Heart Palpitations

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Jul 24, 2008
I have never had any issues with my heart except when I was in a really bad flare. At that time I had a racing heart...my heart rate got up to 125!!!

The past few days I have been getting heart palpitations on and off during the day. They happen when I am walking, talking, sitting, really anytime. Feels like a flutter in my chest and almost like it could take my breath away if they got stronger.

I have been trying to get pregnant but with no luck for over a year. I have read that it could be an early preggo sign but I am thinking it is more likely having to do with Crohn's.

Anyone have any experience with this. I know they can be brought on by stress but I don't feel that stressed really so it seems odd they would pop up now and not before.

Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks.
I forgot to add I am also having trouble sleeping and feel stiffness in my knees. Both new things as well.
Do you have issues with severe heartburn? Gerd ? Etc ?
I know from experience that chronic heartburn and esophageal inflammation can actually cause the heart palpitations and racing. I was told by my doctor to take my meds for this faithfully; even when I think there isn't an issue and it
Will help - it did.
Of course you should always check with your doctor for any type of issue that you think may be happening with your heart ASAP to be sure tho!
Best of luck - hope this helped :)
Iv had heart palpitations, a couple times for a while, and a year or so ago, I'd sometimes get them when I sat, or lay down. No idea why. Wasn't stressed, and I have no idea if it's normal in crohns,what crohns mom is saying makes sence with the inflammation though. But yep, if it's ongoing I agree you should tell your gp. Best wishes :)
Hi teeny5! You'll want to contact your GP and let them know so they can refer you to a specialist for your heart. Sure it could be stress or not a big deal but you never know how big of a deal it is until you get it checked out.

As my signature shows I have Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/premature-ventricular-contractions/DS00949 and Tachycardia which increases my risk of stroke http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/tachycardia/DS00929. Normally lots of people have PVCs but if they are frequent then there may be an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. Stress, lack of sleep and anemia can be causes (all related to Crohn's) but not the only causes. You don't have to be thinking about/stressing over something for your body to show signs of stress. The cause for my PVCs are really unknown but I know they increase with a lack of sleep, stress, drinking alcohol and smoking. One of the main reasons why its important for me to take medication to control my irregular heart beat is because heart disease does run in my family (my mom and her father both have it).

Its important to find the underlying cause even if it does wind up being "just stress." There is treatment out there for palpitations and the complications that cause them. Sure they aren't really painful, but they are alarming and stop you in your tracks often leaving you breathless. It causes stress just by occurring. Keep us posted.
I imagine there are a number of different possible causes for heart palpitations. Possibly Crohn's is a problem, thyroid issues come to mind also. One sight that might be of help is Dr. Davis. He is a cardiologist that writes about his work, giving tips on testing and ways to address heart issues.


As for pregnancy problems, you might look to supplement with vitamin D3, taking 5000ius in oil form to start. Seems the sunshine vitamin not only helps with Crohns, but also with heart disease, and fertility issues.

"Vitamin D and fertility in men and women"


snippet from Dr. Cannell's article:

Every year, billions are spent in fertility clinics; the result of which is often in vitro fertilization (IVF). About 5 years ago, I began receiving emails from a nurse practitioner in Indiana who works in a fertility clinic. Her experience was dramatic; 5,000 IU/day for both the man and woman frequently resulted in a healthy baby. However, her last email to me was quite sad, she was in danger of losing her job as her boss, a gynecologist, was losing money due to vitamin D. He ordered her to stop advocating it or lose her job.

Today, the Daily Mail and several other newspapers reviewed a lengthy article in The European Journal of Endocrinology that concluded, “Given the high prevalence of infertility as well as vitamin D insufficiency in otherwise healthy young women and men and the possible role of vitamin D in human reproduction, research might lead to new therapeutic approaches such as vitamin D supplementation in the treatment of female and male reproductive disorders.”...

Another vitamin that probably will help with fertility, bone and heart health is vitamin K2. (I suspect that K2 helps with gut health also.) In traditional societies, couples looking to conceive would eat a diet high in vitamin K2 which is found in eggs, fish eggs, grass fed butter, etc. There are also supplements sold of K2-4 and K2-7.

"The formula for aortic valve disease?"


Hope that helps.
I have not been taking my Prilosec very much lately as I was not having GERD...I will check into that for sure. I do not smoke and rarely drink (even if I do I only have one at the most two). I really don't think I am pregnant but will know for sure in a few days when my period is due. I think I will wait till then and make sure I take my Prilosec in the interim.

What are other ways to get more vitamin D? Interesting articles.
I have had that before- I have been told I have MVP, very commen in women. (Mitral Valve Prolapse). If I clear my throat or cough a little its gone.

I hope its a sign of things to come for you though! I have three kids, and in spite of my Crohns (undiagnosed with the first two babies) it didnt take me long at all. So I wish you
all the luck in the world.

I get it fairly regularly, I heard somewhere (sorry, can't remember where or I'd link it) that it can be associated with prednisone but I don't know how much truth is in that.

There is a link somewhere on the forum for vitamins and minerals and what deficiency of certain ones can cause.. David would be able to tell you.. maybe that is where I read heart palpitations. Sorry, I know I'm not much help.. but I get the exact same thing and I don't think it's unusual in Crohn's?

I did go to the doctor about it a few years back and he laughed at me when I told him about it. Never went to that surgery again.
YES! i get awful palpatations! My heart will race! I went to the ER and it was up to 172! I went to my GP and they found Mitro valve prolapse! which is fairly common! IT is very scary though! I thought I was having a heart attack! Get it checked out! It could be something serious! better be safe than sorry

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