Crohn's 3 weeks ago. I am a 21 year old female. I have not been put on any meds yet, I go back to the GI doctor Thursday. The pain over the past few days has almost been unbearable. My joints feel like I am 100 years old, fever on and off...