10 yr old son dx crohns oct 2011

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Dec 4, 2011
Been reading the forum for months trying to understand what having Crohns means for my son, H, and what we can do to help. I am very grateful for all the information, advice of this supportive group. We were thrown for a loop when the doctor gave us the news. Had heard of Crohns but did not really know much about it.

H and his identical twin, N, have been very active healthy boys even from the start. They were 7 1/2 lbs and 6 1/2 lbs at birth. We started to notice late this summer that H was looking a little smaller than N. He ate less so we thought that may be part of it. H also used the bathroom more. He did not complain of feeling bad We had an annual well child visit scheduled soon so we figured we would bring it up then.

At the well visit on a Monday morning, his doctor asked questions about his stools, pain, etc We had not realized how often he was going or how it was often diarrhea. She referred him to the childrens hospital pediatric gastro clinic who called that afternoon and said they had a cancellation the next day. Tuesday, met with gastro ped who asked more questions and ordered blood tests. Wednesday , gi clinic called and wanted to schedule endoscopy and colonscopy for the following week based on inflamation markers, ESR and CRP. Following Thursday, they did the scopes and handed us the pictures and a binder about Crohns based on what they saw. Dr thought it looked moderate, pathology indicated mild. Alot to take in less than two weeks.

H has been a trooper thru it all although he gets down now and then and wants to know why him. We hate crohns. I hate how it gets him down sometimes, He is not a fan of pills or blood draws, but then again who is. The clinic has a psychologist that met with us for the first and second visit after the diagnosis that helped him a lot by encouraging him to imagine and talk about a favorite place or event while getting him blood drawn, says your mind can only focus on one thing at a time so focus on something good rather than the needle.

He was on prednisone for 6 or 7 weeks with prilosec and was started on azathiprine at the same time. He has responded well to both. He gained 10 lbs while on the pred and has maintained that weight. He had a 3 month followup this week and he grew 6/10 of an inch since last time. ESR is still slightly elevated but CRP is good. Did not feel good about the azathiprine, especially since you are supposed to wash everything it comes in contact with. Kinda scary...

I asked the gi about LDN, and he had not heard about it Said they were doing study at UPenn and he said CHOP and Boston were two locations that were doing lots of research. Think I will print out the paperwork for the next visit. My husbands cousin is a pediatrician and we called her after the diagnosis to ask questions. One of her collegues mentioned LDN as well. We also added fish oil, probiotics and vitamin d on her suggestion. We give N the supplements as well. The both really like the vitamin d/calcium/magnesium liquid supplement, tastes like a creamsicle, open their mouths like baby birds for their spoonfull. Hoping N will miss getting this, docs said odds are higher since he is identical.

After reading a lot of the posts here, I am trying to get to the place that I appreciate that things are going relatively ok now as things can turn quickly. My heart goes out to those that are dealing with the things that are not going well right now. This disease stinks.
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Hi momoftwinboys and :welcome:

I'm so sorry to hear about your boy...:hug: You have found the right place for support and info and you will find we are all kindred spirits here and yes! we hate Crohn's too! :voodoo:

It is good to hear that Hunter has responded well to treatment, :) , and I well understand your concerns about the medications as does everyone here. For some the milder drugs work wonderfully well but for others they don't, it really is no different to everyone with this disease, highly individual. You sound like you have solid grip on Hunter's situation and treatment Mum and I think at this point it would be useful to read through the following forums...Enteral Nutrition, Diet and LDN...you probably have already. Both of my children are in remission but I still find myself continuing to read, read and read some more and spirit away that information for future reference.

Good luck and welcome aboard!

Dusty. xxx
Hey, welcome! :rosette2:

I've only been on the forum a few weeks and it is awesome, a huge sanity aid.

What is it with all these kids being diagnosed at age 10? Violet was, and I've read a bunch on here who have. Puberty onset setting things off maybe?

Sounds like Hunter is doing great with treatments, that is so nice to hear. It can be harder on us mothers than on them, for sure. Violet is happy all the time; I am an obsessed freak about it.
And YES, the concern about the meds is paramount and no joke. I too am looking into LDN, I plan to mention it at her next f/u as I really don't want her to use Humira, though we agreed to "try" it for 3mo.

Nice to "meet" you,
Hi Momoftwinboys,

So sorry to hear of your son's diagnosis. I also have a 10 year old son who was diagnosed about 1 month ago. We also did not know how long his diarrhea had been going on for, I guess 10 year old boys don't want to tell their parents about such things! My son has also been put on a short course of prednisone and azathioprine as well. The meds have helped quite a bit but he is still struggling with generally feeling terrible most of the time. Still in the process of ramping up the azathioprine so hopefully we will see more results soon. At the moment he has missed a TON of school.

