Thanks for all the great advice. I'm really impressed with all the response and help I got here and will definately check some of this out. First though let me clear up a few questions. Our GI did informed us that Entocort could have a high co-pay and we could switch to Prednisone if need be. He also informed that the Prednisone would have heavier side effects. Did not go into a lot of detail here so I and Kate's mother have been checking this on the internet. Her mother has not been happy with what we found. As "my little penquin" stated
"Pred is cheap but does have side effects including Cushing syndrome "
We also read the same and quite frankly Cushing Syndrom scared the hell out of us! Wikipedia says:
"associated with prolonged exposure to inappropriately high levels of the hormone cortisol."
Can anyone define; "prolonged exposure" and "inappropriately high levels"?
"Symptoms include rapid weight gain, particularly of the trunk and face with sparing of the limbs (central obesity). A common sign is the growth of fat pads along the collar bone and on the back of the neck (buffalo hump) and a round face often referred to as a "moon face."
That is not the transformation we want to put our 13 year old daughter through. That is not all the sides either. After her mother read this she was ready to take what little money she had in an emergency savings to buy her the Entocort. She has been on it now for just the second day and hasn't had a pain since 8:00 this morning. Her appitite seems better also --not to say that Prednisone wouldn't also work, but very scared of the side effects.
My questions are;
1. Are we overreacting to the possible side effects from Prednisone?
2. Are the side effects perminant or do they go away when you are off it?
3. If they go away how long does it take?
4. Anyone have experiece with these heavier side effects mentioned?
To start with, her GI says she will be on the steroids for 3 months. I will check with the company for assistance.