Hi I'm a new ostomate with many questions who wants to find my perfect bag and supplies to fit my lifestyle.
So can anybody give me the low down on why some people choose 1-piece over 2-piece and vice versa?
Why do some people prefer not to have a filter with their bag?
How did you end up with the bag you use now? How do you decide when there are so many brands and models?
So far I know I like the Coloplast Sensura Mio. But is there something better out there for me? So much to learn.
Thanks ostomates!!
So can anybody give me the low down on why some people choose 1-piece over 2-piece and vice versa?
Why do some people prefer not to have a filter with their bag?
How did you end up with the bag you use now? How do you decide when there are so many brands and models?
So far I know I like the Coloplast Sensura Mio. But is there something better out there for me? So much to learn.
Thanks ostomates!!