My son was comforted by hearing your son's story. I don't think he wishes the disease on others but he is comforted by the fact he is not alone and that there are others out there just like him, and I suppose I feel the same way. Thank you for sharing your story.
Thanks for the support. I have sporatically read the LDN, EN, diet posts, however not that thoughly. My hubby and I both work fulltime and keep busy with the boys. H and N both play basketball, flag football and do Tae Kwon Do and are outdoors people (fishing, hunting with their dad). Basketball season ended yesterday, team went 8-0, yeah! Tournament next weekend. Got their green belts last weekend, Flag football starts in a couple of weeks. Knock on wood, he will continue to live his life doing what he enjoys. By the time we eat dinner/help with school work not a lot of down time to read. Will be checking those forums as well. Got a book for parents of IDB children, Paleo diet and Breaking the viscious cycle books as well to read.

H has had a nutitional shake with breakfast each morning since dx (Boost for kids, likes it better than pediasure). Violet's ability to do the EN and being able to eat as well has picqued my interest. Something to think about, but not right now, don't think H is mentally ready for it right now, still adjusting. I meant to ask GI doctor this week at appt but forgot.

While is is doing pretty well, he got a rash on one side of his nose, and another rash all over his body. Pediatrian and GI both think pityriasis rosea, a virus that will go away. Nose treating with topical antibiotic. I did notice that quite a few crohns members have a nose rash. While in Florida for Christmas had a reaction to the sun and was crazy itchy. So sad to ask 10 yr old to easy do it in the sun at the beach on vacation from midwest winter. All reminders to him that he has Crohn's.

CCFA had a meeting thru the hospital for parents and ped crohns patients in Dec. Husband and I went. Think they said that 700,000 people are on azathiprine world wide. If you filled a basketball stadium with 10,000 people, odds are 2 would get leukemia, the medicine would cause another 6 cases which means odds of not getting leukemia is 99.98% without azathioprine and 99.92% with it. It is also true that the odds go up 300% from 2 to 8. I try to focus on the first set of percents.
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Twiggy, sorry to hear about your son. H felt alot better hearng he was not alone too. Childrens hosp said they work with 1,000 kids with Crohns/UC. Sent a note to both of the boys teachers when he got dx since it affects the whole family. Believe it or not, N's teacher responded that she had it as well and I could share with H if I wanted. He was really surprised and happy she would share that with him and he has kept it between them. Also his teacher and N's teacher are friends/travel together so she knows about the disease as well. When I let school nurse know she set me up with the 504 paperwork and said there were a handful of kids at their school that she followed with it. Also asked about dietary restrictions so she could work with cafeteria. School has been great...hoping middle school next year goes as smooth. Think it is becoming more common.

What vit d are you using? The boys really like Wellesse® Calcium & Vitamin D3 Liquid
1000 mg Calcium & 1000 IU Vitamin D3 Per Serving, Citrus Flavor it is on sale right now too online at Coscto. Much happier with liquid rather than another pill.

Hang in there, the first month is pretty overwhelming. Hoping he starts to feel better soon.
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V uses the same liquid D, it has kept her D levels normal so far!

It sounds like your Hunter is doing well and has a normal life on his current treatments so if it were me I wouldn't change anything.
V's treatments have been predicated upon her QOL always; she managed to have a great life for three years on just EN, but after she started with new sx I consented to add Humira for the 3mo trial.

If you do end up needing EN, I can vouch for its efficacy. I would use it even if I had to pay for it myself as some on here must do when ins won't cover. I'm that much of a believer in it.
Just wanted to say welcome to you! My daughter is currently on LDN and we are keeping our fingers crossed.
Azathioprine (Imuran) does cause photosensitivity and I have read on the forum before of it not only increasing the risk of sunburn but some people do seem to get the itching when exposed to the sun as well.

Both of my children are on Imuran, my daughter for 5 & 1/2 years and my son for 15 months and neither of them have had any issues. :)

Dusty. :heart:
Just wanted to welcome you to the forum. I am glad you have found us. It is good to know you are not alone.

I am pleased that things are going well with the treatments. But I know it is still hard emotionally. Feel free to share when you are having a bad day/worrying/feeling stressed. It helps!

Take care of yourself.

Welcome mom of the twins and Twiggy! It does seem (at least on here) that ten years old is a very common age for crohns dx. My son was dxed at 10 in Dec. of 09. He's been on 6mp the first year which is a form of Aza and Humira this last year. He has had very few crohns issues since beginning treatments. I hope both of your sons respond well to whatever treatments they are on. I know the fears of starting anything new but I fear crohns return worse. Good luck to you both!!

My son has also done EN therapy since diagnosis in May. It quickly brought his disease under control and, once he rebuilt his strength and weight, he was certainly back to his activities (two ice hockey teams and then ball hockey) - thus far, Crohns has not held him back! :)

I am also very happy that Stephen was given EN as his initial treatment; he has always been a picky eater so, in addition to controlling his Crohns, has given me peace of mind that he is receiving the nutrients he needs!

I hope Hunter continues to do well with his treatments!! :) :)
Hi Momoftwinboys,
I have twin boys as well (fraternal) and one, Garrison, was dx with Crohn's when he was 11. We are now questioning the diagonsis since his surgery on 2/1 but I do know what it is like to have boys who have always been alike and now very different. Garrison have always been thinner, but was usually a little bit taller. Currently there is a 5 inch and 50 lb. difference. The boys have been great about accepting their difference and I am amazed at how compassionate Garrison's twin has been.
This board has been wonderful, I am glad you found it.

Take care,
Hi Momoftwinboys,

I am also new to this forum with a 10 year old boy that's just been diagnosed with Crohn's. His Dr. has also recommended Aza so I look forward to hearing how your son does with it.

I can certainly relate to feeling like I've been thrown for a loop! I'm still feeling shocked and very overwhelmed. We have to keep reminding ourselves to just take it one day at a time I guess. This forum is going to be such a great help!

Seriously there seems to be a disproportionate number of dx at ages 9-12. WTH?

Do you guys know that the incidence of IBD in the under 18 crowd went from 10% of all dx cases to 25% in the last twenty years? This stat is from Baldassano at CHOP. He was speaking of how rare IBD in peds used to be, that a regular ped would go his whole career and not see a case, and that it is now one of the MORE COMMON dx in kids.
Seriously there seems to be a disproportionate number of dx at ages 9-12. WTH?

Do you guys know that the incidence of IBD in the under 18 crowd went from 10% of all dx cases to 25% in the last twenty years? This stat is from Baldassano at CHOP. He was speaking of how rare IBD in peds used to be, that a regular ped would go his whole career and not see a case, and that it is now one of the MORE COMMON dx in kids.

Those are crazy stats! Makes you wonder if it's a food/environmental induced disease. Our babies shouldn't have to be dealing with these type of issues at such a young age :-(.
I'm too dumb to link the vid but if you search for Baldassano at CHOP it's a webcast thing wherein he talks about this...I think it was on CCFA website...
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Dusty, it may be, I can't view it though, it says one must register first...:tinfoil:
( I just loved this smiley Yes smilies make me happy)

Sorry I didn't respond sooner, I was out of town and did not check my email for a few days.

Johnny is doing well on his meds. The Dr. said he is officially in remission now. :) He no longer has a low White Blood Count due to his 6mp but his levels were still high so they have him take it every other day now. He hasn't gained any weight since he went off the prednisone and he eats like crazy so I am not totally convinced that he is completely "normal" again. We go to the Dr. next week and it is one of the things we need to discuss with him.

How is the Aza going? Has your son started it yet?

I hate that your son has this disease but I am glad we can all be here for each other.
This is very interesting since Caitlyn was diagnosed 4 days prior to her 11th birthday. Maybe it has something to do with autoimmune diseases popping up around puberty? Although thinking back Caitlyn did complain of stomach aches that were unexplained starting from age 5yo.
HI there,
Im Sheryl and my son Daniel was dx last summer after developing CD symptoms last winter when he was TEN! This does seem odd doesnt it?
He is on ENtercort, pentazza, and prilosec and we are currently trying to convince him to try acupuncture as he hasnt been well this winter.
Please keep the ideas and info coming,
it is comforting in an odd way to have this group.


Sorry I didn't respond sooner, I was out of town and did not check my email for a few days.

Johnny is doing well on his meds. The Dr. said he is officially in remission now. :) He no longer has a low White Blood Count due to his 6mp but his levels were still high so they have him take it every other day now. He hasn't gained any weight since he went off the prednisone and he eats like crazy so I am not totally convinced that he is completely "normal" again. We go to the Dr. next week and it is one of the things we need to discuss with him.

How is the Aza going? Has your son started it yet?

I hate that your son has this disease but I am glad we can all be here for each other.

Johnny s mom,
We are new to the 6mp regimen........when u say the WBC is not low anymore....is that good or bad? I thought 6 mp was supposed to make it a little low......also when you said his levels were still high do you mean his liver enzymes? We r having that issue as well.....we are about to reduce his 6 mp to. 50 one day......25 the next.........lately he has not seemed himself and all of the sudden he is not pooping anymore....this being 1 month after steroids completed.....I'm worried his symptoms are returning despite the 6 mp...and I'm obsessing over his-liver enzymes.......87 after 2 weeks....150 after 4 weeks.......any thoughts?
Our doc told us upon diagnosis that there was an increase in the rate of diagnosis for both the 10-13 age group and 5 and under. Would love to see a study regarding it...
White blood cell count is suppose to be lowered but if it gets below 4 then it is considered Leukopenia and 6 mp has to be stopped. Johnny's was at a 5 so it was getting too low.

When I said his levels were still too high I meant the level of 6mp in his system. The Dr. said it isn't causing any side effects but that his levels were higher than what the therapeutic range was so we now give his meds every other day.

When his liver enzymes were high they cut his dose in half and added allopurinol. It is a counter indicated medication but it is used with 6mp to help with metabolization. I am not really smart enough to understand exactly how the two work together but if you look it up you can get some information on it. It was the only reason my son could stay on 6mp. We go back next week to see if everything is still going well. I have never gotten any specific numbers on his liver enzymes so I don't really know how high they were.

Sounds like your son has constipation? Johnny does too and he needs to be on Miralax to control it. He is considered to be in remission so I don't think it has anything to do with his disease. My husband and other child run that way too so the Miralax just helps to keep his bm's small other wise they are large and very painful for him.

Sorry my post was a bit confusing. Maybe mention Allopurinol to your Dr.? Just make sure they cut the 6mp dose in half if they start him on it.

...and Dutch (I mean Donna ;)) I see that you are in Syracuse...do you go to Upstate? I wish my daughter was a bit older...she has also expressed an interest in meeting kids her age with ibd.
My son, Daniel, hasnt met anyone his age with CD and I agree it would help him as he is so lost right now...He sent me a text fr the bathroom at school yesterday and I had to go get him because he couldnt stay out of the bathroom..It is the last thing I want to see on my phone and he was so distraught!
I would love to see a chart with age dx in the last five years vs ten or twenty years ago. I think the bell curve is getting earlier.
From a study done in France:
Results A total of 12 084 incident IBD cases (7428 Crohn's disease and 4656 ulcerative colitis) were recorded. Crohn's disease incidence rates increased from 5.2 cases/100 000 persons in 1988–1990 to 6.7 in 2006–2007 (+29%), stabilising after a peak at 7.1 in 1997–1999. Crohn's disease incidence rates in the 10–19-year age category increased by 71%, from 6.5 (1988–1990) to 11.1 (2006–2007). The frequency of initial ileo-colonic localisation increased from 52.9% in 1988–1990 to 68.6% in 2006–2007 (P < 0.0001). Ulcerative colitis incidence rates decreased during the same period.
Conclusions From 1988 to 2007, Crohn's disease incidence increased by 29% in

From Cimzia:

For reasons unknown, Crohn's disease (CD) is largely a disease of the developed world, with most cases of CD appearing in Europe and the United States. As many as 1.4 million persons in the United States and 2.2 million persons in Europe suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).1 The total number of cases of CD and ulcerative colitis (UC) are approximately equal. Substantial increases in both UC and CD incidence and prevalence have been noted in North America and Western Europe since the Second World War.2 Additionally, CD and UC seem to be more prevalent in urban than rural areas.3
The estimated incidence of CD in North America is between 3.1 and 14.6 new cases per 100,000 person-years.1 Prevalence ranges from 26 to 199 cases per 100,000 people.1

With extrapolation of this data to the entire populations of the United States and Canada in 2003, between 10,000 and 47,000 people are diagnosed with CD in North America each year.1
An interesting observation is that in regions where incidence of IBD is increasing, the rising incidence of UC has seemed to precede that of CD by approximately 10 to 20 years. This observation has been made worldwide, in countries such as Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, the Faroe Islands, and the United States.2 Another trend is increasing presentation of colonic involvement in CD. Crohn's colitis first appeared in the 1960s. The regional ileitis first described by Dr. Crohn was described in 1932, and since that time, more and more patients have presented with CD that affects areas further down the GI tract.2
Crohn's disease (as well as UC) is commonly diagnosed in late adolescence and early adulthood, mainly between the ages of 15 and 35.3 Crohn's disease is diagnosed most frequently in patients in their 20s,4 and another peak in incidence may occur in patients over the age of 60.2 Approximately 10% of patients with CD in the United States are under the age of 18.3
I keep seeing these ages (15-35) but all of the citing is for studies from the 1990's.
..."it's thought that as many as 100000 kids younger than 18 years old have IBD."

ANyway, poll posted.
...and Dutch (I mean Donna ;)) I see that you are in Syracuse...do you go to Upstate? I wish my daughter was a bit older...she has also expressed an interest in meeting kids her age with ibd.

I tried to locate a local support group in Syracuse and couldn't find much information but I would think there are a lot of kids right here in central new York going through this ....it would be nice to get something up and running where local kids could get together occasionally in a group ...
I think that would be nice for parents and the kids to compare notes....
I wouldn't know how to begin organizing something like that but I sure would be interested in being a part of a local group.....
Can we do a poll on age at dx on here, just for the heck of it? Dusty?

Oops, sorry Julie...:redface:...I have been pretty much AWOL for the past few days. Thanks Ang for setting it up. :)

Dusty. xxx